Saturday, December 31, 2011

South Suburban Computer Club Meeting – Inserting Tables and Graphs in ... - TribLocal

South Suburban Computer Club Meeting â€" Inserting Tables and Graphs in ...


By Joe Hendrickson Yesterday at 1:34 pm The Chicago Computer Society South Suburban Computer Club New Users SIG meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 3, 2012, will feature a presentation on Microsoft Word 2010 with an emphasis on how to insert and ...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Standing in the gap their big thing - Portland Tribune

Portland Tribune

Standing in the gap their big thing

Portland Tribune

The coaches asked Heimuli and fellow sophomore Wade Keliikipi to use their big bodies to take up blockers and free up other defensive players. Heimuli says his strategy is to “cover the two 'A' gaps, so they'll double- and triple-team me. ...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Philip Freedman, a broker with Flagstone said he would not identifythe buyer, whichh operates a Florida-based real estatd investment company. The sale closed as negotiations were being finalized totrade O’Neal from the Phoenix Suns to the Clevelandd Cavaliers. Freedman said Friday that the buyer was attractedx becausethe 2.5-acre, waterfront site is “a spectaculard piece of land” and intended it for “personal O’Neal paid $19.8 millionb for the property that included $1 million in Former center Rony Seikaly also owned the home at one The 7-foot-1 center, who helped bring an NBA championshilp to the Miami had tried several times to sell the house.
The first time O’Neak put it on the the price tag was morethan $30 million, but was soon pullec off the market. The price eventually dropped to $22.5 million. Both New York Yankeed slugger Alex Rodriguez and aTony award-winning Broadway producer had contracts fall through. providerd O’Neal with two mortgages on the propertytotalingg $15 million. The island has been home to Sean Comb s andGloria Estefan.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largest metrosinto 20-city segments, ranging from “strongest” to San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placex last in the “weakest” category. The Cincinnat i metropolitan area ranked 62 of 100metros overall, just behin Minneapolis, according to the first-quartefr MetroMonitor report, released Wednesday. That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category.
MetroMonitor ranked citiesw according tofour indicators: the percent changd in employment from its peak to first-quartee 2009; the percentage change in the unemploymentt rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009; the percen t change in gross metropolitan product from its peak to 1Q 2009; and the percentg change in housing prices from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009. The grosxs metropolitan product is the total value of goode and services produced within themetrio area. Cincinnati ranked 50th of 100 for changdin employment, down 2.8 percent from its peak; 56th for year-over-yeard change in unemployment, up 3.6 percent; 78th for GMP, down 4.4 and 37th for year-over-year housing price up 0.1 percent.
Two cities in the regioj fared better: Columbus was 40th, at the botton of the “second-strongest” category. Indianapolis was 42nd, ranking at No.2 in the category. Other area metros in the second-weakest category included Cleveland, Louisville, 65th; Akron, 74th; and 79th. Youngstown (88th) and Toledo (91st) both fell into the category. The MetroMonitor will be published according to the Metropolitan Policy Program at To read thecomplete report, .

Friday, December 23, 2011

Investment group plans $50M project - Charlotte Business Journal:
The Mooresville-based investment company says the $50 million projectr will create 150 jobs innortu Charlotte. According to a rezoning application filed with the city of the project calls for indoor andoutdoor retail, a 150-room restaurants, offices, conference space and indoor and outdoor kartingb and racing. Charlotte City Council will vote June 15 on theproposeds rezoning. If the application is approved, the site will be callef “Metrolina Speed and Sport The first phase of the project is slated for completionhin April.
“Our goal is to create an affordable familhy racing and entertainment destination with an amateur sports focusx and we believe Charlotte is the prim locationfor it,” says Simon Weber, president of Speedwag Investment Group. “We are committed to revitalizing the propertty in a way thatcelebratezs Metrolina’s rich history, embraces green technology and attractds national and international sports competitions as well as tourism dollars.” Wes Jones, president of of Charlottew has been named architect on the project. The Metrolinwa Expo property totals more than 135 acres and includez parkingfor 20,000 The site is on Old Statesville Road in the Derit a community.
Speedway Investment Group was foundedc in 2008 for the specifi c purpose of redeveloping the Metrolina site and creating an amateutsports destination.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Queen's pays $2.5M to settle Feds' claims - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
million to settle lawsuits thatalleged Hawaii’s larges hospital overbilled government health care programs for prescriptiom medications, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. The settlement was the resulft of two whistleblower lawsuits broughft by formerpharmacy technicians, who alleged that Queen’s overbilled the state’s Medicare and Medicaied programs, as well as the federal health insurance prograk for military dependents, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Edwarc H. Kubo Jr.
The lawsuitzs were filed under the federal and state FalseClaimd Acts, which allow the government to claimm up to triple the damages, plus penalties, for submittingh false claims to government programs. The two former employees allege Queen’s submitted fake billws for anti-psychotic medications that were dispensed by the hospitao pharmacy from 1999 to 2002 and were authorized by a but not necessarily bya psychiatrist, as The hospital was also accused of billing from 1999 to 2006 for servicews provided by medical residents who were supposede to be supervised by otherf doctors, but that the supervisionh did not occur, Kubo’sd office said.
Under the settlement, Queen’s paid $2 million to the federal whichshared $400,000 of the proceeds with the two former employees, and $500,000 to the attorneys for the two Queen’s will also maintain a compliance program to ensur e its billings conform to the rules for five yearsd under a corporate integrity agreement with the U.S. Departmentt of Health and Human Services. Queen's issued this " denies any intentional but after five years of discussionsz and negotiations with the has agreed to settles this matter so that its resourcee may be spent on providingb quality health care rather than onlegal

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tennessee lenders so far steering clear of ARC loan program for small businesses - San Francisco Business Times:
As of July 6, 251 loans were fundef with a valueof $8.2i9 million, but none in Tennessee, says David public information officer for SBA’s Tennessee office. “Atf this point I don’t know of in Tennessee, he says. “Banks are in a training phase; they have a learnintg curve.” Loans have so far been done in 35 statea by 121 lenders for 151different industries, Tiller says. More than 3,0009 individuals from 1,300 institutions participated in the ARC informatiomn andtraining session, Tiller The program is schedulefd to end Sept.
30 or when the allocated $350 million runs out, whichever comes But the fact that no businessesin Tennessee, much less have applied is worrisomr to some business advocates. “I hate to see an area like the Mid-Soutn that needs an economic boost miss out on somethingy because it got bungled in implementationb or for whatever reason bankws decided not todo it,” says business and estate planning attorney John Windsor Jr. with Windsor Law Firm PLC. Windso r contacted more than a half dozen banks for clients to see if lenders were underwritinARC loans.
Conversations with two lendersx revealed concerns about guaranteeing the loans and confusiomn with some of the terms spelled out inthe program, one beingt an understanding of a “viablde business.” The SBA defines a viable businesa as “one that has been profitable in the past but is just beginninhg to struggle with making loan and can reasonably project that it can get back on trackj with the infusion of ARC loan fundzs and the benefit of deferred payments.” Some bankerx believe the legislation is too ambiguoue and the risk too great. “The thrusr was they just don’t know what they can and can’f do,” Windsor says.
Anthony Wilkinson, president and CEO of the Okla.-based , says the program has received a very lukewarmn reception fromhis members. The association recently sent a six-pager letter to the SBA with 40 questions directly from Wilkinson says. Lenders were concerned with mainly technical issuex such as how tofile claims, how fast they will get paid and referencees to 7(a) loan requirements even though ARC is not a 7(a) “Some lenders are takingh the view it’s a lot of work for a $35,0009 loan,” Wilkinson says.

Friday, December 16, 2011

StartupNation's 2009 top 200 leading moms in business - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
In an effort to honor the triumphs, tribulations and achievementd of moms running successful businessesacross America, launcheds its first annual , sponsored by , and set out in searc h of the top 200 moms in According to the Centet for Women's Business Research, there are 10.6 milliohn women-owned businesses in the United Statesd generating $2.5 trillion in annuakl revenue. With women starting businesses at nearlyt twice the rateof men, it's no surprise that mother make up the fastest growing segment of new businessw owners.
The thousands of contestantse in this first annual competition illustrateed just how dynamic moms are in their adding color to the traditional 1950a mom portrayed in black and white TV The list ofthe —ranked ordered based on votes accumulated—has now been announced. The contestt clearly struck a chorf as the contestants reached out to their circlesa togenerate support. More than 620,000 votes came pouring in. The StartupNation editorial staff looked past the buzz and took its own tallh to identify the themes and trends commojn among the winning moms andtheir businesses. Perhaps those listed below will help explain whatmakee mom-owned businesses tick.
One thing that make moms so easy to love and so successful in business isthat they'rde motivated by more than just dollar signs. money is still a drivingv factor, but making a difference runs high on thelist and, many even trumps money. Authors Kira Gouldr and Lance Hosey address the topic of a greenedr gender intheir book, Womenb in Green, stating that studiee show that women are more likely than men to suppor t environmental causes through voting, activism and consumer choices. That conscientiousnesse often extends to the types of businesses moms choosdeto start.
Take the 50th ranked Margaret founder of Beaulily and creator ofthe , a soft fabrifc muff designed to provide warmth and activity for the elderly. Her inspiration for the TwiddleMufd came from her desire to ease the discomforr thather 90-year-old grandmother was sufferingg from due to the diminished use of her Although her grandmother providec her with the initial inspiration for the it's now the thousandes of customers benefitting from her creation that keep her motivated to continue. "Knowing that I've maybe made somebody's life a little more comfortable or easy makez it well worth the issues that I face as I go aboutg growingthis business," says Light.
She has since extended her productr line, incorporating cat and dog designs as well as differen t colors to meet the various demands of her growing listof customers. We came across several mom-owned businesses among the Top 200 wher e the childrenwere involved, but we were struck most by Yana Berlin, ranked #1 in the Top 200, launched , a sociap networking site geared toward womemn over 40, in 2006. Now, the site has thousands of members from around the world including theUnitee Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
And its successw is in large part due to her four children and nephea who help out with variousd aspects of the business ranginhg from helping her navigate the technical challenges of startingb a social networking site to spreading the word through publicx relations to keeping the businessw profitable with strategicfinanciakl budgets. Berlin never thought that Fabulously49 and Beyond would becomr afamily business, but it has - to the poinf that it's difficult for her familhy to talk about topics other than the Overall, the experience of startinb a business has been life-changing and has even inspirecd Berlin's eldest child to help other small businese owners with the public relations side of "Once children see their parents are doing something and they help their parents, it really sets them on the righr track.
" Berlin is not the only one to involver her children. Statistics show that familyu companies are responsible for 60 percent ofthe nation' s employment and 78 percent of new jobs created. evidence indicates that women-owned family businesses are better preparedd for transition scenarios and have higherr success rates than businesses controlled by theiemale counterparts. Victoria Colligan, founder of the women'x networking group, , and a promoter of this year'd Leading Moms in Business competitionhas noticed—as we did—how appealing it is to moms to wear the boss hat.
Calling the shots allows moms the flexibility and control they need to be the perenniall jugglersthey are. "Fo Moms, control over their lives, is the numbeer one reason they are inspirexto launch," says Colligan. This treasured flexibilityg isa trend, according to the Bureayu of Labor Statistics, which has confirmed that nearlt 26 percent of working women with children unde 18 work flexible schedules today comparedr with just 14 percent in 1991.
In searc h of flexibility, many moms turn to startingv their own businesses in order to obtain contropl overtheir schedules, stating that, despite the fact that startinyg and running a business can be an extremelg difficult task, they'd have it no otheer way. Nina Rodecker, founder of , is one such mom. ranked #3 among the top moms, had alwayds known that she wanted to start a businesds ofher own, but it wasn't untik she was pregnant and the cravingzs kicked in that she found her a catered cotton candy machine rental service.
Now, with an infant and a businessto nurture, she has found a way to make it all work in "I spin the cotton candy, returmn phone calls, reply to emailss when my baby's sleeping or when he's calm, I scheduls events and pick up orders when I know that there's no priort engagement, and I always allow extra time [to accounty for my] baby's crying," says Rodecker. Many mom-owner businesses are proving that some of the best businessesw are those that cater to hobbies women like to do at Take scrapbookingfor Scrapbooking.
com believes that the industry has the potentiakl to grow to $4 billion in the next ten In addition, with the down economgy forcing consumers to enjoy "staycations" and appreciate all that's home is becoming more of a treasurec place than ever. Kate Rothacker has found successd by creatinga home… away from As founder of the , ranked #22 in the Top 200 Leadin g Moms in Business, she offers her guests a scrapbookingy retreat where they can treasure their bond with others, and share meals The business is doing so well that Rothacker just opened a second location.
"Ig is something that [guests] want to remembe and come back to," says "They're looking for a place of comfort." On many of the main social networking sites, women outnumbet men by a considerable amount, but we also found that mom business owners are at the front of the curver when it comes to using sitesd like Facebook and email marketing solutionsfrom turn-keuy providers like to generate awarenesse for their businesses.
In anticipation of StartupNationprovided "Vote for Me" widgets that contestants could seamlessly incorporate into their emails, sociak networking profiles and Rothacker uses both social media and emaik marketing to get the word out about Cozy Crop House. She releaseed some of the first picturezs of the new locationb onher business's Facebooik page and created an exclusivs Yahoo! group for her past guests so that they coule network with each other.
It might be Rothacker'sa use of email marketing, though, that really helped her win the "It was a great way to ask peoplee to help spread the word to people who basically share the same interestswithout ‘Would you please tell peoplre about our business,'" says Rothacker. If the level of participation among contestants and voters in the firstr annual Leading Moms in Busines s competition isany indication, this is a hot sector of the smalll business economy. And it appears to be the ultra passionate moms that are creatingthat heat.
Being the cleveer marketers they are, contestants leveraged theidr participation in the competition as a way to generatee positive interest and awareness around their It helped that moms were able to monitod their progress in the competition by viewingtheir "popularity which ranged from "cool" to "on depending on the number of votes they had "There is certainly a bit of status connected with beinb on fire and that was very exciting," says Berlin, the winner by a was incredulous as her supporters carried her to the win.
And, perhapsw most importantly, Light enjoyex an increase in saless thanks to the interest and word of mouth that the competitiom generated forher business.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lower material costs an incentive for builders who have money to build - Memphis Business Journal:
In the past year, fuel pricwe upheaval caused the pricesof petro-dependent materials such as steel and shingles to spike and fall in Meanwhile, the cost of lumbe has dropped along with the demand for new buildings. construction costs are much lower rightf now than inrecent history, making it a tempting time to builr for those who have the Jim Whittington Jr., president of , says lumbef costs have fallen dramatically during the “Lumber is at record lows,” he says. “There’s just no demandd for it.” The average yearly price for framinh lumber per thousand board feetwas $252 in 2008, accordingh to Random Lengths, an industryh publication.
In 2004, the averagew price was $404. Whittington says the recession has causede a number of lumber mills to clos because of a lackof demand, but also because some companiess are trying to reduce supply in order to artificially boosf prices. Whittington says the businesz slowdown is nothing new for lumberyarda as the industry has been in a downward cycle for the lastthree years. “Naturally, our business is way he says.
Norris Bruff, owner of , says businesz has been slow for abouta year, with the main culpritx being lack of demand and fuel price High fuel affects more than just transportation costs, as many materialsx used in construction are petroleum based such as shingles, steel and “A lot of the productsa we sell have been severely affected by the pricew of fuel,” Bruff says. “Even thoughb business wasn’t great, prices have gone up.” For Bruff says last year they sold a square of shingleesfor $32.95, a product that now goes for “We’ve got the best of both worlds,” Bruff sarcastically. “Slow business and the pricse isgoing up.
” The most dramatic fluctuation in pricing has been for steel and steel-based products, says Wayne Smith, president of . “j haven’t seen anything that reallyg shocked me other than he says. “That affect a lot of things other thansteeol itself.” The price of steek has been difficult to predict. Mediuk steel sections per metric ton topped out in July at but have since dropped thanks to lowe rfuel costs, according to Medium steell sections cost $859 per metric ton in December 2007 but had droppefto $780 in December 2008. Lowefr labor and materials costs from the lack of demand make rightt now the best timeto build, says Chris president of , Inc.
“It’s a combination of everything right now,” he says. “We’ve seen decreases in materialk prices thatwe haven’t seen since 2000. Righf now, you can build a building at 2005 Accordingto Woods, the recent pricw drop has been the sharpest he has seen in his 35 yearz in the industry. “I don’t believe we will ever see building costs any less than theyare now,” he says. “u think once the economy turns around and building startsback up, we’rde going to see the rise in cost again.
” Smith says the ultra-competitive labor markeg will also help keep prices low for prospective Whittington believes construction demand will eventuallty rebound. “Things were good for a whil there and then things justgot overbuilt,” he “It’ll come back because of the numbers of people. Peopl have to have places to live. It’ll pick

Monday, December 12, 2011

For Baltimore Ravens, there's no place like home - Indianapolis Star

For Baltimore Ravens, there's no place like home

Indianapolis Star

BALTIMORE -- In a story line dripping with irony, Baltimore wants nothing more than for the road to Indianapolis to travel through the city where the Colts once played. The Ravens don't need to be reminded, after losing on the road in the playoffs each ...

Ravens breeze to 24-10 win, drop Colts to 0-13

Suggs gets 3 sacks and forces 3 fumbles as Ravens roll to 24-10 win that drops ...

Washington Post

Ravens win 24-10, dropping Colts to 0-13

USA Today


Saturday, December 10, 2011

SendTec files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The St. Petersburg direct respons e marketing company is claiming assetswof $3.7 million and liabilities of more than $17.e4 million. SendTec (OTCBB: SNDN) last filedf a financial report with the SEC last November when it claimerd a net incomeof $623,000, or 1 cent per on revenue of $5 million for the quarter ended 30, 2008. That was a turnaround from a $4.4 or 8 cents per loss on revenueof $7.4 millionm recorded the year before. In a statement released aftedrits filing, SendTec said it has receivedr an offer led by managementf and a group of outside investment firms to purchase assetsa and continue operations as a new company.
SendTevc didn’t identify the outside investment “A series of corporate transactionsinvolving SendTec’s parent companiews going back to 2004 … has left SendTe c with a large burdemn of debt apart from operations,” said chief executivwe officer Paul Soltoff in a statement. “These proceedingsw represent our best option for removingy that burden while continuing to servee our clients and run our Inthe interim, it will be business as We anticipate no reduction in staff or services." In the nine monthws leading up to the 2008 third SendTec chalked up a profirt of $3.5 million, or 5 cents per share, comparedd to a $13.
5 million, or 25 centes per share, loss the year priod despite revenue dropping from $24.5t million to $16.3 million. In SendTec informed the SEC that it would be unablr to fileits year-end report statinb the company “does not have sufficient resourced to complete the audit of the financial Among the creditors holding secured claims againstg SendTec is , care of of New York for $3.36 million in Series B preferree shares; of New York City for $2 milliohn in Series B preferred shares; and of New York City for $1.687 million in Series B preferred shares. Also holding a secured claimk is ofOld Greenwich, for $1.
3 million in Series B preferred Most unsecured priority claimsw listed in the bankruptcy court documents are less than $15,00p0 with the exception of $50,000 owed to the IRS. SendTefc has been fighting a numberf of lawsuits in various courtes including one charging it with breach of contractr and unjust enrichment from inthe N.Y. Supremre Court where motions are pending. It’s defendin g itself from similar charges by through the Pinellas Countuy Circuit Court where SendTec recently filed an according tobankruptcy documents.
There are thre other contract disputeswith , the Fort Lauderdale company that acquired SendTec in Augusgt 2005 that is now listed as in court papers, in three courts in South Floridaq where motions are pending. SendTe c also has an arbitration case pending against it from in the Couryt of Common Pleas of Delawars Countyin Media, Pa., and an activr employee discrimination suit against it from Janert Megdadi in a court in Bridgeport, Conn. Paul chief executive officer, owns 7.5 percent of SendTec’s earned $400,000 last year and has been paid just lessthan $16,70p semimonthly in 2009. Donald Gould Jr., chieg financial officer, owns 4.
4 percent of the company’s earned $260,125 last year and has been paid morethan $10,800 semimonthly for 2009, according to court documents. of Boca Raton owns the biggesrt piece of SendTecwith 18.2 percentr of shares, while LBI Group, Fursa Alternative Alexandra Global Master Fund and SDS Capitalp Group SPC Ltd of Grand Cayman each own just less than 10

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Boulevard Co. sets sights on pair of apartment projects - Charlotte Business Journal:
"We're reinventing ourselves as anapartment developer," says Branch, president of The prolific Charlotte company, which played a key role in the local condominium boom, has designs on developing rental buildings uptown and alongy Seventh Street in Elizabeth. Also in the workas are small commercialinfill projects: offices on a triangular-shaped parcel at 1301 Kenilworth Ave. near Carolinaes Medical Center and next to the Fowler Buildinv at1447 S. Tryon St. in Southu End. Branch says he started looking to changwhis firm's strategy as Charlotte's condo market begahn to fade.
A $40 eight-story apartment project slated for North Cedar Street woulds be the first toestablish Boulevard's new On Monday night, approved a zoning change for the 1.8-acrew site near Gateway Village to alloww both residential and commercial uses. Boulevard can now developp up to 250 apartmentsand 5,000 square feet of commercialo space next to Cedar Oaks Condominium. Branchn touts the location for its unobstructed views and its proximityhto uptown.
It's one of two sites his companyt is targeting for apartment buildings across fromthe 72-acre Boulevard is also considering redevelopmentr of the Orchard Park apartments, a 42-unit, five-building complex at the cornerr of North Clarkson and Cates streets. The property is contiguoue to the proposed North CedarStreet apartments, but Branchu says the projects aren'tr connected. To pursue it plans for the OrchardPark property, Boulevardc needs the site But the company has deferred that request untio it resolves questions about an environmental concern.
A strea m runs through the property, and that has complicatedr the firm's plans because of new locapl restrictions regardingstormwater runoff. The city's Post-Construction Controls Ordinancse takes effectJuly 1, requiring enhanced buffer zoneds and heightened regulations for the collection and treatment of rain water. The augmentefd construction code was required by June 2009 underfederal law, which calls for communities to upgrads their rules to reducer flooding and water pollution in urban The new rules require new ways of dealiny with the way water moves off a propert y and into creeks and streams. And Branch and others say that meanswnew costs.
"You will see more and more developeres discovering the unintended consequences ofthe Post-Construction Controls warns land-use consultant Walter Fields, who has workedc with Boulevard on its plans. "But no one will speak ill of tryingf to protectsurface water." To gain rezoningg approval for his assembly of three parcelsx along the 200 block of North Cedarr Street, Branch had to commig to building an underground sand filter to cleabn any rain water that runs into his It will be the first of its kind that Branchn has built for one of his developments, and the expensed is unclear, he "It's not completely quantified becausew there is no precedent.
" Branch says he will clos e on the land for the city-approved apartments within 30

Monday, December 5, 2011

Anthera Pharmaceuticals Promotes Dr. Debra Odink to Chief Technology Officer - Sacramento Bee

Anthera Pharmaceuticals Promotes Dr. Debra Odink to Chief Technology Officer

Sacramento Bee

By Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. HAYWARD, Calif., Dec. 5, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ANTH), a biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics to treat serious diseases associated with inflammation and autoimmune ...

Anthera Pharmaceuticals Promotes Dr. Debra Odink to Chief Technology Officer

Market Watch (press release)

Anthera Pharmaceuticals Promotes Dr. Debra Odink to Chief Technology Officer

PR Newswire (press release)


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Newmark Homes Houston buying local TOUSA assets - Business First of Buffalo:
TOUSA plans to complete and sell all homesa currentlyunder construction. Moody said the new company will beprivatelu held, locally owned and financed. “Ourd management team has over 70 years’ combined experience,” he The new company plans to build 60 homes ranging in pricefrom $160,00 0 to more than $600,000 in the first 60 days of which will officially begin June 15. Moody said 55 employeexs of TOUSA will remain with the new company aftef TOUSA winds down its localbusiness operations. TOUSA’s predecessor compang was founded in Houston in 1983 as and completef an initial public offerinv inMarch 1998. In Decemberf 1999, TOUSA Inc.
acquired 80 percent of Newmark’ stock. TOUSA Inc. also acquired 100 percent of then-public in Novembefr 2000. On June 25, 2002, Engl merged with Newmark, and the merge d company changed its name toTOUSA Inc. In Hollywood, Fla.-based TOUSA (Pink TOUSQ) told the it plannedc to lay off 156 people in the Houston area from its Newmarko Homes brand beginning May 22 due to the downturn in thehousing market.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Universities chase stimulus cash for shovel-ready projects - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The tens of millions of dollars in grant proposalsd are targeting funding streams flowing down through the Americahn Recovery andReinvestment Act’s shovel-ready Universities faced with consecutive years of funding cuts are anglintg to use the shovel-read y cash to catch up on much-needed facilityh upgrades, build classrooms to handle the influx of students in need of re-traininh or tackle big capital projects aimed at bolstering academicx and research. The approach is twofold at , whicuh has seen its student population surge by 12 percentr in the pasttwo years, due in part to risin g unemployment.
The college is seekin g $45 million to build additional classroom capacityh on its three main campuses as well as to enhance vocationa training facilitiesin high-demand according to Ellyn Drotzer, directort of the office of grants development. The college wantz the cash, among other projects, to buil d out its and the Maroone Automotivew Program in Miramar to emphasize curriculum on maintaining and repairing emerginh green energy and hybrid systems in boats and It also wants to expand classrooms for aviation including a facility to train a new generation of airtraffivc controllers, which are expected to be in high demand in a few year s to replace a wave of retiring controllers, Drotzed said.
“These are all shovekl ready,” she said. “We have a historty of training in technical trades an now we are lookinfg to be responsive to providing curriculumm in this new emerging industry ofgreem technology.” The ’s 18-member stimuluse working group meets regularly to discus opportunities and set a course to capture as much of the federal cash as So far, the school has more than 400 proposals seeking in excess of $350 millioh in funding. “We saw this as a very significang opportunity for the university and to do something for the saidRichard Bookman, vice provost of research at UM.
Amontg the projects on the school’s shovel-readgy wish list is a new $45 seawater researchh center at UM’s Rosenstiel School of Mariner and Atmospheric Science onVirginia Key, he said. The universituy is seeking $15 million from the and $15 million from the to help builcdthe center, which will study sea creatures as well as the physicas of waves on structures. UM is also is submitting proposalss fora $15 million to $20 milliojn addition to a science building at its Corak Gables campus and a multi-story researcnh building at its medical has science, green technology and culinaryg training on its shovel-ready submissio n list. The school is requesting help fundinga $22.
7y million hospitality management center to house a culinary arts school as well as $40 millioh for an extensive renovation and upgrade to decades-old facilities at its north campus and $1.2 million for an and But by most accounts competitiomn for stimulus funds will be fierce. And specific fundinbg priorities from federal and state allocatorsbeyond short-termk projects that would create jobs quicklg remains unclear, said Camill e Coley, assistant VP and interim director of sponsoredf research at . “They are not telling us what they arelookingv for,” she said. But FAU is seeking $4.
5 millioj to help build out water reuse infrastructurs at itsnewly opened, gold level Leadershi p in Energy and and platinum leve l engineering building, slated to open in 2010. The university also is seekingv federal stimulus funds to create a road connectot system at its main campuse off Glades Road in Boca Raton andadditional parking. It also wantds funding to put a green roof on its administration While the application process is infull UM’s Bookman doesn’t expect the winning projects to be announced untik the fall.