Friday, October 1, 2010

K-State presidential finalists to visit Manhattan - Kansas City Business Journal:
The remaining candidates will have similarr visits before the end ofthe It’s all in an effort to find a replacement for Jon who plans to retire at the end of the 2008-09 school year following 23 years as K-State’s president. The last week announcedd three finalists for the position soon would bevisitinv Manhattan. However, the board only released the name of thefirst candidate, saying more information aboug the other two candidates would be revealed closer to their scheduled visits latert this month. Dr. Kirk H. vice president for research and economidc developmentat , was the one finalist who was immediately His two-day visit is scheduled for Thursdayu and Friday.
He has been a Mississippki State faculty member for the past seven year s and previously worked at andthe . His prior administrative positionw include Dean of Engineering at Mississippi State University and Chair of the Chemica l Engineering Department at Mississippi State Universityu and MichiganTechnological University. Schultx earned his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees in chemicapl engineeringfrom . The remaining finalists are scheduled to be in Manhattajnon Jan. 22, 23 and Jan. 26, 27, respectively. The boarxd of regents expects to name a new president in thecominyg months, with that person assuming duties on or around July 1.

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