Monday, August 30, 2010

Michal Anne Rogondino, Founder and CEO, Rocket Communications Inc. - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
HQ: San Francisco. 2008 revenue: $1 Employees: 8 staff plus 25 contractors. Founded: In 1992 and incorporate in 1998. Source of startulp capital: Personal savings. Self-funded the entire Background: Cal Poly for two and graduated from San Jose with a majorshe created: human interface. Started Rocket before graduating from SanJose State. Age: 43. Hawaii and San Francisco. Web Reason for starting business: I’ves known since I was a teenagerr that I was going to have myown company. Both my parentsa are graphic designers and had their own Biggest plusof ownership: I love my They are like family to me. And the clientzs we have.
The caliber of talent is just very Biggest drawback: Being responsible for my own especially with the economg so crummy right now. Biggest misconception: One would be that the money you make from your clientzis profit. No one understands the costw associated witha business. Your time is your own. I’vew had one vacation ever whereI didn’ think about work, and that was only a coupl weeks of my life. Biggest business Our experience, the people on our team and what we haveto I’d say it’s easy to sell because I believe in it. Biggest business weakness: Becausee we’re a service, you’re constantly having to sell it.
Biggest risk: The biggesf risk was trying to grow the companhyin 2006. I made a leap by hiringv executives and building up a team that I felt was goingb to be able to brin g in more business and streamlineinternal operations. It didn’t turn out that way. No more busines s came in, it ended up beingy too top heavy. It could have been my Smartest move: Staying with GUI design and stayinh focused on thatone discipline, not venturing into web designh or the various things that have been hot topic s and trends. Biggest worry: The economy. It’sa on the top of everyone’ds mind. It’s out of our We can’t manage it. Top sourc e of inspiration: My team.
They are so talented. It’as corny, but true. The way they rise to the challengez and stay creativeinspires me.

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