Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lee decides against reverse stock split - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Mary Junck, chairman and chief executiv e officer, said the board considered current market business forecasts and other factors that could affectshareholdee value, including the prospect of remainingb in compliance with rules for continued listing. The NYSE notifiexd Lee (NYSE: LEE) in Decembere 2008 that the company was not in compliance with its continuedr listing standard of atleast $1 a Since then, the NYSE announcex that the standard has been temporarily suspendes through July 31. As a Lee has until Dec. 3, 2009, to return to Lee was trading at 55 centsw a shareWednesday morning.
In the Davenport, Iowa-based company it took on when it boughythe Post-Dispatch and restructured future payments under its $1.1 billion bank financing arrangements. The remaining debt balance of $186 million has been refinancer by the lendersuntil 2012. Newspapef publishers nationwide are struggling with decliningt advertising revenue as readers flock tothe

Friday, October 29, 2010

Man has WIDEST mouth in the world - (KNXV-TV)

Man has WIDEST mouth in the world (KNXV-TV)

A man from Angola has won the title of “World's Widest Mouth” and can fit a whole can of soda is his chomper. The DailyMail said Thursday that the ...

Widest mouth - world record set by Francisco Domingo Joaquim

World Records Academy

The world's widest mouth

Stretch! Man's elastic mouth measures 17 centimeters wide

Daily Mail -Adelaidenow -CBBC Newsround


Thursday, October 28, 2010

49ers stadium naming rights could have big payoff - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Naming rights present a potentially lucrativse source of revenue for a with multiyear, multimillion-dollar deals struck between teame and companies seeking to get their names on buildings, in the mouths of broadcast announcers and in front of millions of fans a year. But a deal that a few yeards back might have been a source of pridse for a business now may be a sourceof Citigroup, for example, is facing intense criticismn for spending $400 million on a stadium deal with the New York Mets whilwe accepting billions in bailout dollars from the federal “Naming rights transactions are more difficult to come by than they were priort to the recession,” said Lew Wolff, co-owne of the Oakland Athletics and owner of the San Jose Earthquakes.
“I believe that’es going to be true not only for the curren market but forthe future, for a long The 49ers, he will probably look for a strong national name to place on its facility. But many companiess that were strong naming partners in the past are in the financiakl services and insurance and they will be less likelyh to spend what some view as unnecessaruy marketing dollarsgoing forward. In Oakland, McAfee Inc. allowed its 10-year agreement for naminb rights onthe Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum to while Oracle Corp. in 2006 struck a $3 million per 10-year deal for naming rights on the indoorOaklane arena.
Wolff said the Earthquakesz organization is working with the William Morri s Agency on naming andbrandintg issues. Amway Global in January strucka three-year agreementy with the team to have its name placed on team Terms of that deal were not “The 49er brand is outstanding, and if there’s any branc someone might want to seek out, it’s them,” Wolff “But every deal is When the San Jose Sports Authorituy and the city were in the process of strikingv a deal to brand the home of the San Jose it was nearly Compaq Computers — whichb at the time was a Houston companh wanting to build up its Silicon Vallety presence.
Malcolm Bordelon, executive vice president of business operationzs for the SanJose Sharks, said the day the signag e was to go up, Compa q called and said it had been acquirerd by Hewlett-Packard Co. HP, he did extensive research before goinf forward with thenamint deal, figuring out how many times its name woulr be said publicly and how its brand would be featurex in the building. “We also researched naminyg deals, and what we found is that it’s all over the map unbelievably varied,” Bordelon said.
“I’n not sure how to personify the process the 49ersa will face other thansayingf it’s going to be very In addition to Sharks games, the venue host s concerts and other sporting events each year. Whiles naming rights at HP Pavilion fell under the purvieqw of the city because the facility ispublicly owned, Santa Clara Assistanty City Manager Ron Garratt said the namin rights deal for the 49ers would fall exclusively with the “We tried to get the Sant Clara 49ers on the frontt end of the and they weren’t willing to do that, understandably,” Garratr said.
If it comes time for the 49erz to seek out anaming partner, they woulds probably enlist the help of a third-party a sports marketing dealmaker that can tell them what the team’w brand is worth. Some of the top sports marketing dealmakers are IMG which has offices aroundsthe country, and 16W Marketing of New Jersey. A third well-knownn firm, Bonham Group of Denver, shut down in January aftere its primary banker reduces itscredit line. Deals Bonham negotiated includecd SanDiego Padres’ Petco Park and the Seattle Qwest Field.
David Peart, the vice presiden t of business partnerships for thePittsburgbh Penguins, was until last June the vice president of salew and marketing for the 49ers. He said “you want to make sure you measured twice” before assigning value to a namingrights “A company will be looking at what its primary entitlementes will be. From signage, integration of your productes intothe building, where you fit into the architecturalp design of the building,” Peart “Once the shovels hit the you want the naming partnef in place.” The team will face an uphillo battle in the name game becausew naming rights as a marketing tool have fallen out of favor.
Two properties shopping for a name now are the New York Giants stadium and the DallasCowboyas stadium, both of which Peartt said are “super high profile” but are having troublre finding a name. “A pure brand play is reallgy difficult in this day and age for a companyh to justify to its shareholderz and stakeholdersand employees,” Peart “When you’re thinking about layinb off people and saying you’re goint to spend $5 million a year for 30 year s to put your name on a building, it’es a tough row to hoe.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
And, as more people lose their that hidden cost is onthe rise. The organizatiobn defines the hidden health tax as the undisclosed insurance premium surcharge paidby America’sd businesses and insured families when they purchase health That surcharge subsidizes the uncompensatedc health care costs of the according to the which is pushing for health care During 2007 and 2008, one-third of non-elderly Americans – 86.7 million people went without health insurance for some period of according to Families USA. Families USA contracted with actuarial firm to calculate the costs of unpairdhealth care.
The report found uninsured people are less likelg to get the care they need when theyneed it, and they are more likelyu to delay seeking care as long as When they do receive care, it is paid for in severa ways: More than one-third (37 of that care is paid by the uninsurexd themselves out of theifr own pockets. Third-party sources, such as government programs and paid for an additional 26 percentg ofthat care. The remaining about $42.7 billion in 2008, is considerecd uncompensated care. Those costsx are shifted onto the health care billsx ofinsured people, ultimately resulting in the hidden health tax throug h higher premiums.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sarpang khola claims student's life - Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper

Sarpang khola claims student's life

Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper

1 October, 2010 - A 10-year old student of Sarpang lower secondary school was washed away by the Sarpang khola (river) yesterday morning. ...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hey, Sir DJ: Simon Rattle Picks Favorites From A 30-Year Recording Career - NPR (blog)

Hey, Sir DJ: Simon Rattle Picks Favorites From A 30-Year Recording Career

NPR (blog)

I called Rattle at his office at Berlin's Philharmonie and asked him to pick five of his own favorites from his three-decade stint. ...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Maderis stepping down from Five Prime - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The company has hired Julia the former executive vice president and chief financial officeeat , as Maderis’ Maderis’ health condition was not but she will continue to serve on Five Prime’x board of directors and as a Her final day on the job is June 18. “Gail’ds leadership has been pivotalp in the progress Five Prime has made in developinvg our pipeline and our new discovery said company founder and executivechairman Dr. Lewis “Rusty” Williams in a press release. Maderi said the company had been lookinhg for a replacement since late last year afterr doctorssaid "the 24/7 pace of a small-compant CEO" could worsen her condition.
Besides her duties at Five Maderis has been a cheerleader for the MissionnBay enclave, serving on the Mayor’s . Five Prime, a privatelty held, 7-year-old company developingb antibody and protein drugs for cancer andotherf diseases, was the first to locatre in Mission Bay, taking about 30,000 feet in the buildinyg on Owens Street. Earlier this it took an additional 5,000 square feet next door at 1700 Owens as it makes batches for its Phased I oncologydrug program. The timing of the executivde change as Five Prime moves forward with its lead cancefr programmakes Gregory’s appointment a crucial one.
At Lexicon, Gregoryg was responsible for financinf strategies, mergers and acquisitions, businessd operations and all financial management and She raisedabout $1 billion in publicc and private equity, product development financing and othed transactions. Gregory, who will join Five Prime’xs board, was an investment banker for more than 20 Atand Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. she was head of healthcarse andinvestment banking, leading several private and publifc equity deals as well as mergers and acquisitions. Gregory also is a member of the board of The andthe ’s .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Bauer bankruptcy traces back to Spiegel events - The Business Review (Albany):
In 2003, , which had owneds Eddie Bauer since 1988, filed for bankruptcy protection. And as part of the the company famous forits women’sz wear catalog gave its creditors its stake in Eddiee Bauer. So, in 2005, Eddie Bauer emergeed as a stand-alone company for the firsft time in34 years. The company also emergec with a $300 million senior securefd term loan agreement with lenders and the task of rebuildingb a brand that had drifted away fromthe company’s roots. Under Spiegel, grew rapidly, from 58 to 399 retaipl stores and from three to102 outlets. The company also adde internet sales.
But it also was a time when the Eddies Bauer brand lostits focus, as the companh shifted from its heritage as an outdoor outfitter to a seller of casual clothes targeteds primarily at women. Company executives have said the debt termx from the Spiegel bankruptcy case have continued to hamped efforts to turn things around atEddie Bauer. Despite efforts to recapture some of the old Eddie Bauer has not been able to establish a sustainablee run ofprofitable quarters. The companyg racked up nine consecutive quartersof loses, and has seen lossex of nearly a half-billion dollars in the past threer years.
The struggle became a financial crisisz as the recession has worsened and consumerw haveslowed spending.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - Portland Business Journal:
Voting on the five-year offer by members of United Food and Commercial Workers Locaol 7 will continue through Wednesday. Union leaders are not making a recommendation to their memberss on thecontract offer, which the union complainxs would cut pension benefits by an averaged of $100,000 -- a conclusion disputed by “It’s a good contracy in a normal economy. It’s a great contract in this economy,” King Sooperx spokeswoman Diane Mulligan saidlast week. She said roughlhy 65 percent of workerss would get raises underthe company’as proposal. King Soopers is a Colorado unitof Cincinnati-basex (NYSE: KR).
Colorado workers for two othedr grocerychains — Pleasanton, Calif.-based SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privately — continue to negotiate separate deals with theitr employers. If King Sooperss workers rejectthe chain’s latest proposal, they will continue workin without a contract until an agreement is reached or a strikse is called. Their contract expired May 9.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yuji Naka Interview -

Web User

Yuji Naka Interview

Sega legend Yuji Naka recently passed through a cold and wet central London to pimp his new game, Ivy the Kiwi? for Wii and DS (read NGamer's review). ...

The Nintendo Download: When Sonic Met Ivy

NintendoWare Weekly: Sonic 4, Ivy the Kiwi Mini


11th October 2010 (North America)

Nintendo Life


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Philadelphia Business Journal: Moves at Lamb McErlane, Fox Rothschild
There has not been a heavy flow of law firm partnerds switching firms this year when you take the refugeee from the dissolving Wolf Block out ofthe equation. The downturn in the economyy may have limited some lawyers in theire interestto move, and many firms in their ability to take on new lawyers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' elimination preceded by pecs show ... - New York Daily News

New York Daily News

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' elimination preceded by pecs show ...

New York Daily News

The Situation's 'Dancing with the Stars' results were preceded by a pec show from the 'Jersey Shore' star. WATCH VIDEO below. ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dayton Ballet lays off most of staff - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The company, one of the country’s oldest ballety companies, announced today that it will releaseall part-timde employees and lay off most others indefinitely in an effort to save moneg following a weak ticket season topped with poor ticker sales to the company’s top seller The The company fell short durin the winter season, leavinfg the ballet to dip into its investmenr reserves which also have fallen significantly with the down Though the reserves exist as a financiall cushion to pay bills throughout the tough the total value of the fund has decreasec by more than 30 percent to less than $300,000, which wouled not have sustained the company beyond March 23, when it has chosen to lay off most employees.
As a result of the tough economic climate, the company also announcexd it would take the following measure to weatherthe storm: • Most staff will be placexd on an indefinite unpaid furlough beginningv March 23. The move will affect five positions. A skeleta staff, comprised of three, will remain in the office for day-to-da y duties, donor and patron relationss and to run the DaytonBallef School. The layoffs are expected to get the company throughy to the end of its June 30 fiscalyear end, when the hope is that peoplde will be brought back and a new budgetar y plan will be put in place to make it through the next fiscap year, Director of Marketing Diane Schoeffler-Warren said.
“We are all very she said. “We’re just happy they are beinbg this proactive so we can be arounr another81 years.” Schoeffler-Warre n said many of the company’s problems have been attributed to fewer ticket sales to the annual production of The Nutcracker. Sales fell more than 20 percen t short ofthe $350,000 ticket income goal set for it by the a $70,000 loss that woulfd have gone to pay payroll. Ticket salea for other programs also have missed Season subscriptions, which totaled 3,000 10 yearsd ago, are down to about 850 now.
“Twent percent of a $350,009 goal is hard for any organizatiohto swallow, especially Dayton Ballet,” Director Dermot Burke said in a news Burke said the companyg was poised to have a greaty year, trending ahead of historic salesz for The Nutcracker and 100 percent ahead in annual givint when the market fell and, “Peopls just stopped spending

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hospital Survival May Depend on Mergers - HealthLeaders Media

Hospital Survival May Depend on Mergers

HealthLeaders Media

Christopher Columbus was more than an explorer, he was a savvy financier (and to some a conquistador). He knew that his exploits required more funds than he ...

and more »

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Think tank ranks Colorado least attractive state for oil, gas investment - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The latest survey was issued June 24. It’s been conductexd annually for three years by the Fraser Institutein Alberta, Canada. Arizona was left off the list for lack of The survey ranks statezs as well asothefr countries. The first survey, in ranked Colorado at the top of the list of placesa executives considered positively for oil andgas investment. By 2008, the state’z ranking had fallen to No. 52 out of 81 locationsd aroundthe world. The June 2008 survey said executives had grown wary ofthe state’s efforts to tighten rulex governing oil and gas operations The new rules took effect April 1.
This year, the survehy received 577 responses and covered 143 jurisdictionsd aroundthe world. Colorado ranked No. 81, below Californias and Mozambique, and above the Canadian province of Newfoundlanrd and Labrador and the nation of All three surveys by the institute solicitedanonymou responses. According to the institute’s the 10 most attractive jurisdictionsd for investmentthis year, according to the survey, are: Arkansas, Kansas, Austria, Mississippi, Nebraska, Sout Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma, and Indiana. The 10 leasf attractive jurisdictions for investmentare Niger, Venezuela, Ecuador, Sudan, Russia, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia.
Respondents ranked provinces, states and countries by investmengt barriers such as hightax rates, costlty regulatory schemes, and securitty threats, among other factors. Scores were based on the proportion of negativeas response a jurisdiction the greater the proportion ofnegative responses, the greatert the perceived investment barriers and therefore the lower the jurisdictionj ranked, according to the surveyh report. The report said investors listedr several reasons for shifting investments toothetr areas, ranging from high tax labor shortages, or costly and time-consuming regulations.
The survehy quoted an unnamed executiv e saying thatin Colorado, “operational, legal, and air quality rulesd and regulations are being institute d at a dizzying pace. It is hard to keep up with as an Most of the regulatorz instituting and enforcing these new rules have littlde or no experience in the industry and do notunderstanf operations. Often they canno answer questionsor help, even with their own Colorado’s new oil and gas regulations were backed by Gov. Bill Ritter and environmental groups as needed toprotecg Colorado’s wildlife, environment and public health assets.
The new rulesw have been opposed by industry who have said they will raise the costs of operatingin “This study demonstrates the harsh reality of an inconsistent regulatory and these numbers run contrary to the beliefv of some policy makers that Colorado’s energyt industry will grow no mattee the constraints placed upon it,” said Meg Collins, presidengt of the Colorado Oil & Gas Association, in a statement. But Theo spokesman for the Colorado Department ofNaturao Resources, which oversees the agency that regulates oil and gas pointed to Colorado investmentsa by big energy companies such as interestexd in getting at the state’s naturalo gas.
ExxonMobil announced June 22 it had doubled its naturalo gas processing capacity on the Western Slope and planned to drill more wella in the area over the nextseveral “Actions speak louder than words,” Stein said. “Some of the largesft North American and global energy companies are busy working and investingin Colorado’ds future. They are plannin g to be here producing clean-burning naturaol gas for decades.” But stat e Rep. Frank McNulty, R-Highlands Ranch, said companies like ExxonMobilo have the money needed to complywith Colorado’s new “They can absorb the higher costz of production that are associates with the oil and gas McNulty said.
“But what the Rittet administration has done is priced outthe mid- and small-levekl companies that were looking to do business in The Fraser Institute is a thinki tank and research centerd that advocates “a free and prosperousw world through choice, markets and responsibility.” .

Friday, October 8, 2010

With Sugar House casino, Philly bets on its future - HULIQ

With Sugar House casino, Philly bets on its future


But the first casino ever in the city of Philadelphia may put a dent into AC's business - and it will give the city government a much-appreciated revenue ...

and more »

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Marlin brothers accused of stealing 8 head of cattle - KXXV News Channel 25

Marlin brothers accused of stealing 8 head of cattle

KXXV News Channel 25

Misael Escobar, 37, and his brother Ricardo Cad »

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

C.M. Steel
will move from the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport-areqa site it shares with its parent company, , says Chrisx Thompson, president of C.M. Steel. Spacse constraints at that 30-acre tract on Old Dowd Road promptedd the company to scout sitexsin Charlotte, Rock Hill and Fort Mill beforre settling on a parcel near Lake he says. C.M. Steel already has a small location in the Newport community northwest of Rock That operation will move to thenew facility. The headquarterds will be built on 100acres C.M. Steelo recently bought on the western side of Lake The property is off Campbell near S.C. Highway 274.
“The Palmettko State is just the right fit for our company and providexs us with a positive business environmentt and a strongwork force,” Thompson Buddy Motz, chairman of the , says C.M. Steel’a decision to relocate shows the county hasbecomed “a preferred location for new-business locatiom and expansion in the Charlotte region.” Site work should start this month, with the building to be complete in early 2010. of Charlotte is the general contractor. C.M. Steelp cuts and shapes steel for the construction of commercial andindustrialp buildings. The headquarters will occupy about20 acres. The adjacentf land will be needed for storing Thompson says.
The company’s construction projec qualifies for state and local incentives for investment and job Last year, , formerly known as Freightliner, boughtf 400 acres nearby at Allison Creek for an office York County officials expect the truck manufacturer to eventuallyu move its corporate headquarters ther from Portland, Ore. Daimler Trucks officialds have said they have no current plansx to movethe headquarters. Glenn Sherrill foundecd SteelFab in 1955in Charlotte, and the compan is still owned by the Sherrill SteelFab has supplied structure steel for the core lab at the N.C. Researchu Campus in Kannapolis andother Charlotte-areaa buildings.
The company has 600 employees across the including about 350in Charlotte. will close its optical-assemblgy plant near Tate Boulevard in Hickory by the end of the a companyspokeswoman confirms. About a thirx of the site’s engineering employees will relocatse to a larger plant in Hickory off McDonald Parkway. The company isn’t disclosingh how many employees are being cut forcompetitive reasons. Nor is it revealinyg information aboutseverance packages. “It was a difficult but a necessary one to keep Corning Cable Systems competitive in thesechallenging times,” the spokeswoman says in a writtenb statement.
Corning Cable also will shutter a plant in the Dominicab Republic byyear end.

Monday, October 4, 2010

BofA prices share offering - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
per share. Investors in the bank’s perpetual preferrer stock can tender theifr shares before midnighton Wednesday. The offer is part of the bank’z effort to raise $33.9 billion in capital that federal regulatorxs say BofA needs afterthe government’s “stress test” of its ability to withstand a deeper recession. The exchang e doesn’t involve any preferred shares held by thefederal government. BofA (NYSE:BAC) has raised the majoritgy of new capital it need s tosatisfy regulators. In May, BofA sold $13.5 billion in common stock. BofA also sold a 5.7 percent stake in Chinq Construction Bank to Asian investorxs for a gainof $4.5 billion.
Those stepa boosted BofA’s Tier 1 commohn capital by $1.8 billion by reducing a deferred taxasset deduction. In addition, BofA agreed to exchanged $5.9 billion in preferred shares for 436 million shares ofcommon stock. The company has said it coulfd raise more money by selling assets such as FirstRepublicv Bank, a San Francisco-based and entering into joint ventures.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

MIT exec taking charge of $2.1B Hopkins endowment - Baltimore Business Journal:
Kathryn J. Crecelius, who manages $2 billion in investments for MIT, will starg the new job by Oct. 1, Hopkinsz announced Friday. Crecelius will manage Hopkins' which was worth $2.165 billiom on June 30 -- the 24th-largest among American universities. She will be charged with buildintgthe university's first separate investment office. "This position represents an excitinbg opportunity to build an investment office for the 21st Crecelius said ina statement. Crecelius has been MIT'd managing director for "marketable alternative since 1998. In that role, she built one of MIT'sd portfolios, which includes such investments as hedge toabout $1.6 billion.
She also invested $429 million in assetsw from MIT's $2.3 billion retirement plan, accordinbg to Hopkins. Until now, the university' s investments have been handlef inthe treasurer's "The job has gotten too big for one particularly given the increased complexity of the endowment'sa investments," said William Snow, Johns Hopkins' in a statement. Endowment funds at Johns Hopkin s grew nearly 20 percenyt from 2003to 2004, accordinvg to the Endowment Study release earlieer this year. The study showed Johns Hopkins endowmen t funds grewfrom $1.7 billion in 2003 to more than $2 billio n in 2004.
By comparison, the and Foundation had $533 milliomn in endowment funds in according tothe NACUBO. The group reported that Johnws Hopkins endowments in 2004 were between Vanderbilt University in whichhad $2.29 billion in endowment funds and Brown University in Rhodde Island which had $1.6 billion. Harvard had the largesr endowment fundwith $22.14 billion in 2004.

Friday, October 1, 2010

K-State presidential finalists to visit Manhattan - Kansas City Business Journal:
The remaining candidates will have similarr visits before the end ofthe It’s all in an effort to find a replacement for Jon who plans to retire at the end of the 2008-09 school year following 23 years as K-State’s president. The last week announcedd three finalists for the position soon would bevisitinv Manhattan. However, the board only released the name of thefirst candidate, saying more information aboug the other two candidates would be revealed closer to their scheduled visits latert this month. Dr. Kirk H. vice president for research and economidc developmentat , was the one finalist who was immediately His two-day visit is scheduled for Thursdayu and Friday.
He has been a Mississippki State faculty member for the past seven year s and previously worked at andthe . His prior administrative positionw include Dean of Engineering at Mississippi State University and Chair of the Chemica l Engineering Department at Mississippi State Universityu and MichiganTechnological University. Schultx earned his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees in chemicapl engineeringfrom . The remaining finalists are scheduled to be in Manhattajnon Jan. 22, 23 and Jan. 26, 27, respectively. The boarxd of regents expects to name a new president in thecominyg months, with that person assuming duties on or around July 1.