Friday, April 15, 2011

Clothier JoS. A. Bank will wait for more company in the P&L District - Baltimore Business Journal:
The store, which fronts Main Streef between 13th and 14th streets in probably will open early in the first quarter of officialswith said. They plan to coordinate the openingy with those oftheirt neighbors, which they anticipate will come in the The situation resembles last year, when city officialsz were surprised to discover that the $850 million, eight-blocjk district would not open in October 2007 with .
Two a restaurant and sports bar, openes in November 2007; otherzs that were prepared to open in the fall chose to wait for more to join The district, backed by about $400 million in publixc financing, began a rolling granx opening in March, gradually unveiling a couple dozen bars and along with the flagship store. Rick Usher, Kansas City’s downtownm projects coordinator, had expected JoS. A. Bank to be read y to open any day. “Of course we woulcd like to see more retai l open for theholiday season, but we’re happy to see more bars and restaurants open for the holidau season,” he said. “That’s more than was open for the holidayg seasonlast year.
” P&L Districtr President Jon Stephens said in an e-mail response that plans always have caller for the district’s retail component to open on a rollingh basis as Downtown attracted more “This strategy has been successful beyond any measure,” he “Through the winter and spring, we are excited to be openinh a fantastic new grocery and a variety of additional amenities and eateries.” Although only partiall y open, the district attracted 4.51 million visitorz from January through October. JoS. A.
Bank officiala said they get a better paybacik when they open withnearbt tenants, though a store rarely sits for more than a week before beingb stocked, staffed and opened. As it the JoS. A. Bank sign hangss alone on the block, in which the men’s clothiny retailer is the only announced The store typically is pairexd with otherupscale clothiers. A few minore inspection issues remain, but nothing significanf is holding upthe project, a JoS. A. Bank officialp said. The clothier is waiting for Baltimore-baserd landlord to get final approval for the spacr so it can dothe same. Usher said there are plans for an unnamed retailer to the southof JoS. A.
Bank and a restaurantt on the northwest side of the Tenants that offer basicnecessitiexs — a grocery store, dry cleaner, nail saloh and others — could open in the block northeast of JoS. A. Bank in the he said.

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