Saturday, August 25, 2012

Morgan Street, Hyatt prep for All-Star Game crush - St. Louis Business Journal:
“It was like doing a month’s wortu of business in five days,” said Owings, who’ws also president of the Laclede’s . “It was just Despite the big-game experience, Owingx still can’t wrap his head around the economivc boostthis summer’s Major League Baseball All-Stad extravaganza is likely to “I wish I knew,” he said. “We’re really stretchint to figure outwhat we’re going to Big-time business is a safe guess.
Direcgt spending by visitors on Cardinalx operations andon dining, retaipl and hotels operations is expected to top $32 million, triggerin g another $27 million in indirect spending in the region, according to the and Growtu Association. Business owners and entrepreneurs like Owings are strategizing about how to best captur e the coming floodof revenue. Some are plannin to hire temporary workers to handle theexcessa crowds. Others are boosting capacity, drafting new promotionw or reworking their offerings to carvew out acompetitive advantage. Without question, the influcx of visitors and revenue will provide some local businesses with a significant boost duringf an otherwisedown year.
Visitors in town for conventions typicallyspend $275-$300 per day among hotel, dining and othere purchases, said Greg Saunders, managing director of the St. Louisx Riverfront at 315 Chestnut. “You look at the numbee of people attending this game from outsidd the city overa four- or five-dayt period, it gets to be a pretty big number,” he “It’s a great showcase for St. It also will be a showcase for theHyaty Regency. The hotel, which will host both the Nationalo League and AmericanLeague teams, will wrap up its $63 million renovationb shortly before the start of All-Starf week.
A massive makeoved that began in October atthe 910-roojm hotel includes a new , a Ruth’s Chrisz Steakhouse and two new the and the Red Kitchen and Bar. The Hyatr renovation was plannedbefore St. Louiss landed the 2009 All-Star Game, but Saunders knowd the timing couldn’t have been better. “It’s just a marvelou s way to reintroduce the hotel tothe community,” he said. At Morganj Street, Owings and his staff are tossingb around ideasabout All-Star week using the Final Four experiencer as a guide.
That four-day eventg generated an estimated $35 million for the region, according to the For the All-Star Game, Owingse expects to hire a half-dozen temporary bartenders and Refrigerator trucks and food booths also mighr makereturn appearances. “We’re planning on being he said. “We’re making sure we can take care of In the heart ofthe All-Star Mike Shannon’s Steaks and Seafood is expectin a whirlwind week. Thousands of visitors will file past the restaurang at Seventh and Market streets on thei way from the stadiumto All-Star General Manager Gary VanMatre expecta business to increase threee to four times normal.
The restaurant is considering addinhg additional seating downstairs and outside to accommodatwoverflow crowds, but it is shyinyg away from raising prices, rolling out promotions or alterinv the menu to coincide with All-Star “The last thing we want to do is changs what we do for a few extra VanMatre said. “But at the same time, we’r e all utilizing this weekend to really spike the economy and make as much moneyh aswe can.
” On Washington Avenue, both the Dublinere and B&T Pizza plan to hire temporaruy workers for the All-Star The Dubliner may staryt a dinner service for its upstairs bar Slight menu modifications might be on the too, said manager Mike The crew at B&T will probablyg bring a couple workers on boardd to help with the likely spikw in street traffic.

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