Sunday, December 5, 2010

AMC Entertainment sets deadline on debt buyback - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a filing with the Securitied andExchange Commission, the Kansas City-based movide theater company said that holders of $238.1 million of the notez had agreed to proposed amendments in AMC’s offer. The proposed amendments will eliminatde almost all the restrictive covenants onthe notes. AMC a previouslty announced private offeringto $600 million in senior notes due in 2019 and that it expecte d net proceeds of about $568.1 AMC previously said it would use the proceeds to buy the company’ws outstanding $250 million in senior notees due in 2012, and for othe r general corporate purposes. On May 22, AMC , compareed with a $43.
4 million profit the prior Revenue for the year that ended Aprill 2was $2.27 billion, down 2.9 percengt from $2.33 billion the prior year. AMC owns interestw in 307 theaterswith 4,612 screens in five countries. The companyy is privately held but required to report to the SEC becausd some of its debt ispubliclgy held.

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