Monday, July 30, 2012

Valley life briefs - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
, producer of the free concert series in its 21st put the call out for singersa to participate inSan Jose’s Got Talent. “We know theree is a lot of hidden talent inSan Jose’s amateur singers,” said Eric SJDA president. The granxd prize winner will receiver prizes including cash and an opportunity to sing the nationalk anthem at a San JoseEarthquakes game. A panel of local judgesd will select a winner each The competition will feature18 singers, and firsf rounds occur July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23, July 30 and Aug. 6. The six preliminary-roun winners will square off ina semi-final round Aug. 13 and Aug. 20. The finale will be Aug. 27.
has entered into a partnership with Menlo Park to help buy andrefurbish bank-ownerd homes to provide new affordable homeownership opportunities for local workinbg families. Menlo Park is investing $500,000 in the bringing a total initial investmentof $1 Habitat plans to acquire and rehabilitate five vacant bank-owned properties in the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menloo Park, with a possible program expansion followint the initial pilot phase. San Mateo County was ineligiblwe for federal neighborhoodstabilization funds, leavingy communities such as Menlop Park that are facing growing instabilitt in their housing markets to come up with workable solutionsd without federal assistance.
“The Neighborhood Revitalization Program representd aunique public/private initiativer drawing support from many sectors of the community to help revitalizee local neighborhoods destabilized by the a Habitat spokesperson said. Families selected for the new prograk will help with the reconstruction and refurbishmeng of the homes as part of thestandarrd “sweat equity” requirement of the Habitat program. They will also have accesse to the same termsof Habitat’s homeownership program, including no down paymen t and a zero-interest mortgage.
will host a forum June 2-8 on the issue of an integrated, quality preschoolp system and what it means to the work forcd inSilicon Valley. Panelists will include Carl president and CEO of the Silicon ValletLeadership Group; Jim Wunderman, president and CEO of the Bay Area Catherine Atkin, president of Preschool California; Ken Wilcox, presidentr of SVB Financial; Ned Barnholt of KLA Tencor; and Charles the Santa Clara County superintendentt of schools. The event is sponsored by Silicon Valley Education Foundation, Fremont Chamber of San Jose/Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce. The cost is $35, and breakfasg is included.
To register go to

Sunday, July 29, 2012

There Will Be No European Liquidity Crisis: The Instable Equilibrium (Part IV) - Seeking Alpha

There Will Be No European Liquidity Crisis: The Instable Equilibrium (Part IV)

Seeking Alpha

It's called "The Instable Equilibrium." To get to it, sorry to say, you'll first have to go through the preamble. When you're done, press whichever button you see fit, to either spread the word or trash me… Of course, if you chose the latter, your ...

Friday, July 27, 2012

BioMarin: Genzyme virus problem won
Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ) founr a virus strain and stoppeds production of two drugs atthe Allston, Mass., facility. The Vesivirus 2117, apparently does not causd human infection but interrupts the growth of cells that are used to make Aldurazyme — a treatment for MPS I, a rare and fatalo disease caused by an enzyme deficiency — was last filled at the Genzymd facility in September 2008, according to BioMarin BMRN). The company has about 10 months of vialede inventoryon hand, it said, and uses a seconrd fill finish supplier. A third supplier is expected to be qualifiedd laterthis year, BioMarin said. BioMarin makes the bulk materiapl used in Aldurazyme at itsNovatio facility.
The Food and Drug Administration hadinspecterd Genzyme’s plant in September and October and reportedly was concerned about controls to protect against contamination.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Name to know: Andrew Wiggins - ESPN (blog)

ESPN (blog)

Name to know: Andrew Wiggins

ESPN (blog)

And now, with all of those qualifiers in place, it seems like you should become acquainted with the name Andrew Wiggins. Wiggins was already highly regarded; he's the consensus No. 1 player in the class of 2014. Still, according to just about everybody ...

and more »

Sunday, July 22, 2012

D.C. Mayor taps Valerie Santos as deputy mayor - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Santos, as chief operating officeer under Albert, has been closely involvedc in decision-making on many of the real estat dealsAlbert managed, including major city projects such as Poplafr Point. Albert began his new job as city administrator on replacingDan Tangherlini, who is taking a job in the Obam a administration. "In Ms. Santos, we not only have a steadt hand who knowsthe job, we have someon who is a consummate professional who will bring private-sectofr talents to get the job done,” Fenty said. Santoa was previously a vice president at commerciall real estate services firm and a managerwith 's real estate group.
She holds both an MBA and master's of publicv policy from the Kennedy School of Governmenytat . Santos has displayed a no-nonsenses approach appearing as Albert’s stand-in to testify at D.C. Councill meetings and in public forums representin g the city when hewas unavailable. She is already getting her feet wet in dealing with the political aspects ofthe job. On Tuesday, when the D.C. Council was busy squaring away final details of budgetrimplementation legislation, Santos and Albert’x other top deputy, Director of Development David moved around the Wilson Building seeking changesx from council members.
Santos apparently was not Fenty’sw initial choice to be deputty mayor. Greg O’Dell, Washingto n Convention Center Authority CEO and a formerf staff member of thedeputy mayor’a office, had been considered a top candidater to replace Albert, but a source close to O'Dell says he was offerex the job and turned it down. O’Dello would not confirm but indicated he would remain in hiscurrenr post, where he is now tasked with seeking publif financing for all of a $550 million conventionh center hotel. “The board and the mayor have evert expectation of me completing all the taskas Ihave here,” he said.
Fentuy would not say whether he had offered the jobto O’Delpl or anyone else before He announced the pick outsidee the Walker Jones Elementary School, which is beingb rebuilt as part of a new Northwest One neighborhood, and said she was “the first person who has risen to the deputy mayor’z position from within the ranks.” “I think it’ a great sign for the D.C. governmentr that not only does Valerie Santos have amaziny experience in the private sector butthat she’sa been hard at work serving the peoplse of the District of Columbia for the last two the mayor said.
He said Santos sharee the vision that he and Albert had for how economix development in the city shouldcbe run, not by owning or overly managin projects but by allowing the privatew sector to bring ideas to the city. “Ws should try to just facilitate We’ve got the greatest business community in the worlc herein D.C. We don’t need to try to replicatse what they’re doing. We don’t need an emphasies on owning or buildinb inthe D.C. government. We need to And to do so, we need to hire the best and the brightesrtand we’ve done that.
” Santos, 36, who livesz in Columbia Heights, was working for Jones Lang LaSallre as a consultant to the city when Albert -- whom she callee a mentor -- recruited her to work for him. She is believedr to be the first womamn to serve in the rolefor D.C. and will managew 65 employees and as well as oversee the Officewof Planning, Department of Housing and Community the Office of Propertyy Management and the Washington D.C. Economic a contractor. “In the cominh weeks my goal is to ensure asmooty transition, which I expecg will be relatively easy, because I am very fortunater to manage a very talented and skilledc team,” she said.
She said she woulfd continue to move projects all overthe city, with a particula r focus on those east of the Anacostia River, such as the plannedd redevelopment of St. Elizabeths Hospital in Southeast D.C. “We will continue to focusa on implementingMayor Fenty’s visio n for economic development. In the context of the current economid climate, we will focus on business attraction andretention efforts, and in continuinvg to provide tools to allow our localo business and not-for-profits to grow,” she said. A membert of the D.C.
Councipl who regularly butts headswith Albert, Councilman Kwams Brown, D-at large and chair of the economic development committee, issuede a press release during the announcement saying he was disappointeds he was not invited but sayingf Santos “has the experience and the operational for the job and that her appointmenft was “an opportunity to forgee a new relationship between the Council and the executivr to create jobs for District residents, new opportunities for locao businesses, more affordable housing and to efficiently move projects to

Friday, July 20, 2012

Paris premiere featuring stars of new Batman movie canceled after Colorado ... -

Globe and Mail

Paris premiere featuring stars of new Batman movie canceled after Colorado ...

PARIS -- The Paris premiere of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” was canceled Friday after a gunman killed several people at a Colorado opening of the same film. The event at a movie theater on the French capital's famed Champs-Elysees ...

Eight The Dark Knight Rises Photos Featuring Lucius Fox and Miranda Tate

Reel Empire

Did 20th Century Fox Try to Trademark 'Gotham' behind DC's Back?

What a long dark knight

Columbia Daily Tribune -Pocket Gamer


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vivus surges, Arena tumbles on diet drug - MarketWatch


Vivus surges, Arena tumbles on diet drug


SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) â€" Vivus Inc. shares surged almost 10% on Wednesday after the company won key Food and Drug Administration approval for its obesity-management drug Qsymia. At the same time, Vivus's triumph was a blow to Arena ...

Sector Snap: Ob esity drugmakers Vivus and Arena


Vivus To Advance On Buyout Trade; Arena Takeout Unlikely


Glory for Vivus After Arena - Analyst Blog

NASDAQ -San Francisco Chronicle


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Charlie Baker quitting Harvard Pilgrim - Kansas City Business Journal:
"Leaving the company is not an easy decisio nfor me, but there is no middlw ground. I am either the CEO of Harvard Pilgrim or I’m building a campaign organization. I canno t do both," Baker said in a statement releasefdWednesday morning. In a fairwell e-mail, Bakerr thanked Harvard Pilgrim's staffers and touted the organization's successes over the years. "But I also recognize the terribld financial and operational strain that will face state and locak government in theyears ahead.
I know both sectors prettyh well — better than most, I would say — and I believed I can bring ideas, energyu and leadership to the tasks that face state government in theyearsz ahead.” Baker, a Republican, is a former state secretary of administration and finance. CFO Bruce Bullebn will be interim CEO atHarvarde Pilgrim.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Burgess: Property tax losses
The Miami-Dade County property appraisef released its preliminary tax roll information with all four taxingjurisdictions – fire rescue, the unincorporated area and Miami-Dade overall – seeingg a decline. The countywide decrease comparing preliminary tax numbers from year to year showd a 9percent decrease, or a total of $22.55 billion.” “These losses would have been worsee if not for new construction that was addex to the property tax roll as of Jan. 1,” Countty Manager George Burgess said in a memo sent tocountyy commissioners. North Bay Village took the biggestf hit, down 20.2 percent from 2008 Homestead sawan 18.
2 percen t decline, followed by Normandy Shores, down 17.5 and Aventura which was down 17.3 Golden Beach and the tiny city of Islandiza saw no change. Medley saw a 1.5 percent drop while Biscayne Park saw a 4percentt decline. Click for the full Staffers reviewed property tax rollws going back to 1985 and found that 1993 saw taxabld value shrinkby 2.9 or $1.9 billion. “Even in 2008, when we absorbedx the impact of doubling the homestead exemptionjfrom $25,000 to $50,000, the property tax roll was relativelhy flat,” Burgess explained in the memo.
“These losses in property tax roll values are Burgess warned of a lot more pain on the using the last two years as a barometer of what is For the secondconsecutivde year, Miami-Dade faced a $200 million budgegt gap in the last fiscakl year. Core services were kept intact by tightening but assuming the same tax rate adoptedfor 2008-09, the estimatefd ad valorem revenues for fiscapl year 2009-10 would shrink by $174.1q million, according to the memo.
Taking into accountf the impact of normal inflationary growt and theeconomic slowdown, combined with the non ad valorem revenu sources, results in property tax subsidized operations facing a budget gap of $350 million to $400 million, Burgess said. “We are workingg diligently to prepare a proposed budge forFY [fiscal year] 2009-109 that to the extent possible, preserves essential services and minimizezs service impacts to our residents,” he wrote in the memo. “However, closing a budgetary gap of this size will require some verydifficultf decisions.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Angel Investment Forum moves south to Jupiter site - South Florida Business Journal:
The Gunster Yoakley & Stewart associate is the new chairma ofthe three-year-old nonprofit Angel Investment Forumn of Florida (AIFFL). The group recentlu changed its name fromthe . It’s a loose-knitr but individually powerful grou whose 50 regular membere have millions of dollars to lend or invest in startupsz andbusiness expansions. Others in the group offef capital raising, marketing, accounting and legalp services. “It’s a dynamic but has a low profile because all the meetingse have been heldin Stuart,” Robbins said.
“We are relocating the meetingds to the in Jupiter – more central for both Soutbh Florida and Treasure Coast The new venue is located just off Interstate 95 in the immediatde proximity of ’s Jupiter campus, plus the and biotechnology researchu sites. The first meetinfg there is scheduledfor Sept. 9 at 5:30 p.m. AIFFL Executive Director Marcy Brennan said her groupcomprises entrepreneurs, investors and professional servic e providers. “We expect to double the membership this year especially the angel investors with this more central and convenientmeeting location,” she “Even for those in Stuart, it’ not that far away.
” AIFF used to have a centra Florida chapter in the Villages, a large country club community south of but it closed in January. “We expected the Villages’ residenta to be a good sourceof investment, and to draw entrepreneursd from Tallahassee, Gainesville, Tampa and but it just didn’t work out that way on a regular basis,” Brennan said. There will likely be substantial crossover between memberes of the AIFFL and the which meets regularly inBoca Raton. “I thinm it’s good for the community that AIFFLp is wideningits footprint,” said David GCVCA chairman and a shareholder in Gunster Yoakley & Stewart.
He sees the Jupiter move as a shrewc marketing strategy to grow citinghis group’s membership, which grew to more than 300 over the last two yearss in southern Palm Beach County. “There are more than enougbh investment angels looking for good dealsin today’sz competitive environment for both organizations,” Bates said. GCVCA is typicallhy pitched by young companies looking for mezzanined investing inthe $1 million to $5 milliom range, while AIFFL gets pitched more by startup companies lookint for $50,000 to $1 million.
Brennajn said: “We have seen some remarkable ground-floor opportunitiesa in medical devices and greayt creativity across the board in thetechnologyt field.” Web site: E-mail:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Republic Airways Holdings Inc. Company Profile | RJET Company Information
Chautauqua Airlines was founded in 1973in N.Y. by Joel and Gloria Hall. The airline?s primary mission was to operate undera code-sharwe agreement with Allegheny Airlines operating as Allegheny Commuter. Initial scheduled operations from Jamestownto Buffalo, N.Y. and Pa. were started with two new nine-passenger Beech 99 aircraft. In 1984, the airline addedc five new 19-passenger Fairchild Metro III aircraft toits fleet. In 1986, Chautauquqa Airlines was purchasedby GAC. Later that year, the airline entere d into an agreement with Saab Aircraff of America for the purchase of12 30-passenger Saab 340 aircraff to replace the slower Shortsd 3-30?s.
On May 8, the airline announced the renewal ofits code-sharer agreement with USAir. The new agreement included a routr realignment that required the airline to relocate the corporatd headquartersto Indianapolis, Ind. to bettedr support its growing operation. On May 15, Wexford Capital, LLC of Greenwich, Conn. purchasedr Chautauqua Airlines. In March 1999, the airline enteredr into an agreement with Embraeer for the purchase of10 50-passengef Embraer ERJ-145 regional jet aircraft.
In July 1999, Chautauqua Airline s announced the appointment of Bryan Bedforfd as president and chief executive In addition, the airline announced the appointment of Robert Hal Coope r as vice president and chief financial ...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dayton region's Swine Flu count climbs to 12 - Triangle Business Journal:
The reported that as of noon June 10 there were 47 confirmedd cases of Swine Fluin Ohio, up from 38 in the past two Clark County has the most case of the counties in the Dayton Of the six cases reportedr in Clark County, Northridge Middle School students accounted for five of the cases. And in Montgomery a Vandalia-Butler student became a confirmedd caselast week, while two Dayton Public Schoolzs students were confirmed this week. There are four total cases in Montgomery County. There are 27,737 confirmed caseas worldwide, according to the , with 74countries havintg at leastone case. There have been 141 deathxs confirmed caused by SwineFlu worldwide, according to the WHO. The U.S.
has the most with 13,217 confirmed cases. There are cases now in all 50 statexsplus Washington, D.C., and Puertop Rico, according to the federal . There have been 27 confirmedf deaths inthe U.S. Butlerf County – 2 (30-year-olcd male, 13-year-old female)Clark County 6 (15-year-old male, 25-year-old male, 12-year-old 15-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 14-year-old male) Cuyahoga Count y – 6 (41-year-old female, 9-year-olc male, 14-year-old female, 14-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 14-year-olr male) Franklin County – 16 (31-year-oled male, 33-year-old male, 18-year-old 20-year-old female, 19-year-old female, 21-year-old 20-year old male, 22-year-old female, 23-year-old 19-year-old male, 11-year-old female, 13-year-old female, 35-year-ole female, 44-year old male, 8-year-old male, 41-year-old male) Lawrence County 2 (2-year-old male, 8-month-old male) Montgomer County – 4 (16-year-old 13-year-old female, 9-year-old female, 17-year-old female ) Cuyahoga Countyt – 2 (20-year-old female, 16-year-old

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Answers aplenty on major preparations - ESPN


Answers aplenty on major preparations


How should one prepare for next week's Open Championship? The answers vary greatly from player to player, writes's Bob Harig.

Monday, July 9, 2012

2009 WNY middle school rankings - Dallas Business Journal:
Profiles of the top 25 schoolzs can be reached by clicking on the namess of thoseschools below. A breakdownh of the rankings for each sectiob of Western New York can be accessed by . The following abbreviatione havebeen used: CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle ES-Elementary School, HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Juniorf High School, JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-Highy School, MS-Middle School, PS-Primary SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocational High Each school is followed by the name of the district that operatess it (if it’s a public or the district wheree it is located (if it’sx a private school). • 1. 2. • 3. • 4. • 5.
• 6. • 7. 8. • 9. • 10. 11. • 12. • 13. • 14. 15.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

System to use cellphones in weather alerts -

System to use cellphones in weather alerts

A new nationwide text emergency alert system, Wireless Emergency Alerts, will use cellphone text messages to warn of threatening weather, U.S. officials said.

and more »

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Santa Clara University gets $5M gift - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Ann Bowers, the widow of Robert was a member ofthe school's boarde of trustees from 1986 through and said her donation stemsa from her admiration for the SCU "I am very impressed with Santa Clara University's emphasis on educating the wholwe person," Bowers said. "The new core curriculum, with its emphasis on social justice andstudent engagement, will help SCU student s become leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion who will help make the worldd a better place.
" Bowers, who received an honorary doctofr of public service degree from Santa Clara in 2000, was the first directodr of personnel for Santa Clara-based (NASDAQ:INTC), and then the first human resources vice president for Cupertino-based Later, she worked with the Silicon Valley Join Venture Education Initiative. She is a senior trustee for theNoycw Foundation, which funds programs for students and teacherse in literacy, math, science, and technology. A portion of the fundse are designated to support the Global Social Benefity Incubator program runby SCU's Centere for Science, Technology, and Society.
This on-campus residential program helps social benefit entrepreneursz from around the world learnjbusiness skills, scale their projects, and achieve

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Small business index gains in April - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
points in April, with a majority of businesss owners expecting the economy to improve over the next three to six The percentage of small business owners who are optimistic about the economu jumped 24 points in the monthly survey. Sales expectations, which hit a recor low in March, improved by 20 Scores for six other indicatorsalso increased, enabling the indezx to rise to 86.8 still far below 100, the levekl that reflects small business conditions in 1986. NFIB Chie Economist William Dunkelbergcautioned “ther improved numbers were still very so “no immediate turnabout” is likel for the economy.
About 30 percent of small businessesa reduced employment over the pastthrede months, compared with 4 percent that increased the size of thei work force. “It appears that owners are not through withtheir labor-based cost Dunkelberg said. A net 14 percenyt of small-business owners reportex that loans were harderto get, the highest reading sincer the recession of the early 1980s.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Katy Perry flies solo as she wows on the red carpet for Part Of Me premiere - Metro


Katy Perry flies solo as she wows on the red carpet for Part Of Me premiere


Katy Perry turned up in town footloose and fancy free at the UK premiere of her new film Part Of Me after the new men in her life were dubbed nothing.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Monsanto, BASF announce breakthrough in drought-resistant corn development - East Bay Business Times:
The companies said they would use the gene to develop the world’s first biotechnology-derived drought-tolerant The discovery is a timelyu breakthrough, according to Monsanto. The number and durationn of dry spells, especially in already drought-prone is expected to increase due to climate according to aUnited Nations' Food and Agriculture Organizatiohn report prepared for ministers of the G-8, Monsantlo said. Monsanto and BASF said the drought-tolerant corn product is targeted for as early as 2012 pendingt appropriateregulatory approvals. The two companies are jointly contributing $1.5 billion over the life of theie research collaboration.
Chemical company BASF is basedin Germany. Creve Coeur, Mo.-based Monsantio Co. (NYSE: MON), led by Chairman, Presiden t and CEO Hugh Grant, develops insect- and herbicide-resistanyt crops and other agricultural It is one of the largest employersin St. Louis with 4,00o local employees.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Religion Calendar: June 30 - Opelika Auburn News

Religion Calendar: June 30

Opelika Auburn News

The Auburn A.M.E. Zion is at 576 Martin Luther King Drive in Auburn. The Rev. Stephen Faulk is pastor. » Liberty CME Church will celebrate its fourth Pastor Appreciation service for the Rev. Shelia E. Crabb at noon July 8. The theme is “A Good Thing.

and more »