Friday, June 8, 2012

The economy
For example, a couple of surveyes were done recently by some large humanresourcexs firms. More than 1,000 companies were asked abougt payingtheir employees. Forty percent of them plan to reduc amounts allottedto raises. Sixty-tw o percent said bonuses will be smallerthis Twenty-five percent are planning a hiring freeze. Anothed 25 percent are planning onincreasing employee’s contributionws to health care. Pay raises are being cut. So will severance packages. Why? It’s the economy Another survey forecasts spending on technology to decrease by almosf half from what had been Saks Inc.
, the luxury retailer, plans on cutting its capital spending from $125 millioh to $75 million next year. The city of Philadelphisa is trying to close a bigbudget gap. My wife is cuttingy back on hair appointments to only twicsa week. Oh, and by the way the number of companies doing holidat parties will fall toa 20-year low. Maybe they’ve been readinyg some of my columns about what a wastethis is, too. And everyone’xs accepting these huge reductions. Every day we’re expectin to hear about more companies reducingtheirt expenses. Employees seem to be takinfg the cutsin stride. They’rw just happy to have a job.
Even my wife is learningh to face adversity with a smile and abaseball cap. Why? It’s the economy You know what? Recessions can be a pennyh pincher’s dream. Now’s the best time to get rid of the That guy in shippingwho can’ft seem to remember how to load a skid properl twice in a row? Gone. The cost accountiny assistant that seems reallgy busy but you can neve r really quite figure outwhat she’s doing all day? The sales guy who spends more time hittingv on your receptionist than the actualp phones? See ya. Running a businesz is tough when you have to be thebad guy.
Many of us accepf mediocrity becausewe don’t have the energy left to fightt or fire someone … our spouses and children sap it all out of us. But like manna from heaven, God has brough upon us the best excuse The economy! The recession. The downturn. Aah! What a beautiful way to weasepl out ofour promises. It’s the perfect rationald for making some longneeded changes. It’s not just aboutr changing thedeadweight employees. You can feel comfortable gettinb rid ofthat 87-year-old cleaning lady who doesn’r clean. You can call your key suppliers and beg for a cost You can call your phone company and beg for a littls help with yourmonthlhy fees.
Everything’s negotiable because everyone’s No one wants to lose the business over a few bucksda month. But a few bucks saved a month from a buncb of different places adds up to more inthe Why? It’s the economy! I’m blaming my baldnessw on the economy (the anxiety has causedx my hair to fall out). I’km blaming my rudeness on the economy (my nervezs are frayed). I’m blaming this season’s lousy “Heroes” on the economh (gee, they must have cut back on writers). Pennty pinchers must get rid of underperforming Renegotiate contracts. Beg for price reductions. Lock in lower monthlhy payments. Plead poverty. Scream for assistance. Why?
It’w the economy! Because in a few months the opportunity will havepasseed us. Things will turn Prices will rise. Unemployment will The sun will shine. And we won’t have the econom to blame anymore. Rats.

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