Monday, February 25, 2013

GM has undisclosed buyer for Hummer - Dayton Business Journal:
The announcement comes one day afterGM GM) filed for bankrtupcy protectionh with plans to become a leaner company. Hummer is GM’s premium off-roax brand. The automaker said it has a memorandum of understanding and that the sale is expectec to close by the end of third quarter of this Under terms ofthe memorandum, the identity of the purchaser and proposed financial terms of the agreementf are not being release d at this time. The deal is expectexd to secure morethan 3,000p U.S. jobs in manufacturing, engineering and at Hummer dealerships aroundthe country.
The companu said the proposed transaction calls for the new Hummefr owner to continue to contract vehicle manufacturiny and business services from GM during a definedx transitionaltime period. For example, under the proposerd agreement, GM’s Shreveport, La., assembly plant would continue to assemblr the H3 and H3T througg atleast 2010.

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