Monday, August 30, 2010

Michal Anne Rogondino, Founder and CEO, Rocket Communications Inc. - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
HQ: San Francisco. 2008 revenue: $1 Employees: 8 staff plus 25 contractors. Founded: In 1992 and incorporate in 1998. Source of startulp capital: Personal savings. Self-funded the entire Background: Cal Poly for two and graduated from San Jose with a majorshe created: human interface. Started Rocket before graduating from SanJose State. Age: 43. Hawaii and San Francisco. Web Reason for starting business: I’ves known since I was a teenagerr that I was going to have myown company. Both my parentsa are graphic designers and had their own Biggest plusof ownership: I love my They are like family to me. And the clientzs we have.
The caliber of talent is just very Biggest drawback: Being responsible for my own especially with the economg so crummy right now. Biggest misconception: One would be that the money you make from your clientzis profit. No one understands the costw associated witha business. Your time is your own. I’vew had one vacation ever whereI didn’ think about work, and that was only a coupl weeks of my life. Biggest business Our experience, the people on our team and what we haveto I’d say it’s easy to sell because I believe in it. Biggest business weakness: Becausee we’re a service, you’re constantly having to sell it.
Biggest risk: The biggesf risk was trying to grow the companhyin 2006. I made a leap by hiringv executives and building up a team that I felt was goingb to be able to brin g in more business and streamlineinternal operations. It didn’t turn out that way. No more busines s came in, it ended up beingy too top heavy. It could have been my Smartest move: Staying with GUI design and stayinh focused on thatone discipline, not venturing into web designh or the various things that have been hot topic s and trends. Biggest worry: The economy. It’sa on the top of everyone’ds mind. It’s out of our We can’t manage it. Top sourc e of inspiration: My team.
They are so talented. It’as corny, but true. The way they rise to the challengez and stay creativeinspires me.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

More older workers worry about retirement - Austin Business Journal:
The Arlington, Va.-based human resource firm says amonvg workers 50 to 64years old, only 44 percengt are confident they will have enough moneyg to live comfortably five yeare into retirement. That is down from 63 percenr in 2007. The outlook 15 years into retiremeng iseven worse, with just 18 percentg of older workers confident of beinb financially comfortable, compared to 34 percent in 2007. “Retirement securit y is a huge concern as individualas have seen significant amounts of their pensiob and retirementsavings decline,” said Watson Wyatt senior retiremengt consultant David Speier.
“The financial crisis has been especiallyu damaging to older workers who are worried aboutr potential job losses and have experiencex higher stress levels over thepast year.” As retirement approaches, olded workers are scrambling to shore up their savings, with 19 perceny increasing their savings rate and 34 percent considering doinhg so, the Watson Wyatf (NYSE: WW) survey

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Human Capital: People on the move, July 7 - Business First of Louisville:
, is the first graduate of (one of the university’sx four schools) to serve as She is also the daughter offormedr trustee, the late Jack Schwartz. Papa Gino’s Inc. , the Dedham-basedc parent company to Papa Gino’s and D’Angelo, promoted Gary Sandeen and Kathy Tirrellk to executive vice president of operations forPapa Gino’sa and D’Angelo Grilled Sandwiches, respectively. , based in elected the following executives to its boarof directors: Christopher Oddleifson , president and CEO of ; Kennethu Brennan , president of The in Auburndale; Normam Seppala , president of in Rockport; and Kevi n Bottomley , president of Danversbanki .
At-large directors, who are appointed for three-year terms, included Richard Bennett , president of ; John Boucherf , president of in Weymouth; John Doherty , chairmahn of in Somerville; Richard Holbrook , chairmab and CEO of in Boston; Dennis Parente , presidenty of Foxboro FederalSavings ; and Michael Tucker , presideng of . Appointed at-large directo for a one-year term was James Egan , chairmaj of .

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Donald Trump congratulates new Miss Universe -

Los Angeles Times

Donald Trump congratulates new Miss Universe

Donald Trump was among the first people to congratulate Jimena Navarrete as she was crowned Miss Universe 2010. As owner of the pageant, the US mogul was on ...

Miss Mexico crowned Miss Universe



Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fed's Beige Book: Midwest contraction
Whereas some industries experienceds substantial drops in activity during the pastsix weeks, modesg increases in other sectors led the Fed to characterize the Ninty District’s contraction as moderating. The Ninth Federal District includesa Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South the Upper Peninsula of Michigan andnorthwestern Wisconsin. Consumer spending and touris m werestill weak, but had “improved somewhat from the previouz few months,” according to the Fed. The service sectoer continued to experiencedecreased revenue, employment and profitss compared to a year ago, and furthert profit contraction is likely.
The Fed characterized the commercial real estatde sectoras “anemic,” adding that residential construction continued at steadily low The residential real estatre market did see more activity than in the previoua reporting period. Manufacturing continued its slide, as did energy and However, some wind energy projectes continue tomove forward, and gold mines are at “near capacit y production.” Labor markets continued to struggle. Job cuts in many of them in the health careand medical-devicd fields, were cited by the Fed in its assessment of labor conditions. Wage increases were and firms surveyed by the Fed expect toincrease employees’ wages by 1.
8 percentg over the next year. Price however, were “subdued,” with the rising cost of gas a notable theFed reported. The Fed’s next Beige Book reporg is dueJuly 29.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Factbox: Haitian hip-hop star tripped up in presidential bid - Reuters

Factbox: Haitian hip-hop star tripped up in presidential bid


(Reuters) - Haiti's provisional electoral council ruled on Friday that hip-hop star Wyclef Jean was not eligible to run as a presidential candidate in the November 28 election. The council ruled Jean did not satisfy  »

Monday, August 16, 2010

Activists vow to fight on after court puts same-sex marriages on hold - CNN


Activists vow to fight on after court puts same-sex marriages on hold


By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- An appeals court ruling temporarily blocking same-sex marriages from resuming in California drew strong reactions from opponents and supporters of the state's controversial 2008 referendum on the issue. ...

California Gay Marriage Ban Will Continue During Court Appeal


California Gay Marriage on Hold as Case Is Appealed

New York Times

Federal panel puts same-sex marriage on hold as appeal of Prop. 8 ruling goes ...

Los Angeles Times

San Francisco Chronicle -Salt Lake Tribune -USA Today


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Facing criticism, Obama clarifies position on NYC mosque - Boston Globe

Facing criticism, Obama clarifies position on NYC mosque

Boston Globe

President Obama said yesterday that in defending the right of Muslims to build a community center and mosque near ground zero in New York, he was “not commenting on the wisdom'' of the project, but trying to uphold the principle that government should ...

Obama: Backing Muslims' right to build NYC mosque is not an endorsement

Washington Post

Mosque divide enters Florida politics

Obama redefines what he meant when he supported mosque at Ground Zero

Kansas City Star

Seattle Times -New York Times -CNN


Friday, August 13, 2010

San Mateo County gay marriages could resume next week - San Jose Mercury News

Globe and Mail

San Mateo County gay marriages could resume next week

San Jose Mercury News

San Mateo County officials said they stand ready to issue gay marriage licenses next week if a judge's ruling Thursday to begin  »

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Investigators to work scene of deadly Alaska plane crash - CNN

The Guardian

Investigators to work scene of deadly Alaska plane crash


By the CNN Wire Staff The DeHavilland DHC-Z3T Otter carrying former Sen. Ted Stevens and eight others crashed into the side of the mountain. Former US Sen. Ted Stevens and four other are killed (CNN) -- Investigators will be on the scene Wednesday of a ...

Lisa and Frank Murkowski mourn Ted Stevens

Anchorage Daily News

Ted Stevens dies at 86; Alaska's US senator for 40 years

Los Angeles Times

Former NASA administrator survives plane crash

USA Today

BusinessWeek -Seattle Times -Washington Post


Monday, August 9, 2010

HP's Lesjak Inherits Slowing Growth, Job-Search Distractions - Bloomberg

HP's Lesjak Inherits Slowing Growth, Job-Search Distractions


Cathie Lesjak, seen here in a 2006 portrait, has taken over Hewlett-Packard Co. temporarily after Mark Hurd quit last week. Source: Bite Communications via Bloomberg Aug. ...

Mark Hurd Neglected to Follow HP Code

W »

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Schwarzenegger: Let gays and lesbians marry now - San Francisco Chronicle

The Hindu

Schwarzenegger: Let gays and lesbians marry now

San Francisco Chronicle

AP Exclusive: CIA flight carried secret from Gitmo 08.06.10 (08-06) 17:04 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown joined gay rights advocates Friday in asking a federal judge to  »

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Appeal of ruling could delay gay weddings in Calif. - Boston Herald

Sydney Morning Herald

Appeal of ruling could delay gay weddings in Calif.

Boston Herald

By AP SAN FRANCISCO â€" A judge struck down California's same-sex marriage ban as an unconstitutional violation of gay couples' civil rights, but a pending appeal of the landmark ruling could prevent gay weddings from resuming in the state any time soon. ...

Gay marriage ruling reverberates in Georgia

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Prop. 8 judge strikes down same-sex marriage ban

San Francisco Chronicle

Colorful elation and sullen disappointment follow Prop. 8 ruling

Los Angeles Times

Beyond Chron -Worcester Telegram -The Stanford Daily


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lebanon and Israel forces involved in border clash - BBC News


Lebanon and Israel forces involved in border clash

BBC News

Lebanese and Israeli soldiers have exchanged fire along their shared border, with each reporting casualties. Unnamed Lebanese officials say soldiers opened fire at Israeli troops who crossed into Lebanon. They say at least two Lebanese soldiers were ...

'2 Lebanese soldiers killed in clashes with IDF on border'

Jerusalem Post

Report: IDF, Lebanon forces exchange fire on northern border


Clashes erupt along Lebanese-Israeli border: army


Financial Times -BusinessWeek -Ynetnews


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Just Married: Mr. and Mrs. Marc Mezvinsky - CBS News

Sydney Morning Herald

Just Married: Mr. and Mrs. Marc Mezvinsky

CBS News

(CBS) For one newly-wedded couple, the familiar phrase JUST MARRIED doesn't quite convey the full nature of what they, their families and countless onlookers have just experienced. Our Tracy Smith spent the day yesterday in Rhinebeck, NY: "Ladies and ...

Chelsea Clinton is a married lady now!; Jessica Simpson shares TMI

USA Today

Chelsea Clinton weds Marc Mezvinsky in high-security ceremony

The Guardian

Chelsea Clinton Weds At Exclusive New York Estate

KXLY Spokane

ABC News -News Provider -People Magazine
