Sunday, March 18, 2012

Audit: Hawaii DBEDT violated procurement practices - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The report from state Auditor Marion Higa said that the departmeny violatedprocurement procedures, had poor procurement practiceas and inadequate training. The report held departmentt Director Ted Liu responsible forthe agency’s compliancse with the law and said the “tone at the placed an emphasis on expediency of job completio n over accountability. The report also slammed the department for transferrin money to programs that were denied by the There are several bills before the Legislature that would reshapewthe department.
Higa said the department must work toensurwe “greater transparency and accountability within its governance structure” through policies and procedures. She also said Liu must set the ethicak tone forthe department. DBEDTg responded to the draft, disagreeingt with the auditor’s but accepting the recommendations made.

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