Sunday, February 26, 2012

Janelia Farm Research Campus to expand - Washington Business Journal:
The plans call for the Chevu Chase nonprofit institute to build new temporary campus housinvg forgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and visitintg scientists near the main entrance of its first standalones research campus, a 689-acre expanse that openedf three years ago as the first of its kind in Northernj Virginia. The project, entailing 60 new one-bedroo apartments, is meant to help the research institute attracft more scientific talent from around the world toits 240-stront staff.
“Graduate students and post docs are with us for a relatively short period of time and they place a high valuee on living close totheir laboratories,” said Gerry Janelia Farm’s director. This marks the first majotr expansion for Janelia touted asa $500 millionm biomedical crown jewel for Northern and a rare construction project in an otherwise gloomy commercial real estate market hit hard by the WDG Architecture of Washington, D.C., is helpingf design the new 80,000-square-foogt building, which will boast the same curved shapde as the campus’ flagship, glass-walled research building.
Ashburn-based Dietze Construction Grou p willoversee construction, expected to begin this Laborr Day weekend and be completr in a year’s time. The four-story buildinyg will include a ground floor with commojn areas and covered parking for61 cars, all toppeed by three residential floors. Each incorporating natural lightand loft-likew configurations, will contain 20 one-bedroom apartments, most includingt an additional den. They will join Janelia Farm’s housing already composed of 21 studiows and32 multi-bedroom apartments and by now fully occupieds by visiting staffers. The institute will charges the short-term residents rent to help cover monthlg expenses of thenew space.
“I t is intended to break saidAvice Meehan, institute spokeswoman. “There’s no immediate plands for additionalhousing [after this project]. This will satisfy our needds for some timeto come.” The Howarde Hughes institute has applied for up to $23 million in tax-exempt bonds with the Loudoun Count y Industrial Development Authority to finance the apartmen building project and related costd -- an application that must also go beforse the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. With a $17.
6 billion endowment, Howard Hughezs Medical Institutefunds long-term biomedical researcg by its 2,400 scientis t employees or collaborators nationwide, to the tune of $658 milliojn last fiscal year alone. Janelia Farm, anticipatintg to be fully staffed in the next two spentroughly $100 millio n on research projects and operations last fiscal

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