Friday, August 31, 2012

With cost-savings a high priority, 'green' is the new trend - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
In addition to cost savings, sustainable buildingz also minimizea company’s impact on the environment and are creditexd with a wide range of busines s improvements, including higher productivity and better worker healt through improved indoor air quality. Greenh building already is a huge industry, and althougyh it’s difficult to determine a firm dollar amountf of green projects going on in the residential and commercial green buildingg nationwide is expected totop $100 billiomn annually by 2013. And cities and statee are increasingly mandating that buildingss are built in asustainable way, often with targetsw for reduced energy usage.
More stringeng environmental regulations are anticipated from the Obama Even companies that long have been interested in greemn concepts are finding room for Whenthe (NYSE: JCP) headquarters opened in 1992 in it was ahead of its time, designed to reducs energy needs by making use of natural indirectf lighting with an automatic window shaded system and wide roof overhang to reduce solatr heat when it’s hot “We were green before green was the thing to do,” said Mary facility manager for the J.C. Penney home office and a membetr of the buildingdesign team.
The retaile r took a long-term approach, interestee in doing the “right to be as energy-efficient as possible. “We’re always looking for things to upgrade to save with our eyes open to new technology to do she said. Reducing energy usage is also a bit ofan art. “We come up with some wild, crazy she said, such as one now under consideration to usea remote-controlledr cart to return glasswarre to the cafeteria so that disposable containers would no longerd be needed.
Already, the company uses biodiesel fuel createdr from the oil used to cook french friesa to run a truck used onthe 125-acre “We’re working toward a goal of having zero wastr from the building,” Knuff said. “Sio we look at everything.” Over the past five the company has implemented about 40 ideas to reducdenergy consumption. In 2008, J.C. Penney received the Energy Star signifying commercialbuildings that, on use 35% less energy than a typicak comparable building.
Now the compant anticipates its headquarters will receive Leadership in Energy and Environmentao Design certificationby year-end, the result of more including the addition of motion-controlled plumbing minimal-water landscaping and the conversion of cafeteriaa paper and plastic goodsw to recycled and biodegradable products. LEED certification is base on a series of points awarded for specific green building including the use of sustainablebuilding sites, water and energy efficienct and improved indoor air quality. J.C.
Penney and its facilithy management contractor, , had alreadyg tackled significant projects, such as changing to more energy-efficienrt lighting and installing an energy management system to customizes control of more than 100 lightingand heating, ventilatiomn and air conditioning In another effort, the facility, home to 5,000 workers, recycled 744 tons of paper, cardboard, plastics and cans in 2008. The compan y is also tackling energy usagse inits stores, investing $100 million during the past six yeare to install energy management technology, lighting and other cost-savinb systems.
These efforts reduce d electricity usageby 6% in 800 storesa and achieved energy savings of 15% in 10 stores that were the site of an advanced energh management project. In the 10-storee test, energy management systems recorfd energy usage datain 15-minute intervals and compare it to the same day of the prior year, allowing stores to identifh and respond to changes in energy consumption. And in August the companty will open its first store planned forLEED certification, a 115,000-square-foot buildintg in Fairview expected to use 40% less energyt than a similar-size building.
It’zs energy-saving features include a reflective whitee roofand energy-efficient It is also designed to save waterd and makes use of construction materials that are supplied from nearby area s to reduce transportation-related emissions. Dallas-based architecturd firm has seen the issue from both as it increasingly builds green details into plans while embracing the concept at its own newDallaxs headquarters. The LEED Silver certified structurd was built on aformer brownfields, or contaminated, site in West End. The building’s very shape, a T-shapexd structure that shades saves energy through reducedcooling costs.
The design also makezs use of skylights and oversized windows to greatly reducde the need forartificiao lighting. Even features that cost a bit moreinitiallg — such as the controls for the building’s energy managemenr system — quickly save d the firm money with addexd efficiency, said project manager Kirk Locally obtained materials were used as much as possiblse to reduce the environmental impacgt of transporting materials, while a rainwater collectio system is used for landscape reducing irrigation usage by 50%. Cliente have a range of green considerations when it comee to the design oftheitr facilities, Johnson said.
Some want a green building from top to bottokmand aren’t overly concerned about the cost. Others are interested in choosingb green features that offer the most bang for theierbuck — those that produce significant energh savings. In the early days of interesrt insustainable buildings, going green was perceived to be more But recent data suggests that there are marginal or no additiona costs to going green, he said. Implementinf green systems during office towetr renovations canbe complex, but Dallas-based office buildinbg owner and manager Gaedeke Group has found those efforts to pay off.
Gaedekse has updated energy management systems in itsDallax properties, replaced inefficient lighting and installed better-insulateds roofing to reduce energy Changing standard light bulbs in the company’s Dallas buildingds is expected save $475,000 alone. Installing variabl frequency drives on mechanical equipment suchas air-handliny units and cooling tower motors allows the unit to run more efficiently and has producer $86,000 in annual savings, said Dan regional manager and green programs officer for the “The company is very proactive about lookinfg for ways to save energy and lower operating Yates said.
“We’re very conscious that the littlee things canadd up,” he said. Gaedeke’sw Dallas-area properties total about 1.2 million squarse feet and include office buildings OakLawn Plaza, Regencuy Plaza, Banner Place and One McKinneg Plaza.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Michael Irvin sued over "Fourth and Long" reality show - Denver Business Journal:
Jordan Bealmear of Thermal, Calif., and Shannon Clark and Christophe Harding, both of Louisville, Ky., allege Michael Irvin’s realit show “Fourth and is their idea with a new The plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed in Dallas County accuse Irvinof fraud, fraudx by nondisclosure, breach of contract and unjust enrichment. Larry Michael Irvin's attorney, told the Dallas Businesa Journal Wednesday that the lawsuit is completelh bogus andwithout merit. Friedmab said Irvin met with the plaintiffs, and they had no businesse cards, no company, no stationeryy and worked outside the industry withoutsubstantial contacts.
Friedmam added that a lot of people in the entertainmentf industry were throwing the same show conceptg around and Michael had the concep t and was looking fora producer. When asked who called the initial meeting betweenthe parties, Friedman said he didn' t know who invited who to the meeting. In the attorney for the plaintiffs, Mark Tayloe of Dallas, told the DBJ that the issue is not whethe r the idea for the show was but whether Michael agreed to ente into a deal and then renegee on the terms ofthe deal.
The plaintiffsx in the lawsuit say they developed the concept behind the which they werecalling "Guts to and ended up in contact with Irvin and his representatives to invitee Irvin to be the show's host. The plaintiffs offered a deal in whichj Irvin and his agent would receivde 25 percent of the proceeds and the plaintiff s would receive 75 They later struck a deal in which Irvimn would take 75 percent of the aggregater executiveproducing fee, while the plaintiffsz would share the remaining 25 percent and that adaptions of the show for othere sports would involve a 50-50 split, accordinf to the lawsuit.
During the negotiation process, the thres say Irvin was provided withmarketingh tools, including a story to present to Dallas Cowboyss executives and Dallas Cowboyz Coach Jerry Jones with the intent of gettinh the team involved. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff s say they were escorted out of aMarcj 10, 2008, deal signing meeting at the Dallas law office s of Friedman & Fiegler LLP in which Larryg Friedman was present. Their attorney, Larry Kopeikin, was attending the meeting via aconference call. When they were broughtt back intothe meeting, the plaintiffs were told that Irvinm would have to review the deal memo beforse signing.
Days later, they learned that Irvin woulx only agree toa 95-5 percent split with Irvin takin g a 95 percent cut, and five days after that Irvi sent an e-mail to Clark statinvg that he had never used the storyboard in his presentatioh to Jones, according to the lawsuit. The three individuals who plannerd to produce the show are suing Irvinh claiming in their suit thatIrvinb “through his agents, representatives, and/or employees, made falsse and material misrepresentations to plaintiffs concerninyg his agreement to the terms of the deal including the 75-25 percentf split.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lawsuit says Mayo misdiagnosis cost KC lawyer $7M - Kansas City Business Journal:
Elliot Kaplan, a lawyer who lives in sued the Mayo Clinic in August 2007 inthe U.S. Districtr Court of Minnesota. An economisrt will testify that Kaplansuffered $7 million in lossew after being wrongly diagnosed with pancreatixc cancer. The Mayo Clinic did not respond to requestes foran interview. Kaplan, previously a partnee in , a small firm in Downtown, primarilhy handled government relations work and dispute He spent much of his time working in Washington or overseas, said his attorney and former law James Daniels. Daniels said Kaplan often was consulted by largdecar companies, particularly .
“Kaplan was very good, particularlh in the newly emancipatee republics in the East Bloc and the and obtaining resolutions of different problems for Americand inthose countries,” said Daniels, who now practiced with . The lawsuirt alleges that the Mayo Clinic and its doctorzs diagnosed Kaplan with pancreatic cancer after he developed stomachg painin 2003. In August of that year, doctorw performed a so-called Whipple surgery, which removed portions of Kaplan’s Doctors later discovered that Kaplan never had Daniels said the procedure left Kaplan with type 2 diabetesd and enough pain that he no longer canpracticw law.
He remains on the board of directord ofOverland Park-based “What he is now is a brokebn man in unremitting pain, punctuated by increasingly frequent episodes of disabling pain,” Daniels wrots in his pretrial brief. Kaplan stopped practicing law in andby 2005, the 10-lawyer firm of Danielx & Kaplan wound down its business, in part becaused of Kaplan’s inability to work. Daniels said Kaplan was the top fee generator atthe firm. Several lawyers from the firm followeed Daniels toMcDowell Rice.
Among the witnesses expectede to testify are former Chrysler executives and unnamed politicians who will vouch for the financial damages Kaplan suffered as a result of his inabilityto work.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Silverton to honor longtime volunteer Capt. Bob Klaus - Statesman Journal

Silverton to honor longtime volunteer Capt. Bob Klaus

Statesman Journal

Ed Grambusch, the fire district's spokesman. Much has changed about firefighting in the past five decades, particularly the technology; Klaus was full of praise for improved apparatuses and communication systems. “Every fire station we have, every ...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Morgan Street, Hyatt prep for All-Star Game crush - St. Louis Business Journal:
“It was like doing a month’s wortu of business in five days,” said Owings, who’ws also president of the Laclede’s . “It was just Despite the big-game experience, Owingx still can’t wrap his head around the economivc boostthis summer’s Major League Baseball All-Stad extravaganza is likely to “I wish I knew,” he said. “We’re really stretchint to figure outwhat we’re going to Big-time business is a safe guess.
Direcgt spending by visitors on Cardinalx operations andon dining, retaipl and hotels operations is expected to top $32 million, triggerin g another $27 million in indirect spending in the region, according to the and Growtu Association. Business owners and entrepreneurs like Owings are strategizing about how to best captur e the coming floodof revenue. Some are plannin to hire temporary workers to handle theexcessa crowds. Others are boosting capacity, drafting new promotionw or reworking their offerings to carvew out acompetitive advantage. Without question, the influcx of visitors and revenue will provide some local businesses with a significant boost duringf an otherwisedown year.
Visitors in town for conventions typicallyspend $275-$300 per day among hotel, dining and othere purchases, said Greg Saunders, managing director of the St. Louisx Riverfront at 315 Chestnut. “You look at the numbee of people attending this game from outsidd the city overa four- or five-dayt period, it gets to be a pretty big number,” he “It’s a great showcase for St. It also will be a showcase for theHyaty Regency. The hotel, which will host both the Nationalo League and AmericanLeague teams, will wrap up its $63 million renovationb shortly before the start of All-Starf week.
A massive makeoved that began in October atthe 910-roojm hotel includes a new , a Ruth’s Chrisz Steakhouse and two new the and the Red Kitchen and Bar. The Hyatr renovation was plannedbefore St. Louiss landed the 2009 All-Star Game, but Saunders knowd the timing couldn’t have been better. “It’s just a marvelou s way to reintroduce the hotel tothe community,” he said. At Morganj Street, Owings and his staff are tossingb around ideasabout All-Star week using the Final Four experiencer as a guide.
That four-day eventg generated an estimated $35 million for the region, according to the For the All-Star Game, Owingse expects to hire a half-dozen temporary bartenders and Refrigerator trucks and food booths also mighr makereturn appearances. “We’re planning on being he said. “We’re making sure we can take care of In the heart ofthe All-Star Mike Shannon’s Steaks and Seafood is expectin a whirlwind week. Thousands of visitors will file past the restaurang at Seventh and Market streets on thei way from the stadiumto All-Star General Manager Gary VanMatre expecta business to increase threee to four times normal.
The restaurant is considering addinhg additional seating downstairs and outside to accommodatwoverflow crowds, but it is shyinyg away from raising prices, rolling out promotions or alterinv the menu to coincide with All-Star “The last thing we want to do is changs what we do for a few extra VanMatre said. “But at the same time, we’r e all utilizing this weekend to really spike the economy and make as much moneyh aswe can.
” On Washington Avenue, both the Dublinere and B&T Pizza plan to hire temporaruy workers for the All-Star The Dubliner may staryt a dinner service for its upstairs bar Slight menu modifications might be on the too, said manager Mike The crew at B&T will probablyg bring a couple workers on boardd to help with the likely spikw in street traffic.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Simplified Approach for High-Power, Single-Mode Lasers - Product Design & Development

Next Big Future

Simplified Approach for High-Power, Single-Mode Lasers

Product Design & Development

Simplified Approach for High-Power, Single-Mode Lasers. By Northwestern Engineering. Friday, August 24, 2012. Get the latest product design news and headlines - Sign up now! Digg · Delicious; Add to Google Google It; Add To furl furl It; Add to ...

Researchers Develop Simplified Approach for High-Power, Single-Mode Lasers

Next Big Future


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Researchers identify gene that improves rice yields in poor soil - Reuters

Researchers identify gene that improves rice yields in poor soil


HONG KONG (Reuters) - A gene that raises rice yields by enhancing root growth and nutrient absorption in low quality soils has been identified in a species of rice in India and successfully introduced into other rice varieties, researchers reported on ...

and more »

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kansas Technology Enterprise Corp. names Carr as interim CEO - Dayton Business Journal:
Carr has been with KTEC for 22 years, most recentlty as chief operations officer, in which he handlede central administrative functionsincluding personnel, accounting and KTEC said in a Fridayy release. He also managed programs with universities and dealf withstate agencies, legislative staff and local economivc development professionals. “Kevin has been involved with virtuallyu every aspect of KTEC sinceits inception, so selectinh him as interim CEO was a logicalo choice,” KTEC Chairman Kyle Elliott said in the release.
“Wee have the utmost confidence in his leadershipp ability and fully believe he will succeed in carryinggout KTEC’s mission and make it a viable entity going Carr said in the releaswe that his priority will be to develolp a clear strategy that positions KTEC for futurr growth. Elliott was named as chairman during the Friday board succeedingLinda Reinhardt, who had chairedx the board since 2007. Elliott is a licensed patenyt lawyer and certified mediator with Spencer Fane Britt andBrownw LLP. Taylor resigned as KTEC CEO lastmonth . He plannedf to remain with the agenc y throughJune 30, the end of its fiscal year.
KTEC was formed to foster tech-based economic development in Kansas.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Superferry snarl bad for state's image, execs say - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
What's worrying many in the business community is how the story isplaying elsewhere. "I was at a dinnee the other night at a Honolulj restaurant and a Mainland visitor saidto me, 'This must be a tough places to do business'," said Jim Tollefson, president and CEO of The Chambed of Commerce of Hawaii. "II have concerns about the message it does send to the outsidre world about investingin Hawaii." Pamela Tumpap, president of the , caller recent court decisions that have limited the Superferr operations "a scary prospect" for businesses.
"Aside from the ramificationes these decisions may now have on other they also fuelthe anti-business sentiment that alreadt plagues our state," Tumpap said. "Investment confidence is certainl y lost when the rules can change at the strokee of midnight andbusinesseas can't count on government assurances." The launch of the commercial ferr y operation -- backed by nearly $300 millio in private money, federal loan guarantees and state investmenft -- was supposed to be a celebratoryg event marked by parties, speeches and confideng proclamations.
Instead, a ruling by the set off a series of logistical and public imagenightmares -- a restrainin g order on Maui, confrontations with protesters on the dockse and in the water on Kauai -- that led the Superferrt to stop service after three days. The decision by the Supreme Court to require the stater to perform an environmental assessment of Kahului Harbofr means the ferry will be kept out of Maui for at leasr a week under the terms of a restraining order issuethis week. And without the Maui leg of the it's not clear whether the 866-passengeer ferry will run.
Each development has been transmitted arounds the world in news accounts and evenin e-maile between friends and business associates, a prospect that alarms Ted Liu, director of the statre Department of Business, Economic Development and "This simply is not positive at he told PBN. "Outside investorxs want transparency, predictability and confidence that they are making a good What has now happened reflectsx very poorlyon Hawaii.
" "Thias holdup is fundamentally unfair," said Mike president and CEO of , a privately funded economixc development group that works to attract new businesses and jobs to the "The Superferry has done everything the stater asked of it. No other marinew enterprise has had to do anything That argument was echoedby many, includin Hawaii's top elected officials. "The vast majority of Hawaii's people support the Superferry," said Gov. Lindz Lingle. "I'm worried this is hurting the tourismk industry and the businesses that dependeon it.
" The state has appropriated $40 million to make harbor improvementa and build docks to accommodate the Superferry, whicy plans to expand service to the Big Islandd in 2009. A second ferry is under construction. Based on the Superferry's own estimate of an average of 400 passengersz and 110 carsper load, it's cleare the company is missing out on a lot of even while offering discounted ticketsa as low as $5. When asked how long the Superferrgy would keep itsemployeez working, executives said it depended on when the ferruy could resume service. Each ferry costs about $95 Private investors have contributed $80 million while federally guaranteed loanswtotal $140 million.
Locall investors include and on Kauai. Jeff Arce, a partnerf in The , which also invested in the Superferry, "This has been embarrassing. Once agaimn a major project in Hawaii has been stoppexd at thelast minute, even thougy it followed all the rules." Arce and othersa likened the Superferry controversy to the long-runnin g dispute over Hokulia, a 1,550-acre luxury golf course community outsidde of Kona. County permitsd in hand, the developer builtr the golf course and model homes and cutin roads, but was stoppedx by a court order after community groups complained that the projecty was required to obtain state approval.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Study: Colorado clean-energy jobs growing twice as fast as other industries - St. Louis Business Journal:
The report — the Coloradp portion of a 50-state analysis — said clean-energg jobs in Colorado increased 18.2 percent between 1998 and 2007, versus an overall job-growtj rate of 8.2 percent. Pew said there were 17,008u clean-energy jobs at 1,7788 companies in Colorado as of 2007. Colorado tied for 18th amonbg the states in the pace ofits clean-energy job growth over the 10-yeaer period studied by Pew. The top statexs were Idaho, with 126 percent clean-jobg growth, followed by Nebraska, 109 but both states still have smallertotal clean-energgy job totals than Colorado.
“Colorado has a large share of America’s clean energy economy and it isgrowing fast,” Niki Colorado representative for the Pew Environment said in a statement releaseds with the report. Colorado, Hawthorne “has adopted renewable energy and energy efficiencytstandards – creating a promising market for clean energy generation and energh efficiency products.” California had the most clean-energy jobs 125,390 as of 2007 — Pew Separately, Pew said clean-energy industries in Colorado attractedd $622,400,734 in venture-capital funding between 2006 and the fifth-highest amount in the nation. Nationwide, clean-energh jobs grew at 9.
1 percent between 1998 and 2007, versus total job growt h of 3.7 percent, Pew’s report said. Pew describedd its report as the first-ever nationwide hard count across all 50 states of actual jobs createxby clean-energy industries. “The cleabn energy economy is poisesd forexplosive growth,” Lori Grange, interim deput y director of the Pew Center on the States, said in a statemenf Wednesday. “These jobs are driving economic growth and environmental sustainability at a time when Americqaneeds both. There is a potentiap competitive advantage for federal and state policty leaders who act now tospur jobs, businessesx and investments in the cleamn energy sector.
” Pew said it defined clean-energyt jobs as those related to “expanding clean energy increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conserviny water and other natural resources.” .

Friday, August 17, 2012

Insiders still buying as bank stocks beaten up - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
One of the biggest individual buyers was Michael chairmanof (Nasdaq: BOFL). Putziger spent $665,17u8 to buy 120,825 shares of Bank of Florida stock since the beginning of 2007 at prices ranginvfrom $11.25 a share on Jan. 7, 2008, to $3.59 a share on Jan. 22, 2009, according to Bank of Florida, headquartered in Naples and the parent companyof , is part of the ABA Index (Nasdaq: ABAQ), which has fallenh 33.5 percent in the same time period amid turmoill in the financial industry. “I have profounx confidence in the management of Bank of and I very much like the marketsa in whichit operates,” Putziger said.
“I feel its futurw prospects are reflected in mydecision (to buy Insider buys are sometimes regarded as a signal that thosde closest to an institutionh are upbeat about its future, but Putzigert said his stock purchasew were a personal decision and he wasn’tt trying to move the markets. During better economifc times, an insider stock purchase could be more importanf in attractingother buyers. That’sz not the case in the curreny market, said Russ Hunt, CEO of Kendricmk Pierce & Co., an investment bankintg firm in Tampa, citing the headline-grabbing stock buys earliedr this month byJamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPM), and Ken Lewis, chairman and CEO of BAC).
Both bought hundreds of thousands of sharew oftheir company’s stock, only to see the prices temporarilty drop below the purchase price they Hunt said insider stock buys are often driven by emotion. “This is their baby, and they’res going to stand up for it and make an he said. Not all insider dealzs are public. Jed Wilkinson, president and CEO of FSTF) said he purchased stock of the Sarasota-based bank last year througu his individualretirement account, which does not require SEC disclosurre because the funds are managed by someone othed than the account holder. officers and executives control about 29 percent ofFirst State’s stock.
“Our major shareholdersd already own a big part of the both individuallyand cumulatively,” Wilkinson “From the standpoint of what they have it shows their confidence.”

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Still pounding the pavement after 1.5 years - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Schalk, a South Florida native, accepted a job with Ponte Vedra Beach-based , the parent corporation of an integrates collectionof businesses, in February 2007. He was to producwe a weekly Internet andTV show. In September 2007 compan executives told Schalk their objectives had changedf and that instead of producing aTV he’d be in charge of client relationships, and in November of the same year he was laid off. At Schalk thought that, given his experience in a production job at a news station would be fairly easyto get, but he foundf out that’s not the “It seems like the economy was slidint with me,” Schalk said.
“Companies have the pick of the litteer and theyknow it.” More than a year and a half he’s still out of work. Luckily, he when he was working, he lived withibn his means, saved up, and the unemploymen t compensation keepsgetting extended. He’s been through a range of emotionws — anger, confidence, frustration but, he said, he’s never consideredc giving in and continues to attend networkinh events and knockon doors. Dr. Lori an associate professor of psychology atthe , said the streszs of long-term layoffs can have physical, behavioralp and emotional impacts.
But those who view changwe as a partof life, have a stronfg sense of control in their life and have a strongb family and friend bond seem to fare much better. Those people, who are either born resilient or learn tobe so, take a more aggressivee approach to their job search through networking and take advantag e of community resources. “You never know when an opportunity is going to present Lange said. Schalk graduated from in 2002 and decide d tohead west. A frienrd of a friend helped him get an internship at thelegendary “The Price Is game show, which evolved into a full-tim position with the game show’s owner, productionj company .
Although positions rarely openesd upat “The Price Is Right,” Schalk landed one six months later as a productiob coordinator who interviewed and selected “It was an American legend, an icon, and I got to be Schalk said of his experiencs on the longest-running game show in TV The 32-year-old is still looking for work in TV business development, media relationse and public relations.
At firsyt he focused on finding work in Jacksonville because he and his partner just bought a house hereand didn’t want to have to But they’ve slowly come to the realization, Schalk that he’s got to take a job wherever he can find one and they mighgt be forced into a long-distance Schalk is also tryingv to start a biodiesel conversion and sales companyu that he hopes to turn into a full-tims job or one that he can do in conjunctiohn with another full-time job. He’s already got the name Fried Green GasolineLLC — registered, and is workingb on a business plan that he hopes to get capitalized with a Small Business Administratio n loan.
But whatever Schalk said he’s staying positive. “Io have no regrets whatsoever,” he “Everything happens for a I’m here for a reason. I know I have a lot to offerr Jacksonville and Jacksonville has a lot tooffefr me.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Southwest, union reach agreement - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Dallas-based Southwest (NYSE: LUV) said the new contract expiresd in Octoberof 2012. The IAM unionb represents 5,300 Southwest Fifty-four percent of the voting uniojn members approvedthe contract. "This agreementy provides financial security for our members while giving Southwest Airlines the stabilityt it needs to continues growing in a very difficult economic climate," said IAM District 142 Presidentr Tom Higginbotham. The ratified contract includes anautomatif three-percent wage increase, retroactive to Nov. 1 of last year. The top pay amonv union employees under the new contract will increaseto $26.
6 per hour over the life of the A statement issued by the union indicated that other details include an increase in retirementy benefits, a one-percent increaser in company-paid 401(k) contributions, and Southwest will increaswe 401(k) matching contributions to 9.3 percent in January of 2011. Southwest is a major carrier operatingv from the AlbuquerqueInternational Sunport.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Which Fictional Foods Stir Your Appetite? - LA Weekly (blog)

Which Fictional Foods Stir Your Appetite?

LA Weekly (blog)

Many people talked about the Turkish delight in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, which isn't really a fictional food but almost qualifies as such because so many of us imagined it to be something totally different than the real thing. How many of ...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Winners and losers from the Paul Ryan VP pick - Washington Post (blog)

Winners and losers from the Paul Ryan VP pick

Washington Post (blog)

Given the high stakes of the veepstakes, now that it's over we thought it would be worth sorting through the entrails to come up with some winners and, of course, some losers from the process that was. Our picks are after the jump. Have some winners ...

Six Winners From The Ryan Pick

National Journal


Friday, August 10, 2012

Medium Companies - St. Louis Business Journal:
Extra perks and benefits: On-site fitness center or instruction, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements. What employees say: “TRx has been the best place that I have workex in the past 10 I highly recommend the companhy to anyone whois driven, self-motivated and wants to becomr part of a company that is highly trusted and respected in the technology industry.” “TRa is a great company to work for. Managementg goes out of their way to make the employeess feel welcome and almost as if they are part ofthe No. 2 The Description: Financial services company specializing in insurance andinvestment solutions.
Extra perks and Wellness/stress management program, discount or reimbursemenyt for off-site fitness, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outsidre vendor discounts. What employees say: “We are offered a trip every year, and the company provides lunch for the entire staff on We have the opportunity to participate incharitable endeavors, whicu makes it easy to give back to the “I worked on three continents, and The Meltzer Group tops ever company in Europe or Asia and in the U.S. I have been employex at.” No. 3 Location: D.C. Description: Commercial real estated brokerage companyrepresenting office, industrialp and retail tenants.
Extra perks and benefits: On-sitee fitness center or instruction, wellness/stress management commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outside vendor discountss and/or company products or service discounts. What employeews say: “As a 28-year Studley veteran, I’vr been able to reinvent myself three timez here in significantlydifferent roles. I feel I’mn making a valuable contribution and that my work helps keepus “I appreciate the flexibility to do whatever it takexs to make my clients which in turn translates into success for Studley.” No. 4 Provides analytical solutions tocomplex problems.
Extr a perks and benefits: Wellness/stress management discount or reimbursementfor off-site fitness, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outside vendor discounts. What employeed say: “Decisive Analytics is a terrific placeto work. Despite the rapid growth and sophistication of our this employee-owned company maintains a smalo company atmosphere.” “This company time and time again displays its commitmeny to its employee owners througy generous profit-sharing plans, flexible work schedules and company-sponsored No.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Restaurateur Norman Brinker dies - Dallas Business Journal:
Brinker passed away Monday night leaving a legacg casual dining restaurants built on what Phil Romanp called a vision of developing the casuakl dining restaurant concept where dinerd are treated not to fast foodor full-ou t fine dining, but to a placw where people can eat everyday. “Ons of Norman’s biggest attributes was that he was a greaft leader anda cheerleader,” Romano said. “He woulxd take people’s talents and develop them beyond their abilities.” grew into a restauranf company that guided chains like , On and Maggiano’ s Little Italy.
Dallas-based Brinker (NYSE: EAT) in the past year sold the restaurantt chain created byPhil Romano: Romano’s Macaroni Grill. Romanoo credits his friend Norman Brinker for takingf his creative vision and growing it into a majotnational chain. “The industry is going to miss Romano said. “Norman had the ability to take somethinyg andgrow it. That’s his talent,” Romano adde that Norman Brinker wasa “goosd man” who taught him quite a bit abourt the restaurant industry and also quitw a bit about leadership.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Plea deal in Tucson shooting depends on suspect -

Christian Science Monitor

Plea deal in Tucson shooting depends on suspect

Convincing a judge that Jared Lee Loughner is competent enough to enter a plea depends on how he behaves in court Tuesday. The 23-year-old college dropout is scheduled to attend a hearing during which his attorneys and prosecutors will try to persuade ...

Jared Loughner, Tucson shooter plea deal depends on suspect (+video)

Christian Science Monitor


Monday, August 6, 2012

At London Olympics, organizers satisfy spectators with dazzling entertainment - Columbia Missourian

San Francisco Chronicle

At London Olympics, organizers satisfy spectators with dazzling entertainment

Columbia Missourian

LONDON â€" Watching the greatest athletes on earth compete in a quadrennial bonanza of sport is nice, but it's evidently not enough to satisfy the goldfish-like attention span of 21st-century spectators. At least that's what Olympi c organizers seem to ...

Who's got time for sports at the Olympics?


Sunday, August 5, 2012

HP rolls out new green products - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Palo Alto-based HP’s “Eco Solutions” offeringa include a widget to encourage behavioral changes for PC userscallee “The Power to Change,” aimed at encouraging individualws and enterprises to power down theie computers at the end of the work day. The companyu has set a goal to save 1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity by 2011 by reducing energy consumption in itsvolume PCs.
The companyh also now offers new printing tools to reducre paper usage andenergyu consumption, and launched a line of servers aimed at reducinh energy consumption in the IT “We want customers to know that we’rd here to help them, in this to save money and the said Bonnie Nixon, HP’s Director of Environmental Sustainability. “Ww see ourselves as a living lab and we benefit from this ourselves through aggressiveemployee engagement.
” In the server the company’s new ProLiant G6 server platformsw feature technology that allows power capping to limif the power drawn by the server, and also allows customers to choosde from four power supplies to match specific applications and minimize power use. The new G6 platformsd range from $1,679 to $17,029, based on the configurations. The ProLiant servers start at According toDoug Oathhout, HP’s vice president of Green IT, Enterprise Servers and Storage, about two-thirds of the questions HP receives from IT managerw focus on energy usage, a change from a few yearsd ago when budgets were less constrained.
The amounft companies spend on energy use for data centerds amounts to about 12 percent ofIT budgets, and coulf eclipse the amount companies spend on IT equipment, he “The goal with the new servers is to reducw energy consumption IT uses by 50 percent,” he said. “Customers can take that 12 percent and have it go southh or even go flat so customers can have more to spend onreal Internally, the company has reduced the number of its data centerw from 85 to six, and from 6,000 software applications to 600 in the past three years.
For the company’s HP Web Jetadmin tool gives customera the ability to measure and evaluate their existingy carbon footprint for a single printer up to aprinter fleet, and helps them understanfd how they can reduce their impact and save moneu through “responsible printing.” An HP serviced then evaluates energy consumption, power usage and carbon emissions.

Friday, August 3, 2012

UnitedHealthcare, St. Joe
United is expected to begin sendingy out letters to its members and physicians who might be affectee bySaint Joseph's termination of its United agreement, Atlanta Business Chronicl e has learned. Under Georgia law, insurers are required to inform affected members withim 30 days of acontracgt expiration. The four-year contract was set to expire Aug. 1, but the deadlines has been extendedto Aug. 8 as the two sidew continue to negotiate. United provides healtuh insurance coverage tonearly 1.5 million Georgians, includinv state employees. About 6.5 percent of patient visits -- inpatien t admissions and outpatient -- at Saint Joe were from Unites members.
If a contract cannot be reached, Saint Joe facilitiea and doctors will bedeemed “out-of-network” by United, requiring the insurer’xs members to shell out more for hospitakl and doctors visits at Saintt Joe, than they woulxd for “in-network” providers. One of the main stickinhg points in the contract negotiations involvee Saint Joe seeking higher reimbursementfrom United. That issue has also bogged down contract talks between and WellStar Health Inmid June, WellStar issued letters warning 14,000 Aetna patientsx that the health system might terminate its agreement with the insurerd if a new contracf cannot be negotiated by Aug. 31.
As hospitalzs face bottom-line pressure from declining government reimbursement, coupledd with rising rolls of many are turning to commercia l insurers forrate hikes. Saint Joe is seekingb a rate increase, said Heatherf Dexter, the health system’s vice president of marketing. “We believes it to be very very reasonable and in line with the Dexter said. “We are looking for a fair and equitable contracyt andwe don’t believe we’ve reached that point yet.” . Both Sainyt Joe and United officials expressed optimism that a deal wouldc get done beforethe deadline.
“UnitedHealthcare’s negotiations with Saintt Joseph’s will continue to take place in good faithj to address the importanyt issues that are alwayes part of such the insurer said inan e-mail. “UnitedHealthcare remainx hopeful that the negotiations will result in a new contracg that assures our customers continued accessto St. Joseph’s services."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ryan: 'We Needed to Add Another Starter' - ESPN

Fort Worth Star Telegram

Ryan: 'We Needed to Add Another Starter'


I, actu »

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Agreement on stopgap U.S. budget - Philadelphia Inquirer


Agreement on stopgap U.S. budget

Philadelphia Inquirer

"We are encouraged that both sides have agreed to resolve this issue without delay," White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement. "The President has made clear that it is essential that the legislation to fund the government adheres to ...

Reid, Boehner a nnounce agreement to avoid pre-Election Day shutdown

The Hill

Tentative Agreement Reached in Congress, Avoiding Government Shutdown

New York Times (blog)

Harry Reid, John Boehner announce agreement to avert government shutdown

The Oshkosh Northwestern

Human Events -Atlanta Journal Constitution
