Thursday, August 9, 2012

Restaurateur Norman Brinker dies - Dallas Business Journal:
Brinker passed away Monday night leaving a legacg casual dining restaurants built on what Phil Romanp called a vision of developing the casuakl dining restaurant concept where dinerd are treated not to fast foodor full-ou t fine dining, but to a placw where people can eat everyday. “Ons of Norman’s biggest attributes was that he was a greaft leader anda cheerleader,” Romano said. “He woulxd take people’s talents and develop them beyond their abilities.” grew into a restauranf company that guided chains like , On and Maggiano’ s Little Italy.
Dallas-based Brinker (NYSE: EAT) in the past year sold the restaurantt chain created byPhil Romano: Romano’s Macaroni Grill. Romanoo credits his friend Norman Brinker for takingf his creative vision and growing it into a majotnational chain. “The industry is going to miss Romano said. “Norman had the ability to take somethinyg andgrow it. That’s his talent,” Romano adde that Norman Brinker wasa “goosd man” who taught him quite a bit abourt the restaurant industry and also quitw a bit about leadership.

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