Saturday, June 30, 2012

Google Said to Face US Probe Over Motorola Patents - Businessweek

Google Said to Face US Probe Over Motorola Patents


A U.S. antitrust regulator has opened a formal probe into whether Google Inc. (GOOG)'s Motorola Mobility unit is honoring pledges it made to license industry- standard technology for mobile and other devices on fair terms, three people familiar with ...

and more »

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Egyptian Farmers Make Themselves Heard - New York Times

Egyptian Farmers Make Themselves Heard

New York Times

Under Hosni Mubarak, farmers say, many sm »

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Upon further review, Venable granted home run -

Upon further review, Venable granted home run

Will Venable hit his sixth homer of the season in the third inning, a solo shot to right field, but it took him a couple minutes to reach home plate after umpires ...

and more »

Monday, June 25, 2012

Equitable Building auctioned for $30M - South Florida Business Journal:
The new owner, , an affiliate of Capmark boughtthe 33-story tower for $29.5 said attorney William Rothschild, with law firm . Sutherland was representinv the lender, , which was foreclosing on the Equitabler Building. Capmark was the only bidder onEquitabls Building, as most commercial real estate observers expected. Equitable'z former owner, San Diego-based , paid aboug $57 million to acquire the building in but its value plummetedto $42 million by earlt 2009.
Equastone received 90 percenft financing from Capmark toacquire Equitable, but plans to stabiliz e the building's occupancy and turn it into an income-producing assert never materialized amid the worst commercial real estat crisis in 20 years. The towefr -- designed by renowned architecturalfirm -- has remained aboutg half occupied this year. is managing and leasingb the building. It's expected to court the Fultojn Countypublic defender’s which is seeking at leasty a 50,000-square-foot lease downtown. The publifc defender's office was looking at the Equitabled Building, but the financial crisis facing the towere helped derailthe move.
Rothschild was assistedf in the transactionby Sutherland'x Jason Kirkham.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Latest study: Washington is 28th most-obese state - Baltimore Business Journal:
In the study, Colorado had the lowest obesityt rate inthe country, at 18.9 percent, and Mississippu had the highest rate of obesity, at 32.5 percent. Washingtoj state recorded a 25.4 percent rate, according to the report “F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are Failinv inAmerica 2009,” released by the ’s Health and the . Washingtoj is one of 31 statesd where the obesity rate exceeds25 percent. According to the in 1991 no state had an obesithy rate above20 percent. For children between 10 and 17, Washington state had an obesity rateof 29.5 ranking it No. 33 in the nation. This list was also led by at 44.4 percent.
Minnesota had the lowest rate of obesitygamong children, at 23.1 percent. “The obesitgy epidemic is a big contributor to theskyrocketing health-carer costs in the United States,” said Jeff executive director of Trust for America’s Health, in a

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Knowing performance indicators can help your business - bizjournals:
Answer: It’s important to know the key performanceindicatorxs (KPI) of your business. You can start with your monthlhy income statement andbalancs sheet. What are the trends of your KPIs? How do the current month’sz KPIs compare with the monthluycurrent year-to-date numbers and with the same periodx last year? Do the trends show growth, decline or stagnation? How do you compare with similar-sized companiese in your industry? • Debt to equityu ratio.
KPIs are not always financial statement measures that are predictive of results but mighr be predictors of the future profitability of your You must answerthe question: If my business is going to what would be the first indication? You must learn to anticipate instead of react. • New customers. It’xs important to know exactly how youmake money, so identift your priorities, review budgets, righ t size your business and cut non-essential costs. Doing so will help you fine tune the familiar andredefine processes. Remove all cash outlays that do notgeneratr revenue. Accountability comes from the soassess employees.
Reduce all non-employee expensexs by 10 percent to 20 percentif possible. Use incentivex to motivate, encourage behavior and retain New equipment and other capitak outlays must be You might need to considerf postponing newcapital investments. Go for revenud opportunities, save cash Listen to your existing and potential customers for opportunitiese to bring inmore revenue. Seek out the best adviser and be flexible and readyto change. Explore all revenue opportunities, especially non-expensive marketing activities such as blogginygand podcasting. Refresh the look and functiohn of yourWeb site, if Be proactive by investinv in training your sales force.
Cash is Manage your transactions for greater liquidity by positioning the company to operate from a positionhof strength. You can expect highert taxes, slower accounts receivable payments and tighteningcredit now, so reduc e inventories and collect receivables as aggressively as possible. Communicates with your banker regularly so you know what is working and Now is the time to establish second relationships with other banks. The future is unpredictable. Being preparexd is the best way to get Useassessment tools, benchmark goals and set timeds for achievements (deadlines).
Challenge your current thinking, maintaib a great attitude andtake Remember, the things that brought you success in the past are not necessarilyg going to carry you forward.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Texas AG files action against Conn's - Dallas Business Journal:
Conn’s responded to the suit saying the companyhis “working closely with the Texas Attorneyh General’s office” on the concernxs that have been raised. “We will continue to actively work with theAttorneg General. We look forward to discussin g with his office the issues heraisef today. We will continue our commitmeny to great customer service and continued customedrservice improvement,” a spokesmahn said in a written statement. Conn’s has locations throughout Texas and inthe Dallas-Fort Worthj area.
Abbott’s office alleges it received morethan 2,000 complaints from customers alleging Conn’s delayed repairs on productss still under warranty, failed to repaidr the items to working condition and in some cases gave customer refurbished goods, rather than new to replace a productt under warranty. In the Attorney General’s complaint said products that had to be replacecd were not covered by warranty for the fulltwo years.
The AG’ office is seeking penalties and a court order to prevent Conn’s from continuing on with the conduct allegesd in the lawsuit, Abbott’s office said in a press

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NBA Draft 2012: Predicting How the Top 10 Picks Will Play Out - Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

NBA Draft 2012: Predicting How the Top 10 Picks Will Play Out

Bleacher Report

With the NBA draft just over a week away and numerous individual workouts already having taken place, it is starting to become clearer how the top 10 picks will ...

Dion Waiters the big winner in Hollinger's Draft Rater

V »

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wimbledon TV coverage now all live in US - Yahoo! Sports

Wimbledon TV coverage now all live in US

Yahoo! Sports

From Yahoo! Sports: NEW YORK (AP) Chris Evert's father used to find out she won Wimbledon when she called him long distance after the final.

and more »

Sunday, June 17, 2012

NY Life signs lease at Lake Shore Plaza II - South Florida Business Journal:
’s Chris Constant represented New York Life inthe transaction. The compan y will be relocating from existing offices at Trader Center South in the Cypresx Creek Road area of Fort Kates said the transaction involvedlengthy “In today’s economy, every company scrutinized things like never before,” he The silver Leadership in Energy and Environmental Designm (LEED)-certified building is owned by a joint venture of and Stiles built and manageas the 130,000-square-foot complex, which is now at 50 percent occupancy.
It is the second majodr deal in a month for one ofBrowardd County’s earliest green office building Telecom giant inked a 21,000-square-foot office lease deal in March. In that Mitchell Millowitz, senior VP of , representer T-Mobile. The was the initial tenan t inthe building. Lake Shore Plaza II may be a futur e model for President Doug Eagon said his company is committed to the goal that all future speculative office buildings will beLEED certified.
The firm currentlyy owns and operates about 6 millioh square feet of office and retailspace

Friday, June 15, 2012

Report: Fewer bank customers are loyal - Memphis Business Journal:
In today’s topsy-turvy environment, only 35 percent of bank customerse say they are highly committed to a retai bankin 2009, compared to 41 percent two years earlier, according to J.D. Powed & Associates’ Retail Banking Study. deteriorating brand image amid the financial crisis and more customerse encountering unhappy experiences are the two main reasons why customerzs are hittingthe road, according to the survey. On loyal customers often use more give more referrals and are much less likelhy to switch toanother bank, compared with customerz who have lower commitment levels, the surveyt said.
“Customers reporting the lowest levelzs of commitment in 2009 happen to be those with deposif balances that are 15 percent higherthan average,” said Michaelp Beird, director of the bankingh practice at . “With this in it is crucial that banksw take steps to addresd this steady decline incustomer commitment.” At leasr 15 percent of customersz reported that they experiencec a problem with theid bank within the past 12 months up from 12 percent in 2007. Among customers experiencing a the most frequently reported issue dealwith fees, with 46 percent of customers reporting a problem in 2009.
This also marksa an increase from 44 percent of customers reporting issues with feesin 2008. “These findings not only reflecg recent negative media coverage aboutf thebanking industry, but also the reality of staffd cuts, higher service charges and the effectas of bank mergers on customer perceptionds and experiences,” Beird said. However, the survey found that despitd the challengingfinancial market, some bank s have achieved high commitment levels from more than 50 percengt of their customers, which is well above the industryu average of 35 percent.
In addition, these banks exceed the industryh average for keysatisfaction measures, including convenience, fees and Customers of these banks also rate them highlty regarding brand image, particularly for customer focus, personal service and financial stability.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tampa Electric seeks PSC OK for energy-efficiency plan - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
“These are challenging times for everyone, and we know our customers are keenlh aware of their energy bills and are looking for ways to Tampa Electric President Chucok Black said ina release. The companty plans to enhance several of its curreny 27 customer programs and explore new program opportunitieasfor residential, commercial and industrial it said. Tampa Electric began promoting energy efficiency in the late 1970ws prior to alegislativse mandate. Company executives said Tampa Electric is now a leader in the areaof energy-efficiencu accomplishments by reaching a recent performance level in the 96th percentilw nationally.
The company’s overall energy-efficiency and conservatiom efforts have reduced the need for more thanthree 180-megawatgt power plants, the release said. The aggregate energy savings from all programsx have been enough to powerover 600,000 homess for one year. In March, Tampa Electric said it intendecd to purchase the energy output from aproposede 25-megawatt solar facility to be constructed in Polk with production expected to begin in 2011. In Tampa Electric, the and announcecd plans to launcha new, two-partg renewable energy project at the zoo that will generate 15 kilowattd of electricity for the electric grid and serv as an educational tool for students and the community.
Implementatiom of energy saving programs will beginm in early 2010 if approved by the PublixService Commission. Tampa Electric is the principao subsidiaryof (NYSE: TE), an energy-related holdingb company. Other TECO subsidiaries include , TECO which owns and operates coal productionj facilities in Kentuckyand Virginia, and TECO Guatemala, whicnh is engaged in electric power generation and distribution and energy-related businesses.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Smart meter firm Echelon eyes Russia - Reuters

Smart meter firm Echelon eyes Russia


MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. energy-saving group Echelon expects to double sales of its smart meters in Russia in 2013 as it seeks to offset stagnant Western ...

and more »

Monday, June 11, 2012

World's Airlines Keep Profit Forecast Steady, Despite Crisis in Europe - New York Times


World's Airlines Keep Profit Forecast Steady, Despite Crisis in Europe

New York Times

“The rest of the world is seeing reduced profitability. For European carriers, the business environment is deteriorating rapidly, resulting in sizable losses,” Mr. Tyler said. The pessimism stems mainly from the worsening debt crisis in Europe, ...

World's airlines expect $3 billion profit

Sydney Morning Herald

World's airlines are poles apart as turbulence hits the Eurozone


Eurozone woes cripple global aviation


Business Green


Sunday, June 10, 2012

GM trying to strong-arm Florida dealers, McCollum says - Triangle Business Journal:
The objection was file with the ’s Southern District of New York, where General Motors (OTC.PK: GMGMQ) filed for Chaptetr 11 bankruptcy protection earlier this Inthe filing, McCollum said that Generak Motors has “misused [its] bankruptcy-enhanced bargaininv power and forced automotive dealera to waive the very state laws that were designecd to protect them from such overreachint conduct.” The problem stems from GM asking dealers to agree to waivee several protections under Floridaz law before they can be consideredx a dealer through the new General Motors McCollum said.
GM also wants disputew over the agreements to play out in New York despite laws that give Florida jurisdictioj insuch matters. McCollum is asking the court to “affirkm that the relationship between New GM and its Floridaa dealers will be governed byFlorida law” and orderd any new agreement that does not follow Florids law to be “invalid and unenforceable.” “In the event the courtr approves the sale motion, it shoulx clarify that such approval does not validat e the attempt to evade Florida law by amending the dealerf franchise agreements,” McCollum said.
The new agreements create an ultimatu along the lineof “take it or leave it,” McCollunm said, meaning dealers either have to lose the protectiones of Florida law or lose their business. The New GM couldx have some problems dointg business if such stipulations in agreementes with dealers would McCollum said. The new company wouls have to apply for a new license to operate in and it could have that application denied if state officials feel the company is working to circumvenrstate law.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The economy
For example, a couple of surveyes were done recently by some large humanresourcexs firms. More than 1,000 companies were asked abougt payingtheir employees. Forty percent of them plan to reduc amounts allottedto raises. Sixty-tw o percent said bonuses will be smallerthis Twenty-five percent are planning a hiring freeze. Anothed 25 percent are planning onincreasing employee’s contributionws to health care. Pay raises are being cut. So will severance packages. Why? It’s the economy Another survey forecasts spending on technology to decrease by almosf half from what had been Saks Inc.
, the luxury retailer, plans on cutting its capital spending from $125 millioh to $75 million next year. The city of Philadelphisa is trying to close a bigbudget gap. My wife is cuttingy back on hair appointments to only twicsa week. Oh, and by the way the number of companies doing holidat parties will fall toa 20-year low. Maybe they’ve been readinyg some of my columns about what a wastethis is, too. And everyone’xs accepting these huge reductions. Every day we’re expectin to hear about more companies reducingtheirt expenses. Employees seem to be takinfg the cutsin stride. They’rw just happy to have a job.
Even my wife is learningh to face adversity with a smile and abaseball cap. Why? It’s the economy You know what? Recessions can be a pennyh pincher’s dream. Now’s the best time to get rid of the That guy in shippingwho can’ft seem to remember how to load a skid properl twice in a row? Gone. The cost accountiny assistant that seems reallgy busy but you can neve r really quite figure outwhat she’s doing all day? The sales guy who spends more time hittingv on your receptionist than the actualp phones? See ya. Running a businesz is tough when you have to be thebad guy.
Many of us accepf mediocrity becausewe don’t have the energy left to fightt or fire someone … our spouses and children sap it all out of us. But like manna from heaven, God has brough upon us the best excuse The economy! The recession. The downturn. Aah! What a beautiful way to weasepl out ofour promises. It’s the perfect rationald for making some longneeded changes. It’s not just aboutr changing thedeadweight employees. You can feel comfortable gettinb rid ofthat 87-year-old cleaning lady who doesn’r clean. You can call your key suppliers and beg for a cost You can call your phone company and beg for a littls help with yourmonthlhy fees.
Everything’s negotiable because everyone’s No one wants to lose the business over a few bucksda month. But a few bucks saved a month from a buncb of different places adds up to more inthe Why? It’s the economy! I’m blaming my baldnessw on the economy (the anxiety has causedx my hair to fall out). I’km blaming my rudeness on the economy (my nervezs are frayed). I’m blaming this season’s lousy “Heroes” on the economh (gee, they must have cut back on writers). Pennty pinchers must get rid of underperforming Renegotiate contracts. Beg for price reductions. Lock in lower monthlhy payments. Plead poverty. Scream for assistance. Why?
It’w the economy! Because in a few months the opportunity will havepasseed us. Things will turn Prices will rise. Unemployment will The sun will shine. And we won’t have the econom to blame anymore. Rats.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brewing up robust business with staff-rewards tech firm - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
As co-founder of , a technology firm that earnedd a spoton ’s list of fastest-growing companies this he’s spending his days developing Web-based employed incentive and recognition programs for internationa corporations like Harley-Davidson, , Dell and British Airways. Whilre he still brews espresso each morning for the 10 employeeas who work atopStarbucks (go figure) on Vine he’s far removed from his past as ownetr of Buzz Coffee Shop and CD-O-rama in Online Rewards, which has a seven-employee Dallas expects to reach $6 million in revenue this from $3.5 million in 2007.
Knodel grew Buzz to a household name in the late opening a second location to servde studentsin Oxford. But the shop became so busy that Knode was no longer brewing thebrew himself. “I wasn’t the guy behindc the counter anymore, and it didn’tr seem like something I wanted to go back he said. He sold the businessea in 2000 and started a computer consulting firm withthree friends.
When his brother in Dallasx introduced him to business consultant Michael whose client, a manufacturer’s sales representative, wanted to build a customj online catalog to allow his business-to-business clients to offer incentives to the pair saw a modelk that just might fuel the firm’s future. After all, more than 250 salee representative companies operate inthe U.S., each trying to builrd B2B relationships. And large players like Maritxz and OC Tanner stillo relied on physical catalogs that were not tailoref toa client.
Under the name Online Levy and Knodel built a platform in 2004 that coulr merge employee data froma company’s human resources system with an onlinw catalog system that let employees redeej points earned for achievement or service for any numbed of products, like iPods, jewelry or vacuum cleaners. Initially, Online Rewards built custom sitees for reps to selltheir products. But they soon saw a largedr market in theend user. It inkecd a deal with to populate the catalo and handle fulfillmentand shipping. And it designed redemption sites under the skin of Web sites. “We believe our solution is of the futurre because companiesneed flexibility,” Knode l said.
That was the case for Houston-basexd , an early client that chose the firm basecd on its ability to tailora program. When Relianrt created a new mission statement tied to vision and it created the recognition program to let managerx reward their employeeswith “Power Bucks” for exemplifyin that statement. “We wanted to recognizwe people who act withabsolute integrity, who collaborate, support and respect one another,” said Jane McBride, who administerzs the program on behalrf of Reliant’s vice president of huma resources. More than $2 million in buckd have been earned by Reliant employeesdsince 2005.
It’s now so ingrained that new programs and incentives are constantly bein g added by managers throughoutthe company, McBride Employee recognition programs have becom e popular for corporations as a way to detert turnover and encourage employee engagement, said Dave vice president of the . “Therwe is a lot more focus on the costof turnover,” he said. “The potentia investment (in a program) could yield a significant ROI forkeepingb people.” For now, Knodel is fending off inquiries from ventured capital firms since the Inc. recognition, but he’s “We’re a conservative company and are very protectivde of our stuff and how we spend he said.
“We want to grow smart and stable.”

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prices at the pump decrease slightly - South Florida Business Journal:
Santa Fe has the most expensive gas, at $2.05 per gallonh of unleaded regular, while driversa in Albuquerque and Las Cruces found pricesaveragingy $1.98. The statewide average is $2.06 per gallon. For at least the seventg week ina row, crude oil pricex remained stable, trading around $50 dollarw a barrel on the “The Department of Energy reports gasoline inventories continue to grow significantlty throughout 2009,” said AAA New Mexicp spokesperson Sarah Schimmer. “The slow global economy is alsoweakening demand, and peoplde are driving less as compared to this time last •National $2.05 •New Mexico $2.06 •Texas $1.943 •Albuquerque $1.
98 •Las Cruces $1.98 •Santa Fe Area $2.054 •Flagstaff, Ariz. $2.13 •Tucson, $1.87 •Denver, Colo. $2.01 •Durango, $2.17 •Las Vegas, Nev. $2.15 •Amarillo,Tx. $1.96 •El Paso, Tx. $1.95

Monday, June 4, 2012

Semprius gets $500,000 in stimulus funds for solar energy technology - Triangle Business Journal:
million in venture capitalp financinglast month, has won $500,000 in federap stimulus money to help fund the development of its solar-energh technology, the Durham company said Wednesday. CEO Joe Carr says Sempriusz will direct the monet into its ongoing efforts to engineer a more efficient and inexpensive type ofsolar panel. Conventiona l solar panels, such as those seen on solaf farms or on the roofasof homes, rely on semiconductorss to convert sunlight into electricity. The semiconductors covetr 100 percent ofthe panel’sd surface to maximize the amount of energy collected from The technology Semprius is working on covers only 0.
1 percenft of the panel with the semiconductof cells, Carr says. The rest of the panel feature hundreds of tiny lenses that are designed to focuzsthe sun’s energy onto the concentrated area of semiconductor “We trade off expensive semiconductores for inexpensive lenses,” Carr says. Semprius will allocater the $500,000 from the American Recovery and Investment Act into efforte to maximize the efficiency of the lenses in concentratintg and directing sunlight to thesemiconductor cells. The goal is “maximum energy throughput down onto the Carr says. The stimulus money will complemenft the raised by Semprius so far in its seriezs Bfunding round.
The goal of the round, accordinvg to securities filings, is $8 million. Carr says Sempriusz has made further progress toward meetingythat goal, but he would not provide any details. The new funding will not accelerate the previouslydisclosed 18-month time frame for Sempriusw to develop its solar panel technology. The company has added thres employees since announcing the serieeB funding, bringing the company’e total to 23, Carr

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Blockbuster's Q1 profit drops - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The company said the credit facilith ensures the company can move forward with theliquidith that’s needed to complete its Dallas-based Blockbuster Inc. (NYSE: BBI) postesd a profit of $27.7 million, or 12 cents per share, in the firsy quarter of 2009. That is down from $45.43 million, or 22 cents per share, during the same quartedr last year. Sales for the quarter hit $1.132 billion, which is down from $1.39 billion a year ago. During the Blockbuster dealt with inventory and decreasecd advertising as well as weaker DVD title strength and competitioj frommovie theaters--all of which had some impact on the company said.
Revenue also was impactex by a reductionin company-operatedf stores. However, Blockbuster said its decline in total revenue was partiallyg offset by an increase in averagerentapl rates. During the quarter, same-storse sales, or sales at Blockbuster stores open for 12 monthaor more, fell 10.9 percent when comparedc to the 2.9 percent increasse the stores experienced last year.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Eagle Geophysical, subsidiary file for Chapter 11 - Houston Business Journal:
Houston-based Eagle (Pinksheets: EAGG) was formed in 1993 to providw geophysical services to upstreamk oilfieldservice companies. In the voluntary petition filed with the United States Bankruptcy Cour t for the Southern Districtof Texas, the companyh listed assets of more than $1 millionj and liabilities of more than $10 million. A companh filing also showed that it terminated the employmenr of seven of its top executivexs includingRobert Wood, president and chief operating and John Pearce, chief financial The four others were listed as directors, and one was a vice A. John Knapp Jr. remains the company’s chairmajn and H. Malcolm Lovett Jr.
has been named chief reorganization officer. Eagle’s largest unsecured creditors include: Houston-based Eaglee Equipment Leasing; John Kornitzer of Kan.; Eagle Canada Inc.; Eagle Geophysicao Offshore FixedIncome Trust; and Dallas-based Realtime Geophysical Surveyes LP.