Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senate approves health care reform bill - CNN

Times Online

Senate approves health care reform bill


The Capitol awaits Senators' return before dawn Thursday to vote on final passage of a health care reform bill. Washington (CNN) -- The Senate has passed an $871 billion health care reform bill. Senators voted 60-39 shortly after 7 am to pass the bill, ...

Senate passes healthcare overhaul

Los Angeles Times

Senate Passes Health-Care Bill

W »

Air conditioning service Anchorage

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nelson Says More Senators Seeking Special Treatment in Light of Nebraska Deal - FOXNews

Globe and Mail

Nelson Says More Senators Seeking Special Treatment in Light of Nebraska Deal


Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, who has faced a heap of criticism for appearing to trade his vote on health care for millions in federal Medicaid money, said he's considering asking that the Nebraska deal be stripped from the bill. But he said other senators ...

Health Interests Spend More Than $600 Million to Sway Congress


Special deals, carve-outs keep health care afloat


Porked Up and Loving It

W »

Monday, December 21, 2009

President Barack Obama hails US Senate healthcare vote - BBC News

Globe and Mail

President Barack Obama hails US Senate healthcare vote

BBC News

US President Barack Obama has hailed the Senate's healthcare vote as a "big victory for the American people". Senators voted in the early hours of Monday to end debate on a compromise bill, putting the legislation on course to face a final vote on ...

The Price Is Right? Payoffs for Senators Typical in Health Care Bill


Democrats Pin 2010 Hopes on Bill

W »

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nelson Accused of Selling Vote on Health Bill for Nebraska Pay-Off - FOXNews

Nelson Accused of Selling Vote on Health Bill for Nebraska Pay-Off


What started as Sen. Ben Nelson's personal stand against covering abortion with taxpayer money translated, somehow, into millions of dollars in federal aid for his home state -- drawing criticism that his vote was bought. What started as Sen. ...

Obama Camp Predicts Health Bill Will Pass Soon

W »

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lone Democratic holdout in Senate agrees to back healthcare bill - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Lone Democratic holdout in Senate agrees to back healthcare bill

Los Angeles Times

Party leaders reach a deal with Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson on abortion restrictions, giving them the 60 votes they need to quash Republican-led filibusters. By Noam N. Levey and Janet Hook Reporting from Washington - With a critical vote looming this ...

Senate Dems reach 60 vote threshold on health bill

The Associated Press

Democrats Clinch a Deal on Health Bill

New York Times

US Democrats win 60th vote on health bill


Christian Science Monitor -Bloomberg -Washington Post


Friday, December 18, 2009

Obama Urges World to Unite Behind Climate Pact as Talks Falter - Voice of America

Obama Urges World to Unite Behind Climate Pact as Talks Falter

Voice of America

US President Barack Obama told world leaders at the final day of the Copenhagen climate change conference Friday it is time for 'the nations of the world to come together behind a common purpose.' Photo: AP Noting that time is running out Friday, ...

President Obama warns leaders over climate summit deal

BBC News

Progress reported in climate talks after Obama meets with Chinese leader

Los Angeles Times

8 questions about the last day of Copenhagen climate talks

Washington Post

New York Times -The Associated Press -AFP


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Liberals Ready to 'Fight' Over Concessions in Senate Health Bill - FOXNews


Liberals Ready to 'Fight' Over Concessions in Senate Health Bill


Liberal outrage over the Senate's health care reform bill is reaching a boiling point, with a number of organizations, unions and House Democrats warning that the watered-down version they see creeping toward a vote will not survive in its current form ...

Sealing the Senate deal

Los Angeles Times

Senate Republicans vow to delay health-care vote

Washington Post

Union frustrated with Senate health bill

The Associated Press

New York Daily News -W »

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

FTC Accuses Intel of Trying to Stifle Competition - New York Times

BBC News

FTC Accuses Intel of Trying to Stifle Competition

New York Times

The Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday sued the chip maker Intel, accusing it of using its dominant market position “to stifle competition and strengthen its monopoly.” In its complaint, the FTC accused the chip maker of a systematic ...

US FTC Sues Intel  »

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Up in the Air' leads Golden Globes with 6 noms - Washington Post

BBC News

'Up in the Air' leads Golden Globes with 6 noms

Washington Post

The Golden Globe Award nominations announced Tuesday morning were been dominated by the story of a man living his life in perpetual limbo. "Up in the Air" -- the critic »

Vinyl Siding Portsmouthd

Monday, December 14, 2009

Berlusconi Attack Prompts Italy Soul Searching - New York Times

Berlusconi Attack Prompts Italy Soul Searching

New York Times

By REUTERS ROME (Reuters) - Italians asked on Monday whether a dramatic physical attack on Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had been prompted by months of escalating political tension, insult hurling and a "climate of hatred" splitting their country. ...

Berlusconi Hospitalized After Attack

Voice of America

Berlusconi bloodied but unbowed

BBC News

Man charged over Berlusconi attack

CNN International

W »

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Copenhagen police release hundreds of detained activists -

Globe and Mail

Copenhagen police release hundreds of detained activists

Danish police have released hundreds of activists who were detained during a mass r »

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Obama applauds House passage of financial overhaul - The Associated Press


Obama applauds House passage of financial overhaul

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON â€" President Barack Obama on Saturday applauded House passage of an ambitious restructuring of federal financial regulations designed to correct failures that led to the economic meltdown. He c »

Friday, December 11, 2009

Analysis: Obama's case for war in support of peace - The Associated Press

Analysis: Obama's case for war in support of peace

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON â€" Barack Obama split the difference in his Nobel speech, laying down a doctrine that will likely define his presidency: a steadfast defense of warfare against evil, praise of nonviolence and exhortations for mankind to affirm the "spark of ...

Obama Defends 'Just War' at Oslo

W »

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize protocol breach irks Norway - BBC News

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize protocol breach irks Norway

BBC News

US President Barack Obama has irked some Norwegians for truncating a three-day schedule of events organised around his receipt over the Nobel Peace Prize. Mr Obama will spend only 24 hours in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, because of his busy schedule. ...

Barack Obama receives Nobel Peace Prize

Obama's Nobel snub angers Norwegians

Obama arrives in Norway to accept Nobel Peace Prize


Voice of America -Los Angeles Times


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Climate Conference Begins to Feel Pressure of the Clock - New York Times


Climate Conference Begins to Feel Pressure of the Clock

New York Times

Protesters dressed as aliens in Copenhagen on Tuesday demanded action on climate change. More Photos > By ANDREW C. REVKIN and JAMES KANTER COPENHAGEN â€" Hundreds of government functionaries awoke on Wednesday feeling the rising pressure of a weekend ...

Climate documents spark rich vs. poor clash

The Associated Press

Africa to demand compensation at climate change summit


The ugly side of climate politics

ABC Online -AFP


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On board the climate express -

Globe and Mail

On board the climate express

But few of those can be as proud of their journey's carbon footprint as those arriving bleary-eyed on Saturday night after 12 hours on the Climate Express â€" a train from Brussels to Copenhagen. ...

Copenhagen climate summit: UN optimistic about climate change deal

uk's Brown Wants Deeper European Emissions Cuts

ABC News

G77 and China criticize West for shifting responsibility on climate change


BBC News -New York Daily News -New York Times


Monday, December 7, 2009

Ed Miliband: climate change deniers are 'profoundly irresponsible' -

Ed Miliband: climate change deniers are 'profoundly irresponsible'

Ed Miliband: 'This is a clear scientific effect people are talking about.' Photograph: David Levene Ed Miliband, the climate change secretary, today said critics who argue that climate change is not the result of human actions are "profoundly ...

UN climate conference opens in Copenhagen

The Associated Press

Copenhagen climate summit: who's who

Who Wants What in Copenhagen

W »

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Obama to meet with Senate Democrats to push health care - CNN

ABC News

Obama to meet with Senate Democrats to push health care


President Obama r »

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Exclusive: Amanda Knox's Family Says Judge Couldn't Look Them in the Eyes - ABC News

Sydney Morning Herald

Exclusive: Amanda Knox's Family Says Judge Couldn't Look Them in the Eyes

ABC News

The family of Amanda Knox was furious today that an Italian court convicted her of murder and said the judge, who was part of the jury and read the verdict, couldn't look them in the eye. Italian jury convicts Amanda Knox in the death ...

'She-devil' Knox and lover guilty

BBC News

American student Amanda Knox found guilty of murder

Kansas City Star

Amanda Knox's aunt says hearing verdict was 'gut-wrenching'

CNN International

Seattle Times


Friday, December 4, 2009

Hillary Clinton expects Nato Afghanistan troop pledges - BBC News

ABC News

Hillary Clinton expects Nato Afghanistan troop pledges

BBC News

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she is confident Nato countries will pledge extra troops to help efforts in Afghanistan. "The response has been positive," Mrs Clinton said as she headed to Brussels, where she is joining Nato talks. ...

Germany, France Face Rising Pressure on Troops for Afghanistan


NATO chief:  »

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Italy 'to send 1000 extra troops' to Afghanistan - BBC News

ABC Online

Italy 'to send 1000 extra troops' to Afghanistan

BBC News

The moves comes two days after US President Barack Obama announced a US surge and as Nato foreign ministers meet in Brussels for two days of talks. Barack Obama has asked Nato  »

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge - Reuters

USA Today

Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge


"Even if they bring the whole of America, they won't be able to stabilise Afghanistan," said the young construction worker out on a Kabul street corner on Wednesday morning. "Only Afghans understand our traditions, geography and way ...

Obama outlines troop buildup, withdrawal plan for Afghan war

CNN International

Obama's Afghanistan strategy counts on time as an  »

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Obama plans to send 30000 to 35000 more troops to Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Times Online

Obama plans to send 30000 to 35000 more troops to Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times

In his address Tuesday, the president is expected to emphasize that there are limits to the length of US military involvement in Afghanistan. Army troops patrol in October on the edge of Kandahar, where Taliban roots are deep. ...

Frequently asked questions about the mission in Afghanistan

CNN International

Obama to lay out long-awaited Afghan plan


Obama's Troop Increase Means He Now 'Owns' Unpopular Afghan War


Times Online -BBC News -Philadelphia Inquirer


Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama's Speech on Afghanistan to Envision Exit - New York Times

BBC News

Obama's Speech on Afghanistan to Envision Exit

New York Times

Senior administration officials said that the timetable will not be tied to particular conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. By PETER BAKER, ERIC SCHMITT and DAVID E. SANGER WASHINGTON â€" President Obama plans to lay out a time frame for winding down ...

U.S. Cool to Surge in Afghanistan's Own Force

W »

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bomb pieces steer Russian inquiry toward terror plot - Washington Post

Bomb pieces steer Russian inquiry toward terror plot

Washington Post

Russian investigators discovered traces of an improvised bomb Saturday on the rail line between Moscow and St. Petersburg, where a train derailment killed at least 26 people in what appeared to be the nation's worst terrorist attack in ...

Russia says homemade bomb caused deadly train derailment

Los Angeles Times

Train traffic resumes after deadly train crash in northwest Russia

RIA Novosti

Russia blames terrorists as dozens killed in train crash

W »