Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama Meeting With Gates, Crowley Was Productive, Jarrett Says - Bloomberg

USA Today

Obama Meeting With Gates, Crowley Was Productive, Jarrett Says


Aug. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, said bringing Harvard University scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the police officer who arrested him to the White House was productive even if the ...

Gates sends flowers to woman who c »

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Analysis: White House beers a way to change topic - The Associated Press

ABC News

Analysis: White House beers a way to change topic

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON â€" "If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose," the comedic philosopher Jack Handey once theorized. A messy eureka moment like that wasn't the point for the White House beer drinkers ...

Gates, Crowley Join With Obama at White House 'Beer Summit'

Washington Post

Gates, Crowley Join Obama for Hotly-Anticipated Happy Hour

W »

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor wins backing of Senate committee - Los Angeles Times

Sonia Sotomayor wins backing of Senate committee

Los Angeles Times

The Senate Judiciary Committee mostly sticks to party lines in a 13-6 vote. The full Senate is expected to confirm the appointment next week. By David G. Savage and Mark Silva Reporting from Washington -- Judge Sonia Sotomayor, poised to become the ...

Senate panel OKs Sotomayor, sends to full chamber

! USA Today

Senate Panel Endorses Sotomayor in 13-6 Vote

New York Times

Senate Panel Votes in Favor of Sotomayor

Washington Post

CNN -BBC News -Salt Lake Tribune


Monday, July 27, 2009

As China, US begin high-level talks, Obama urges cooperation on ... - Los Angeles Times

Straits Times

As China, US begin high-level talks, Obama urges cooperation on ...

Los Angeles Times

With its investment in Treasury securities, China plays a major role in the US economy. The president touches on the recession, as well as energy and nuclear arms. By Jim Puzzanghera Reporting from Washington -- President Obama began two days of ...

China-US economic talks kick off

BBC News

Obama c »

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Let's dispel the myths holding up needed health care reform - Kansas City Star

ABC News

Let's dispel the myths holding up needed health care reform

Kansas City Star

By The Kansas City Star Editorial Board The problem is enormous in scope and at the same time intensely personal. The nation's economy, the federal deficit, state budgets and employers' payrolls are  »

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gates' Liberal College Town No Stranger to Racial Dust-Ups - ABC News

ABC News

Gates' Liberal College Town No Stranger to Racial Dust-Ups

ABC News

The arrest of an African-American professor at his home near Harvard University gives a rare view into racial tensions in a seemingly unlikely place: America's ivory tower and its liberal environs. ...

Police unions don't get apology from Obama, but happy with reversal

New York Daily News

Arrest of Gates also shines a light on 'disorderly conduct' laws

Los Angeles Times

Gates isn't the face of racial profiling

Chicago Sun-Times

Baltimore Sun -Philadelphia Inquirer -Detroit Free Press


Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama on health bill: 'This has to get done' - USA Today

Times Online

Obama on health bill: 'This has to get done'

USA Today

By Paul J. Richards, AFP/Getty Images By Mimi H »

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Longest 21st century solar eclipse wows millions - Reuters

Times Online

Longest 21st century solar eclipse wows millions


VARANASI, India/WUHAN, China, July 22 (Reuters) - A total solar eclipse began its flight on Wednesday across a narrow swathe of Asia, where hundreds of millions of people watched the skies darken despite thick summer ...

Total eclipse envelops Asia in darkness


Asia watche! s long solar eclipse

BBC News

Solar eclipse shrouds Asia in cloak of darkness


Bloomberg -The Associated Press -Voice of America


Monday, July 20, 2009

Conservative Leaders Deplore Proposed Health-Care Reform - Washington Post

Washington Post

Conservative Leaders Deplore Proposed Health-Care Reform

Washington Post

Emboldened by both Democratic division and polls showing rising public anxiety about President Obama's policies, Republicans are launching an aggressive attack on the health-care bills moving through Congress, accusing the president ...

Obama ch »

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Officials Say Captive Soldier Shown on Taliban Video Is Bowe ... - ABC News

Los Angeles Times

Officials Say Captive Soldier Shown on Taliban Video Is Bowe ...

ABC News

Department of Defense officials confirmed the identity of a captured American soldier in a video posted online Saturday by the Taliban. Detained and scared, US GI is questioned by captors on tape. Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, 23, ...

US soldier captured by Taliban: 'I'm afraid'


US names soldier in Taliban video

BBC News

Captured US soldier in Taliban video: Held by Haqqani network?

Christian Science Monitor

The Associated Press -Reuters -Bloomberg


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Obama: Don't squander chance to reform health care - The Associated Press


Obama: Don't squander chance to reform health care

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON â€" President Barack Obama told the nation Saturday his health care overhaul is financi »

Friday, July 17, 2009

House Democratic leaders pledge healthcare progress - Reuters


House Democratic leaders pledge healthcare progress


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the US House of Representatives on Friday hailed "historic" progress on healthcare legislation and pledged to continue momentum to deliver on President Barack Obama's vow of reform. ...

A look at the House Democrats' health bill

The Associated Press

House Panels Approve Health Plans

New York Times

House panel passes health bill, critics slam cost

Washington Post

FOXNews -U.S. News & World Report -Reuters


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sen. Grassley Questions Judge Sotomayor at Supreme Court ... - Washington Post

Sen. Grassley Questions Judge Sotomayor at Supreme Court ...

Washington Post

GRASSLEY: Good morning, Justice -- Judge Sotomayor. Yesterday, you said you would take a look at Baker v. Nelson, so I ask this question. You said you hadn't read Baker in a long time and would report back. You added that if Baker was precedent, ...

Sotomayor's rulings 'gener »

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sotomayor: Judges look at specific cases, not broad policies - CNN

New York Times

Sotomayor: Judges look at specific cases, not broad policies


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor avoided direct answers Wednesday to persistent questions about her personal views on abortion and gun control by repeatedly saying she needed the specific circumstances of a case in order to ...

Sotomayor Back in the Hot Seat

Washington Post!

Sotomayor hearing: Deja vu

USA Today

Obama didn't ask abortion views, Sotomayor says

The Associated Press

BBC News -Bloomberg -Los Angeles Times


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sotomayor Faces Questions on Day Two of Hearings - Washington Post

Sotomayor Faces Questions on Day Two of Hearings

Washington Post

Sonia Sotomayor explains the context of her controversial 2001 statement, saying that she was trying to inspire Latino students "to believe that they can become anything that they wanted to become, just as I had.'' Comments that include profanity or ...

Sotomayor accepts gun rights decision


Sotomayor hearings, live

USA Today

Sotomayor explains her wise Latina' comment

The Associated Press -Bloomberg -Voice of America


Monday, July 13, 2009

Sotomayor's a slam dunk, say Obama, Schumer on eve of ... - New York Daily News

ABC News

Sotomayor's a slam dunk, say Obama, Schumer on eve of ...

New York Daily News

President Obama c »

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In personal terms, Obama hails Africa's promise - The Associated Press

In personal terms, Obama hails Africa's promise

The Associated Press

ACCRA, Ghana (AP) â€" America's president and Africa's son, Barack Obama dashed with pride onto the continent of his ancestors Saturday, ch »

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama Wins More Food Aid but Presses African Nations on Corruption - New York Times

BBC News

Obama Wins More Food Aid but Presses African Nations on Corruption

New York Times

President Obama and the first lady greeted President John Atta Mills of Ghana and his wife, Ernestina Naadu Mills, left, in the capital, Accra, on Friday. By PETER BAKER and RACHEL DONADIO ACCRA, Ghana â€" President Obama told African countries on Friday ...

Obama has full day in Ghana

T! he Associated Press

Africa Trip Highlights Obama's Ch »

Thursday, July 9, 2009

China's Xinjiang braces for Muslim day of prayer - Reuters

ABC News

China's Xinjiang braces for Muslim day of prayer


URUMQI, China (Reuters) - Ethnic tensions in China's far-west Xinjiang shift from the streets to mosques of the regional capital on Friday, with many Uighur Muslims saying the authorities would not let them observe their main day of ...

Turkey: Visa for a Uighur Leader

New York Times


Chinese try to heal psychological wounds of unrest

The Associated Press

China bans Friday Prayers in Urumqi mosques


Times Online -AFP -Voice of America


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

G-8 Summit Fails to Agree on Targets in Climate Plan - New York Times

Times Online

G-8 Summit Fails to Agree on Targets in Climate Plan

New York Times

President Obama and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France during a round table session at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy, on Wednesday. By PETER BAKER L'AQUILA, Italy â€" The world's major industrial nations and newly emerging powers failed to agree ...

G8 Summit Focused on Economy, Climate Change

Voice of America

Leaders of developing nations shun plan to cut greenhouse gases in ...

Los Angeles Times

Obama, G-8 leaders agree on climate target

The Associated Press -BBC News -Reuters


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson memorial shared online -

Michael Jackson memorial shared online

By Helen AS Popkin Two out of three Americans are so tot »

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama Arrives in Moscow to Seek Arms Control Deal - New York Times

Times Online

Obama Arrives in Moscow to Seek Arms Control Deal

New York Times

MOSCOW â€" President Obama arrived in Moscow Monday for a summit meeting with Russian leaders that is aimed at reaching an agreement to cut stockpiles of nuclear warheads, but is also expected to touch on the war in ...

Obama in Moscow for arms talks

Los Angeles Times

Obama's Russia visit to bring over $1.5 bln in deals


Obama arrives in Russia, confident of progress

Washington Post

Voice of America -AFP -CNN


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Joe Biden slap shot at Sarah Palin: Says quittin' gov isn't any victim - New York Daily News


Joe Biden slap shot at Sarah Palin: Says quittin' gov isn't any victim

New York Daily News

Vice President Biden rejected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's complaint that she was the victim of political blood sport yesterday - a day after she stunned the nation with her abrupt resignation. Asked if he agreed with Palin's contention, ...

Palin's speech had shades of Nixon, circa '62

Los Angeles Times

Weary Palin Sought to Regain Control

Washington Post

If White House Is Her Goal, Palin's Route Is Risky

New York Times

BBC News -Waterloo Cedar F »