Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

World Cup: Ghana defeats the US, 2-1, in overtime - Los Angeles Times

ABC Online

World Cup: Ghana defeats the US, 2-1, in overtime

Los Angeles Times

Americans f »

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gates says he agrees with Obama decision on McChrystal - CNN

BBC News

Gates says he agrees with Obama decision on McChrystal


By the CNN Wire Staff Defense Secretary Robert Gates, left, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal confer in Kabul, Afghanistan, in March. NEW: Defense chief says he backs president's decision on Gen. Stanley McChrystal Robert Gates: Tapping Gen. ...

In Afghanistan, Petraeus will have difficulty replicating his Iraq success

Washington Post

Petraeus a tough chief, say US troops in Afghanistan


Afghanistan war: Top three ch »


Monday, June 21, 2010

High court upholds terrorism support law - Reuters


High court upholds terrorism support law


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a law that bars Americans from providing support to foreign terrorist groups, rejecting arguments that it violated constitutional rights of free speech and association. ...

Supreme Court upholds law against advising terrorists

Los Angeles Times

Supreme Court Affirms Ban on Aiding Groups Tied to Terror

New York Times

High court: Law banning 'support' of terror groups constitutional


W »


Saturday, June 19, 2010

For U.S., yuan talk is good, action is better - Reuters


For U.S., yuan talk is good, action is better


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China's unexpected pledge on Saturday to  »


Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP's Tony Hayward: Gulf oil spill 'never should have happened' - Washington Post


BP's Tony Hayward: Gulf oil spill 'never should have happened'

Washington Post

In prepared testimony before a House panel that is expected to question him harshly Thursday, BP chief executive Tony Hayward says the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico "never should have happened" and has left him ...

US Congress questions BP chief executive Tony Hayward

BBC News

BP Chief Hayward Set to Testify Before Congress

W »


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How Obama decided to expand offshore oil drilling - MiamiHerald.com

The Hindu

How Obama decided to expand offshore oil drilling


WASHINGTON -- Weeks before the world had ever heard of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, President Barack Obama stood in the Roosevelt Room of the White House poring over maps of oil drilling sites in the Gulf of Mexico, ...

Heat on BP to improve oil spill response


Coast Guard: BP must pick up pace

Detroit Free Press

Coast Guard Orders BP to Speed Up Cleanup

New York Times

New York Daily News -The Associated Press



Thursday, June 10, 2010

As Pressure Rises, BP Tries to Reassure Investors - New York Times

BBC News

As Pressure Rises, BP Tries to Reassure Investors

New York Times

The oil giant BP tried to reassure investors Thursday that it had the financial flexibility to handle the growing costs of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The statement came as BP tried to defend itself against ...

BP Shares Sink Amid Oil Spill Bankruptcy Chatter

ABC News

As spill costs mount, BP shares tumble anew


Obama meets with the first victims of Gulf Coast oil spill

USA Today

The Associated Press -Newsweek -BBC News



Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama: I would have fired BP chief by now - msnbc.com

The Hindu

Obama: I would have fired BP chief by now


President Barack Obama would have fired BP's CEO Tony Hayward over controversial comments downplaying the Gulf oil spill รข€" if the executive had been working for him. During an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC's TODAY to be broadcast Tuesday, ...

Bill would make oil companies pay

Boston Globe

Obama lambastes BP boss Hayward

BBC News

Obama to Reopen Oil Drilling

W »


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Israeli soldiers board Gaza-bound aid ship - ABC Online


Israeli soldiers board Gaza-bound aid ship

ABC Online

Israeli forces have seized an Irish-owned ship bound for Gaza, boarding the Rachel Corrie close to the Gaza shore. "The ship has been boarded and there was full compliance from the crew and passengers on board," a spokeswoman for the Israeli Defence ...

Israeli Forces Threaten to Board Gaza Aid Ship

Voice of America

Gaza-bound boat will be boarded if necessary, warns Israel

The Hindu

Israel threatens to board Gaza-bound aid ship


BBC News -Irish Times -Xinhua


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pressure Grows on Israel Following Flotilla Raid - Voice of America


Pressure Grows on Israel Following Flotilla Raid

Voice of America

Photo: AP Pressure is growing on Israel after its commandos raided a flotilla of aid ships that were trying to break a blockade on Gaza and killed at least nine activists. Israel has begun sending home some of the nearly 700 pro-Palestinian activists ...

Flotilla takes media centre-stage


'Next time we'll use more force'

Jerusalem Post

Man charged over Gaza aid ship protest outside BBC

BBC News

Times Online -The Associated Press -Ynetnews

