Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Health insurance for domestic partners - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

All three have health insurance Mariathrough , where she is a studenty studying for her MBA, and Jennifer through her job as a teacher’s assistant at the , wherer she is working on her Ph.D. The baby is coveredr through Jennifer’s health plan. But if Jennifer lost her job, she and theirr daughter would have no healthinsuranced coverage. Maria’s employer, the , wherer she is executive director, offers only singlr health insurance coverage toits employees. Either way, neithedr woman’s health plan extends health insurance tothe other’zs domestic partner.
The Cadenases — Jennifer took Maria’sx last name — are one of almost 15,00p0 same-sex couples in Wisconsin. Domestic partnera — either same-sex or opposite-sex coupleds who live together in a committedc relationship and are financiallyintertwined — rarelh receive health insurance benefits for each other.

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