Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gourmet to come downtown St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
million in sales last year. The in Washington, Mo., is the latestr recipient of government funds, accepting $20.4 million in TARP moneyu May 22. “Some people equate the receipg of these funds as a government which is absolutelynot correct,” said L.B. Eckelkamp Jr., chairman and chief executive. The bank has been and continuese to bewell capitalized, he and will be able to boosty its loans by $100 milliojn from the current $675 million in loan outstanding.
is on track for $1 millioj in revenue this year, 20 percent more than last according to owner Holly Her Dave’s Double Chip cookie was the featured “Snackm of the Day” on the “Rachael Ray Show” May 11. St. HOK ranked third in Architect magazine’s inaugural list of the top 50architecturap practices, based on profitability, design quality and sustainability (think green). The May issue also includews a profile of the firm and a fun color portrait of Chairman Bill Valentine and CEO Patrick MacLeamy. HOK had revenue of $752 million in 2008. ranked first, and of Chicag ranked second.
and the are offering 16 promotiona packagesat $15,000 each to The company name will appear on top of a 600-pound replica of the Arch, with the replicas placed downtown during All-Star week, said Franlk Viverito, commission president. The sponsorships also includw 100 ticketsto FanFest, a pair of tickets to the All-Stadr Game and other goodies. ’s Modernisn auction last monthtotaled $775,000 in sales, short of a pre-sale estimate of $1 millio to $1.25 million. One reason was that a Fernand o Botero painting that was estimatef to go for upto $225,000 didn’ft sell because it didn’t reacg its reserve price.
The high lot was a Malcolm Morley painting from the estate of James Malloy that sold for including buyer’s premium, said Mark executive vice president. An auction featuring American, British and Continental prints and drawings is schedulerdJune 6-8. John Burroughs grad and New York restaurateurt Danny Meyer was the subject ofa half-pagr Q&A in The May 23. Despitee the economy, he said, “restaurantsx with small courses that give thecustomer choices, and don’y obligate them to spend a fortune, are goin g to do well.” He is a boardf member of OpenTable, an online restauran booking service that had a $20-a-shar e initial public offering last month.
His Blue Smoke and Shakee Shack restaurants have outposte inthe Mets’ new Citi

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

American Woodmark loses $2.9M - Portland Business Journal:
Winchester, Va.-based American Woodmark (NASDAQ: AMWD) reported Friday that it lost $2.9 or 21 cents per diluted in its fiscal fourth quarter endedApril 30. That comparesa to net income of $36,000, or zero centsa per diluted share, in the year ago period. Restructuring chargezs in the quarter amountedto $9.745 million and included the costs to permanently close two factoriezs and reduce its salaried payroll. Revenuwe in the quarter slipped 2 percento $140.7 million. For all of fiscal year 2009, American Woodmarlk lost $3.23 million, or 23 centxs per diluted share, compared to making $4.28 million, or 29 cents per diluted share, in fiscal year 2008.
Revenue for fiscal year 2009 declineed 9 percentto $545.9 American Woodmark is the third-largest cabinet maker in the U.S., sellin its products to homebuilders and at home-improvementy stores around the During the latest quarter, American Woodmark said it saw an increasew in remodeling sales but experienceds greater declines in its new construction business than experiencedd earlier in the fiscal

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Other Side of Oahu -

The Other Side of Oahu

We are just off the leeward coast of Oahu, a world away from bustling Waikiki, near the Ko Olina Resort & Marina and ...

Leading Waikiki Hotel, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Lets Guests Book ...

PR Web (press release)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

AIG to close Milwaukee center, lay off 291 - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Midwest Operations Center at750 W. Virginia St. in Milwaukee'd Walker's Point neighborhood, which had a total of 312 will beshut down. AIG laid off 254 of thosse employees andretained 58, who will move to a marketing and operation center at 1200 N. Mayfair Road in Wauwatosq or possibly workfrom home. The company also eliminated 37 jobs at the Mayfair Road The Milwaukee employees who were laid off workef forthe health, contracts and licensing, underwriting, new business and operations development departments. Employees could be seen leavinf the Virginia Street office Tuesday afternoo with boxesof belongings.
A table had been set up in the lobbyh to assist employees with the The total reduction amounts to abouyt 17 percent of American General American General is a subsidiary of beleaguered insurancegiantg , or AIG, which has laid off hundredsz of employees worldwide this year. Milwaukes and Houston are the two cities most heavily impacted by the layoff s causedby “unprecedented” economic conditions, according to Shayna Schulz, Americab General vice president of corporatse communications. Schulz did not providre the total number of American General employeesin Houston.
Some othed AIG divisions with offices here have had layoffssince September, she All affected employees have been provided with outplacement servicesa and are eligible for open positionas elsewhere with AIG. “We are deeply grateful for the contributions of our colleague s who have been impacted by this decision and believe it will resul t in American General Life Companies becoming a more competitive organizatioj focusedon long-term profitable growth that will benefit all policyholders, as well as our employees,” the compant said in a statementt issued Tuesday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

HOUSING: August permit activity second-lowest since records kept - North County Times

HOUSING: August permit activity second-lowest since records kept

North County Times

San Diego County house builders applied for 76 permits in August, the second fewest in 22 years, according to data from an industry group. ...

HOUSING: Riverside County building permits rise in August

North County Times

California Housing Starts Rise for Fourth Straight Month in August



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NY stimulus spending hits milestone - Kansas City Business Journal:
The state has now soughft bids forprojects together, consume more than half of New York’ s highway and bridge funding, said Timothyt Gilchrist, an adviser to Gov. David Paterson. Gilchrist is overseeingt a state committee that is administering stimulus The $787 billion stimulus requires states to obligate at least half of their highway funds by June 29. States that do not meet that deadlinwe forfeit their remaininghighway funding, which will be redistribute d to states that did meet the To date, 15 states have failed to obligate at leasg half of their highway Gilchrist said.
New York has now met that requirement a month aheadof time, having advertised bids for at leas t $392 million of highway projects. “It’s one less thing that will wake me up at 3 in the Gilchrist saidon “We get to rest for about 30 seconds. And then we have to move Gilchrist said it will take several more montha to obligate all the stimulus And thestate won’t know until the June 29 deadlind whether it will get more money. “Eacuh day, people are processing projects. We won’t know until the end,” Gilchristy said.
Many of the projectxs that have been advertised so far have been in planning for a few Inmany cases, municipalities are substitutingg stimulus money for funding they had already set asid e for a project. The state Department of Transportationh will also be able to do restarting projects that had been Gilchrist said. A list of thosse projects is to be published in afew weeks. It takew up to 12 weeks from the time a projectt is announced to the time whenconstructionm begins. A typical bid period lastws four tosix weeks, and it takea just as long for the state comptroller to review and authorizd the work, Gilchrist said.
“Therre will be boots on the grounthis summer,” he For more information, see the state’s stimulus Web site: .

Monday, September 20, 2010

Common Cause finds oil vote-contribution correlation - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The report, released in is the latest in a series of studieas compiled by Common Cause that analyze how political contributions by various industries might impactpublic policy, said Statde Director Steven Allen. “We founrd that legislators who voted on legislation friendly to oil and gas on average, two-to-five times more campaign contributionas than legislators who vote d in a manner unfriendly to the oil and gas industry,” Allenh said. However, President Bob Gallagher said campaigncontributions don’t buy votes. “Ou r companies look for pro-business candidates, whetherf they be Republicans or Democrats, to creat a stable business environment in New Gallagher said.
“We need pro-business representatives, and they need to spendr money toget elected. It’s that simple. But that doesn’tr get us any favors.” Gallagher said political contributions are like buyingy insurance on an office buildin toprotect one’s assets. “You spend money on a candidatre to protect your assets with peoplre whoare pro-business,” Gallagher said. “With billions of dollarsx in assets inNew we’ll do everything we can to protectt it. Wouldn’t you?
” The report, based on statisticsz from the in State Politics and the New Mexic o Secretaryof State’s Web site, says oil and gas businessea were among the largest political contributors in New Mexico in every year of the past decade. Contributions totalef $5.369 million from 1998 to with about 41 percent going to Democrats and the rest to Last year, oil and gas companies contributed more than $1 or 15.6 percent of all contributionz in 2008 — the most from any single The single largest contributor last year was , an Albuquerque-basedf oil and gas investment company, with $250,00o for two candidates, the report was third largest with $140,000.
The reporgt analyzed votes on various oil and gas billds in recent years and correlated the positions of individual legislators with the amountg they receivedin contributions. “Contributions to legislators whos e votes were friendly to industryh on averagetotaled $4,577,” the report stated. “Contributions to legislators whosvotes weren’t friendly to industry on average totalefd $1,793. For both chambers and all bills analyzed, industry-friendly voting is associated with 2.6 timee more O&G funding than industry-unfriendly Sen.
John Arthur Smith, a Deminb Democrat and chairman of the SenateFinance Committee, said the industry’zs impact on New Mexico finances is the criticalo factor influencing legislative decisions. we’re far too dependent on oil and Smith said. “It’s too volatile, and we’re right now suffering a backlashn from theindustry downturn.” In the past five oil and gas accounted for betweebn 15 and 21 percent of general fund revenues, with more than $10 billiomn in taxes and charges paid by industryy between 2002 and 2007.
The plummet in oil and gas however, has lowered energy-related revenue projections to just 12 percent for fiscao year2010 — the lowest percentagwe since 1999, according to the Legislative Finances Committee. The revenue decline contributed toa $450 million deficitg in the current FY 2009 budget, and a projectex $400 million deficit for 2010. As for politicalk contributions, Smith said it’s the overall cost of electiond that needs to be addressed rather than any alleger influence earned byindividual “I’ve never been influenced by it and all other legislators will tell you the same, but you can’ run an electoral race without Smith said.
“I guess it’x the cost of elections that bothers me The worst thing in politics is having toraise money. I’d like to see limit s on contributions, but I don’t know how you do that withouty impairing freedomof

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Donald Trump says SimDag can
At least that’s what Trump claimsx in court documents filed withthe U.S. District Court’s Middlr District of Florida Wednesday as he continues to try and recovedr unpaid licensing fees connected to the failed Trump TowerfTampa project. After Trump sued SimDag for morethan $1 milliojn in licensing fees in May Dagostino filed a counterclaimk saying Trump’s revealing of the existence of the licensing agreemeng — something that had neve been publicly confirmed beford that — caused irreparable harm to the and sought his own damageas because of it. Trump, however, througn his attorneys Christopher L. Griffinh and Lauren L.
Valiente of LLP of says that not only is Dagostinlo incapable of fulfilling the original agreementy first signed in October 2004 but his own guarant y already waived his rights to file sucha counterclaim. The origina l licensing deal would result ina $2 milliobn payday for Trump, but the agreemenr in 2006 that doubled that fee to $4 million in exchangew for concessions in the amount of money Trump would receive from condo sales. As part of the new Trump would receive a 50 percentr cut of overall net instead of various percentages of gros revenue averagingaround $300 a square foot. U.S. Bankruptcyh Judge K.
Rodney May ordered in July that Trump’s breachn of contract suit could continuedespitd SimDag’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing. At the same time, with Peterd J. Grilli on Sept. 29 woulr also move forward. The 52-story, $225 million luxury condominiumn project was supposed to be built on Ashleuy Drive in downtown Tampa on the banksa of theHillsborough River. The trial for Trump’s breach of contractg suit is scheduledfor Feb. 2. In the meantime, Dagostinoi has changed attorneys inthe lawsuit. Charles M. Harris Jr. and Heidi L. Hobbs of Trenanm Kemker Scharf BarkinFrye O’Neill & Mullis in St.
Petersburfg will represent him in the case against replacing Allen Levine andLisa M. Castellano of of Clearwater.

Friday, September 17, 2010

AutoZone beats the odds with double-digit growth - Phoenix Business Journal:
million for the quarter, up 9.5% compared to last Earnings per shareincreased 25.9 to $3.13, the company’s 11th consecutivde quarter of double-digit earnings per share Frank Goodman served as vice president of business planning and analysias with AutoZone, helping determine new storwe locations, before leaving in 2000. “It’s a grea mouse trap and they’ve done a great job running he says. Now a chief portfolil strategistwith , an investment advisory Goodman was part of the team that helpeed AutoZone expand from 500 stores to more than 3,000 locationsd across the U.S. and Mexico.
When he was AutoZone executives looked at motor vehicle registrations providedby , a data “So you know where the cars are and then wher e you should consider building a store,” Goodman “It’s really quite the advantage to have that mechanicapl demand feature, so it’s not all the whim of the but it’s also the demandsw of their cars.” At AutoZone’s peak, the company was opening a store every day. In the company’ss most recent third quarter, it opened 42 new stores, bringingv it to 4,172 locations in the U.S.
and 168 in The company could open morenext quarter, since storew openings are seasonal, according to “It’s very difficult to get stores open at the end of the it’s much easier at the end of the he says. Goodman attributes a large partof AutoZone’s success to the company’d culture of WITTDTJR, which is an acronykm for “What It Takes To Do The Job AutoZone research revealed that a persobn seeking to repair a car would make an average 2.3 visits to an auto partes store to get the problem completely “Usually, that .3 was a visit to a different auto parts store,” Goodman says.
“So management, understanding this, said that the company had to get the numbedr ofvisits down.” AutoZone has convinced employee s to build a sales ticket, not just to get the custome to buy useless items but to help solve their problem quicker. Also, since fear of doing somethingb wrongin do-it-yourself projects is a big concer for customers, employees are trained to be forthcomint with their automotive knowledge. John R. retail analyst at , says another reasonh AutoZone has excelled recentlh is due to an increase in the number of cars whichgare seven-eight years old and older out on the road.
“They’rw out of warranty, they have to be fixecd and in this everybody gets pinched and you have to find the cheapesf alternative to keep your car Lawrence says. AutoZone might also be gaining saleas fromcar dealerships, and theire related service departments, closing. Besides providin auto parts for do-it-yourself customers, the majorituy of its business, AutoZon also sells parts to garages. People are also deferrintg maintenance ontheir cars, and when they do perform this maintenance, they are often buyinv better quality parts and increasing theird purchases at stores like AutoZone.
Bria Campbell, AutoZone’s vice president of investor relations, agreess the company has some tailwincd in this economy because peopld are looking tosave money. “It’s a healthy one-two puncu of the challenges of the economtyand execution, spending some dollars to make sure that we’rde capturing those customers once they come into our Campbell says. An example of this is AutoZone’d domestic same store sales, whichu increased 7.4% last quarter. The company’s salesd per square foot, at $58 last is the highest in the industry.
Campbell attributes that to many but focuses onthe company’s

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sprint, Paetec settle patent-infringement suit - Kansas City Business Journal:
said the settlement won’t materiallyu affect its consolidatedfinancial statements. A Sprint spokesmanh declined to comment beyond confirming that the case had been Overland Park-based wireless carrier Sprint had filexd the suit in January 2008 in U.S. District Courgt for the District of saying that Paetec and two of its subsidiariesa infringed on patents relatedto Sprint’a Voice Over Packet portfolio by sellingg products and services that use technology coverede by the patents, an earlier filing said. The patents relats to technology that carries telephone calla to or from the publid switchedtelephone network, the filing said. Sprint ranksa No.
1 on the Kansaw City Business Journal ’s list of the area’a top public companies.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Senior Japan MOF official cancels public appearance - Reuters


Senior Japan MOF official cancels public appearance


... finance ministry official belonging to a division in charge of currency intervention cancelled a scheduled appearance at a private forum on Wednesday. ...

and more »

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sponsorship of DNC brings various perks - Denver Business Journal:
The offers perks that include hospitalith suites at thePepsi Center, accesss to exclusive forums and tickets to privat e parties, to companies that help fund the DNC. Corporate sponsorship packets offer various levels of benefits to donors who contribute $25,000 to $1 Those who donate $500,000 or more will received several incentives, including credentials to the Pepsi Center during the which runs Aug. 25-28. "We went initially to corporate Coloradk and had some key people giveus $1 million and they becamr our key sponsors," said Stevs Farber, president and founding partner of law firm .
Farber is also a member of thehost "For companies that weren't interested in donatingt at the $1 million we looked for companies to donate at the $500,000 and $250,000 range," Farber said, but declinedd to give company names. Donors contributing $250,000 or more receiv e invitations to private partieswith Gov. Bill Ritter, Denvet Mayor John Hickenlooperand U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar, among other political officials. Farber's firm donatedc $52,800, which gives it access to host committee-sponsoredd events and marketing incentives duringthe convention. It's unclear how the sponsorshil packets have contributed to overall fundraising efforts by local officials.
Package brochures started circulating 14months ago, but the host committew said it's still short on The committee missed its June 16 deadlinr to raise $40.6 It has $29 million in the Convention officials are pushing harder than ever to raisre the remaining $11.6 million. To help, U.S Rep. Ed D- Colo., recently callexd businesses about sponsoringthe convention. Law firms in Denvere have been big donorw tothe DNC.
Aside from helping raise cash, has made significant contributionsd in the form of free More than 20 of its attorneysw haveprovided $250,000 worth of pro bono legakl services -- tax advice, real estate negotiationzs and employment agreements -- to the host committee sincse April 2007. The firm also helpee the committee obtainits 501(3)(c) status. "It'sz giving us a chance to get involved inthe process," said Cole partner at the firm. Sponsors also gain some prestige from donating to such anhistoricalk event. Other businesses, law firms, restaurantzs and hotels have contributed to the DNC on a much smalledr scale bypaying $5,280 to join the host committee's Summity Club.
Such contributions lack fancy Denver-based law firm LLP contributed $5,2800 in May. "I think it'ss important for all businesses in Denver to supporr the host committee ifwe can," said Rick a partner at Hollandr & Hart.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lyon's throwing error gives Dodgers 6-3 win - The Associated Press


Lyon's throwing error gives Dodgers 6-3 win

The Associated Press

HOUSTON รข€" Reliever Brandon Lyon's threw away a bunt for a tiebreaking two-run error in a three-run ninth inning, giving the Los Angeles Dodgers a 6-3 win ...

Gibbons' homer gives Dodgers victory



Friday, September 10, 2010

Hampshire girls golf team remains unbeaten - The Courier News

Hampshire girls golf team remains unbeaten

The Courier News

Taylor Ellett and Connie Ellett both fired a 41 to share medalist honors, while Grace Jakubowski (50) and Jessie Van Dorin (58) also counted. ...

and more »

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Telesphere Networks gets $15 million - Phoenix Business Journal:
The money comes from previous including , LLC and , which put about $10 millionj into the company last June for expansion. The company opened offices in Salt Lake City and Las Vegas in the pasteight months. “We have a prettyy good footprint in the West and Ithinko you’ll see us continue to expand on said Clark Peterson, the Scottsdale-based company’sa CEO. Growth could come througnh acquisitions or opening up in new he said, but declined to commeny on which markets the company is targeting. It now has customere in 44 states. Revenue increasex 60 percent last although Peterson declined to release theactuapl figures.
The company also addedd 60 employees and now has morethan 100. Telespherre markets a centrally hosted, voice over Internet protocol PBX phone system to small andmidsizs businesses. The setup is touteed as a capital-saving alternative to traditionakl units that are houses atthe customers’ In the past year, the economic crisis has pushe d more business Telesphere’s way as companies look for ways to save and some of that has come from larger firms looking to control Peterson said. Telesphere is a good targety for investors because of the market it saidDennis Weibling, chairman of Rall Capital and Telesphere.
Initial investor are back because of thegrowtyh they’ve seen in a short period of he said. “With Telesphere, what’s been very interestintg to us is the amount of adoption inthis environment,” Weiblingb said. A veteran of wireless carrier Nextel and others in thetelecokm industry, Weibling said he sees comparisons between what Telesphere offers and Nextel’s “pushy to talk” feature, which was a boon for its salex to small and midsize companies.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Medical device firm AtriCure feeling positive, but legal, market hurdles still await - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
But even with those has reached only a tiny portion ofits potential, said Davixd Drachman, CEO of the West Chester-bases medical device company. “We have high market but it’s a leading position in markete where penetration isvery low,” he said. Beforse AtriCure can capitalize on the possibilitie sbefore it, it will have to clear a legal hurdle posed by the – one that has had investorz jittery. The latest indications, are that AtriCure might not bethe FDA’sd main target, as some previouslgy had thought. And a clinical trial under way soon couldf lead toa one-of-a-kind FDA approval for AtriCure, givinf one of its systems a significang new selling point.
Drachman hopes demographic shifts and aggressive marketing will help the company reacu a far larger customer base incoming AtriCure, a 200-employee company whose revenuesd were about $55 million last year, makes tools for ablating or removing – cardiac tissue. The idea is to treaf atrial fibrillation, a heart arrhythmia that affectzsabout 2.5 million people each It’s most common in the elderl and increases the risk of stroke. But AtriCure’s main toolw don’t have FDA approval to be marketedc for treatingatrial fibrillation, only for ablatinh tissue. The company received a letter from the in Octobert stating that it wasunder investigation.
The inquiryg relates to “marketing practices used in connectio with its surgical ablationh system to treatatrial fibrillation, a specifixc use outside the ’z 510(k) clearance.” The Justice Department also said it was investigating whether AtriCure instructed hospital s to bill Medicare for surgical ablation usinyg incorrect billing codes. The news didn’g do AtriCure’s stock any favors. It droppe to $4.71 per sharwe the day of the from $6.42 per share. AtriCure closedd at $2.56 on May 26. But analystws soon learned that some ofthe company’s major competitors receivex similar letters, including and .
“It’s a little more comfortin to have the rest ofthem involved,” said Matt a senior research analystg with Newport Beach, Calif.-based . “The fact that it’ss industrywide might suggest there’w no allegations of considerablew wrongdoing by any one AtriCure makes products for both open when atrial fibrillation might be corrected at the same time some othedr problemis addressed, and minimally invasivre surgery, in which the atrial fibrillation can be treatedf on its own. A trial under way now, called could eventually give AtriCure a bigboos if, as the company’ management hopes, it results in specifid FDA indications for atrial fibrillation.
The goal is to get atrialk fibrillation-specific labeling for AtriCure equipment used to treat patientsx who are already undergoing aconcomitant procedure, such as a bypas or valve procedure. “This triao is important, as it affects our abilit to promote our products as a treatment for saidJulie Piton, AtriCure’s chief financial “We believe we are positionec to be the only surgical ablation devices with an AF label.” She noted, however, that a Medtronic, is also running a Nonetheless, the uncertainty around the Justice investigatiobn and the general economy have kept the stocmk price down.
Drachman spoke, at this year’s annuakl meeting of shareholders, of AtriCure’s “march to profitability.” It hasn’t been profitable since its nearlhy $50 million IPO in 2005. But it did, in the firsy quarter of this year, reacgh positive adjusted EBITDAof $600,000, “aa milestone that we believe removes a significant overhang on the stock surroundinb concerns for a need for a capital raise,” noted Roth Capital, which maintains a rating on the stock, in a May report. The companuy posted a first-quarter net loss of $8 million on revenu of $13.7 million. AtriCure believes the U.S.
market for products like the ones it develops willreach $2 billion by 2012. It could be $4.5 billiohn worldwide, he said. The general economy has weighed on AtriCurde inrecent quarters. Atrial fibrillation procedurese can beconsidered quasi-elective in that they can put off for a whils – which is what some patientx might have been doing givemn the recession. But analyst Joanne Wuensch of New York-basec believes AtriCure is on the upswingas “ths multiple headwinds experienced in (fourth-quarter 2008) have begunh to ease.
” In early May the firm adjusted its prediction for AtriCure’sz 2009 performance to a loss of 24 cent s per share, versus a previously predicted loss of 34 centes per share.

Monday, September 6, 2010

General Cable
Kenny exercised stock options for 48,0090 shares with a $4 exercise price on Monday and immediately sold them for an averagse priceof $39.58. That netted him $1.7 million before He then soldanother 7,101 shares on Tuesday for about $40.32 each for an additionall $286,000. His timing was good, as Generalk Cable's stock price had been risinv steadily from a 2009 low ofabout $14 in early It peaked Tuesday at more than $41 then lost grounfd on Wednesday, falling $2.30 to less than $39, as the broaded market also declined. According to the company'z latest proxy statement, as of March 1, Kenny beneficially ownedc morethan 600,000 shares of General Cablew stock.
That included about 66,000 restricted shares over whichu he hadvoting power, 143,000 options exercisable withib 60 days, and 340,000 shares deferred under its deferrexd compensation plan. General Cable BGC), based in Highlande Heights, is a global manufacturerf of cable and wire products for the telecommunications and specialtyindustrial markets.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nancy C. Everett Executive Profile
She is responsible for more than $130 billiobn in assets held by the General Motorz benefit plans andseveral non-affiliated Everett joined Promark Global Advisors as chieff investment officer in June 2005. She assumex the additional responsibility of chiefd executive officer inJanuary 2006. Previously, she was chief investmengt officer for the Virginiwa Retirement System where she oversaw the investment ofthe $42 billion pensionh fund. Everett was born in New York. She graduated in 1978 with a bachelor's degree in accounting from Virginia CommonwealthUniversity (VCU) and earned the Charteresd Financial Analyst designation in 1987.
Everetty is currently a member of the InvestmenrtAdvisory Committee, Randolph-Macon College and is a member of the boarde of trustees of the Virginia Commonwealty University School of Business Foundation where she servesw on the Investment Committee. She sits on the boarrd of directors for PacificPension Institute, is a membeer of the advisory board of The Rock Creeki Group, and a member of the Committed on Directors for Capital International's Emerginfg Markets Growth Fund, Inc. She is also a member of the New York Stocl Exchange Pension Managers Advisory Committee and past presiden of the board of directors of the Richmonx Society ofFinancial Analysts.
**Al Executive profile data provided byDow

Friday, September 3, 2010

Clarksville legend Lombardi dies at 86 - The Tennessean

Clarksville legend Lombardi dies at 86

The Tennessean

Ted Crozier, who, along with Lombardi and retired Col. Bob Jones made up the so-c »