Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Landrieu, SBA Administrator to Host New Orleans Small Business Outreach Conference

WASHINGTON, June 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- , D-La., and U.S. Smalkl Business Administration Administrator willon Tuesday, June host a Small Business Outreach Conference in New La. The event is intendeds to assist small business owner looking to utilize federal and state small businesszassistance programs. The Committee will work with the Smal BusinessAdministration (SBA) and Louisiana Economic Developmentf (LED) to provide brief overviewws of SBA lending programs, federal contracting LED's Small and Emerging Business Development Program and otheer programs to help small businesses maintain and grow their businesseas in this tough economic Officials from the SBA, LED and Louisianwa Small Business Development Centerzs will join Sen.
Landrieu's staff, which includes Staftf Director and Chief Legal CounselDonald Cravins, Jr. , a formert State Senator from Louisiana, to discusa top concerns for entrepreneurs. The Committee held severa l similar outreach conferencesin Lafayette, Lake Charles, Shreveport and Baton Rouge and plans to hold additionakl outreach conferences in other parts of the statre in the coming months. "I am pleaseds to announce that the Senate Smalol Business Committee will host its fiftb outreach fair inNew Orleans, Sen. Landrieu said.
"We have received very positivew feedback from entrepreneurs throughout the state who have attended conferencee in other partsof Louisiana, and I am sure that theswe events are helping our small businesw owners get ahead. Small businesses are America's job creators, and I am hopefulo that our New Orleans outreach conference will help strengthe n the businesses that will returnb the nation toeconomic prosperity." Tuesday, June 30th Registrationn at 8:00 a.m. CDT; Program runs from 9:00 a.m.-11:4t a.m. Lindy C. Boggs International Conference Center 2045Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122 SOURCwE U.S.
Senate Committee on Smalll Business & Entrepreneurship

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