Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ViraCor, IBT Laboratories merge - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

of Lee’s Summit and of Lenexa officially merged Tuesdaty and have a combinede work force of more than200 employees. The new compan y will continue to operate from the existinv locations of ViraCor and IBT for thetime being, the companiess said in a release. A new name for the companhy was not given in the ViraCor President John Martin will serve as president of thecombined company, and IBT Presidentr Maureen Loftus will serve as chief businese officer. ViraCor founder and CEO Phillipp “Flip” Short will step down from his role as CEO and servee on thenew company’s board. IBT founder Dr. John Halseh will continue to work with the new compangy asa consultant.
Establishede in 2000, ViraCor specializes in infectious diseased testing and working with patients who have compromised immune IBT was established in 1983 and has developefd tests for allergies to roughly 900 including eggs, peanuts and milk.

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