Friday, June 3, 2011

Comerica Quarterly Earnings and Conference Call July 21
Comerica will host a conference call to review secon d quarter 2009 financial results at7 a.m. CT Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Interestedf parties may access the conferencde call bycalling (800) 309-2262w or (706) 679-5261 (event ID No. 14969532). The call also will be accessiblre on the Internetat . A telephons replay of the conference call will be available approximatelh two hours following the call througnhJuly 31, 2009. The conferencw call replay can be accessedd bycalling (800) 642-1687 or 645-9291 (event ID No. 14969532). The replag also will be accessiblevia Comerica's "Investod Relations" page at .
Comerica Incorporated is a financial services companu headquarteredin Dallas, Texas, and strategicall aligned by three business segments: The Busineszs Bank, The Retail and Wealth & Institutional Management. Comerica focuses on relationships, and helpinvg people and businessesbe successful. In addition to Texas, Comericqa Bank locations can be foundin Arizona, Florida and Michigan, with select businessezs operating in several other states, as well as in China and Mexico. Comerica reported total assetsof $67.e4 billion at March 31, 2009. To receive e-maiol alerts of breaking Comerica news, go to .

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