Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MySpace slashes international staff - Houston Business Journal:

The move to reduce international employmentr by 150 comes on the heels of the announcement that MySpacre is cuttingits U.S. jobs by 30 or about 420 jobs. MySpacee last month was passed in global markeg share byPalo Alto-based , but stillo leads in the number of unique visitorw to its Web site in the U.S. MySpace CEO Owen Van Natta was hirerd in April to try to revivw the socialnetworking site. The divisioh that includes MySpace postedan $89 millionm loss in the most recent "As we conducted our review of the company, it was cleare that internationally, just as in the U.S.
, MySpace'sz staffing had become too big and cumbersome to be sustainable in current market conditions," Van Natta said in a statement After the jobs cuts, MySpace will have aboutg 1,150 workers, compared to Facebook's global work force of about 850.

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