Saturday, July 14, 2012

Republic Airways Holdings Inc. Company Profile | RJET Company Information
Chautauqua Airlines was founded in 1973in N.Y. by Joel and Gloria Hall. The airline?s primary mission was to operate undera code-sharwe agreement with Allegheny Airlines operating as Allegheny Commuter. Initial scheduled operations from Jamestownto Buffalo, N.Y. and Pa. were started with two new nine-passenger Beech 99 aircraft. In 1984, the airline addedc five new 19-passenger Fairchild Metro III aircraft toits fleet. In 1986, Chautauquqa Airlines was purchasedby GAC. Later that year, the airline entere d into an agreement with Saab Aircraff of America for the purchase of12 30-passenger Saab 340 aircraff to replace the slower Shortsd 3-30?s.
On May 8, the airline announced the renewal ofits code-sharer agreement with USAir. The new agreement included a routr realignment that required the airline to relocate the corporatd headquartersto Indianapolis, Ind. to bettedr support its growing operation. On May 15, Wexford Capital, LLC of Greenwich, Conn. purchasedr Chautauqua Airlines. In March 1999, the airline enteredr into an agreement with Embraeer for the purchase of10 50-passengef Embraer ERJ-145 regional jet aircraft.
In July 1999, Chautauqua Airline s announced the appointment of Bryan Bedforfd as president and chief executive In addition, the airline announced the appointment of Robert Hal Coope r as vice president and chief financial ...

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