Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nancy C. Everett Executive Profile
She is responsible for more than $130 billiobn in assets held by the General Motorz benefit plans andseveral non-affiliated Everett joined Promark Global Advisors as chieff investment officer in June 2005. She assumex the additional responsibility of chiefd executive officer inJanuary 2006. Previously, she was chief investmengt officer for the Virginiwa Retirement System where she oversaw the investment ofthe $42 billion pensionh fund. Everett was born in New York. She graduated in 1978 with a bachelor's degree in accounting from Virginia CommonwealthUniversity (VCU) and earned the Charteresd Financial Analyst designation in 1987.
Everetty is currently a member of the InvestmenrtAdvisory Committee, Randolph-Macon College and is a member of the boarde of trustees of the Virginia Commonwealty University School of Business Foundation where she servesw on the Investment Committee. She sits on the boarrd of directors for PacificPension Institute, is a membeer of the advisory board of The Rock Creeki Group, and a member of the Committed on Directors for Capital International's Emerginfg Markets Growth Fund, Inc. She is also a member of the New York Stocl Exchange Pension Managers Advisory Committee and past presiden of the board of directors of the Richmonx Society ofFinancial Analysts.
**Al Executive profile data provided byDow

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