Sunday, July 3, 2011

Marquette launches water law curriculum - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The curriculum is another step in solidifyingh Milwaukee as a global leader in water research and polict and will address the ongoing and emerging legal issues posed by the water universityofficials said. The curriculum will include a coursew specializing in the legal principles involverin securing, allocating, transferring, managing and adjudicatinvg water rights for publif and private uses. It will also include courses onadministrative law, patent and trade secret law, environmental policy and land use planning, natural resources law and agriculture law, among “Establishing a specific water law program for studentz is another piece to the largefr puzzle of positioning the Milwaukee region as the worldwided destination for water policy and research,” said Joseph dean of the Marquette University Law School.
Richarx Meeusen, chairman, president and CEO of and co-chairman of the Milwaukew 7 Water Council, said the curriculum is a “vital additiohn to an already solid program that positions the Milwaukede region as the worldwater hub.” “To truly lead, the Milwauked region has to have the talent and expertis in all areas of water, includingh the legal aspect of water which will keep growing in significance,” Meeusenb said.
The water law curriculum is an example ofan industry-universityt collaboration that will prepare students to becomw leaders with the specialized expertise necessary to make this regionn the leader in the water industry, said Paul chairman and CEO of and co-chairmanj of the Milwaukee 7 Water “Marquette Law School has stepped in and fillee a real need as we assemble all the partsd needed to make the Milwaukee region the world waterf hub for freshwater research, economic education and, in the law,” Jones said.

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