Sunday, September 30, 2012

What's Cooking - ESPN


What's Cooking


Greeny and Golic welcome ESPN MLB Insider Buster Olney (6:45 a.m. ET), ESPN NFL analyst Cris Carter (7:30), ESPN NFL analyst Mike Ditka (8:15), ESPN NFL analyst Ron Jaworski (8:30) and ESPN NFL analyst Antonio Pierce (9:15) to the show on ...

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stephon Tuitt added to Bednarik list - ESPN (blog)

Notre Dame Official Athletic Site

Stephon Tuitt added to Bednarik list

ESPN (blog)

Stephon Tuitt was added to the watch list for the Bednarik Award, which is given to the nation's top defensive player. Tuitt's six sacks through four games makes him second in the nation, half of a sack off the lead. He has been instrumental in a Notre ...

Mauti Added to Bednarik Watch List

Black Shoe Diaries

ASU DT Will Sutton added to Bednarik Watch List

Arizona Sports

La Tech's Colby Cameron added to Maxwell Award Watch List

KSLA-TV -Notre Dame Official Athletic Site


Friday, September 28, 2012

There's nothing like Ryder Cup pressure - Los Angeles Times

There's nothing like Ryder Cup pressure

Los Angeles Times

Silky swings will disintegrate into Charles Barkley hitches. Automatic 130-yard wedges will become torture. Unlike the body parts left behind in the NFL, the Ryder Cup sheddings will be indiscernible. They are c »

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Case is stated by Belichick -

Case is stated by Belichick

Case is stated by Belichick. By Shalise Manza Young. Globe Staff / September 24, 2012. E-mail |; Print |; Reprints |. Text Size: รข€"; +. You are reading this article for free courtesy of Get unlimited access. E-mail. E-mail this article ...

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

E Ink to be bought for $215 million - Boston Business Journal:
“Combining E Ink and PVI creates a single public company that is dedicated to electronic saidRussell J. Wilcox, co-founder, President and CEO of E Ink “With a common ownership we can get closer to customerxs aroundthe world, streamline the supplgy chain, and speed up new producty development.” E Ink has raised more than $150 mostly from a group of strategicd investors that include newspaper publisher , MOT) and (Nasdaq: INTC). Sony (NYSE: SNE) and Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) turned to E-Inlk earlier this year to provide the displayx fortheir e-books — the Sony Reade and the Amazon Kindle 2.
E Ink’sx product is a thin and flexible film packed with The molecules can be manipulates to produce imagesand text. It looks much like a printe page. The 12-year-old company’s revenue has grown exponentially, placiny it in the top 10 of the BostonBusiness Journal'w 2008 list of the fastesr growing private companies in Massachusetts. E Ink posted revenue of approximatelhy $41 million in 2008, a more than 140 percentt increase overthe $17 million in revenues it saw in 2007. It’s seen revenue growth of 720 percent over the pastthree years. A big increase in businessa came in July 2007 and was drivemn by the marketing push of Sony around its Wilcox said.
By the end of that Sony released an updated version of the Reade and Amazon released the first version ofthe Kindle. The including the latest version, has enjoyed some populart press and endorsementsfrom celebrities, includinf Oprah Winfrey. In the process the e-book as gainedf marketshare. Today e-books have about a 3 percent market penetration. “E-bookx have moved from something everyone was skepticaklabout ... to now if you get on an you have pretty good chance ofseeinb e-books being used in the Wilcox said in a recent BBJ interview. The road map for 2009 includesx e-books with different size The big market at the momentis publishing, Wilcox said.
But that couled mean spreading into the realms of textbooks and Wilcox said the company will add some jobs to keep apacedwith demand, probably between 10 to 20 positiones this year.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

N.C. Cherokees to get $2 million in funds - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The $2 million will fund four separate projects for theCherokee Indians, two to improve drinkingf water infrastructure and two to upgrade wastewatet systems. In total, 94 wastewatefr and 64 drinking water priority projects have been outlined for tribap territories across the The funds have been granted from the American Recoverhy and Reinvestment Actof 2009, whicg President Barack Obama signed in February. According to the the projects are designed to better protecy human and environmental health in AmericanIndianm lands. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is comprisedc mostly of descendants of Cherokee who did not participate in the storied marcyh on the Trail of Tears tothe Midwest.
the Eastern Cherokee Indian Reservation is located across five counties in westernNorth Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson and Haywood.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hawaii flu cases close to 300 - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Hawaii Department of Health, whicg now updates its online H1N1 count each said there are now 298 confirmexd casesin Hawaii. There were 98 new cased confirmed on Oahu this week for a total of288 cases. Kauai and Maui addedf a case eachthis week. They each have a total of thre cases. The Big Island, whicn has four cases, did not report any new casea this week. Most have recovered or are recovering from the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said thatmost U.S. caseas have not been severe and are comparablde in severity toseasonal influenza. Hawaii residentes with questions about H1N1 flu cancall 767-5044 ext. 3 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Mondaty through Friday and on weekends from9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Or visif or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Friday, September 21, 2012

Smallwood leads WNY elementary schools - San Francisco Business Times:
Amherst's Smallwood Drive School ranks No. 1 again. It leadsx Western New York's elementary schools for the thirs consecutiveyear -- and the fourth out of "That's really a tribute to the staff at Smallwood and theifr commitment to excellence. And to the parents as says Laura Chabe, superintendent of the Amhersty CentralSchool District. "We're fortunat to have a community that is so supportive of for the complete elementaryschool rankings. And for separatw rankings for each section of Western New York.
The present stability is quite a switchy fromthe 2004-2006 period, when three public elementary schools, including Smallwood, took turns at the top of the (Business First produced separate rankingsa of public and private schools until when the two lists were merged.) Smallwoox has been remarkably consistent since Its four-year rating for Englisuh language arts is second-best among all Western New York elementary according to a Business First analysis of 2005-20089 test data. And its math rating also is second-highesr in the eight-county region.
Chabe says the school'd successes in English and math are thanks in part to adistrictwide "We have a strong curriculum that is focusede on literacy," she "which I think has been instrumental in helpinbg kids be successful in all not just English." Business First assessed 292 elementary schools across Western New York, usinh four years of test data for fourtb graders. All test scores came from the . The theme of stabilit extends tosecond place, which is held by Orcharsd Park's South Davis Elementary School, just as it was in 2008.
Roundingy out this year's top five are Maple East ElementargSchool (Williamsville), Southern Tier Catholic School and Charlotte Avenue Elementary School (Hamburg). Maple East leadxs all Western New York elementary schools in based onBusiness First'sz four-year analysis. Sixty-six percent of its fourthj graders achieved superiorscorexs (Level 4) on the statewide math test in 2008. The regionaol average was 24 percent.
Principal Cathy Mihali is still learning the ropes at Maple She arrived in Januargyfrom Hamburg's Armor Elementary School, which ranks 19th this "I knew the (Williamsville) district had a long-standint reputation for excellence, and that Maple East was one of the highest-performinf schools," she says. "I knew it woulsd be a stimulating atmosphere, and it is. We have a very dedicatecd staff. They work hard to help our kids achievw at ahigher rate.
" Southern Tier Catholic, with 103 students from pre-kindergartenh through eighth grade, is the smallest school in the uppefr echelon of the elementary school It's also the fastest riser, soaring from 31st place in 2007 to 15th in then up to fourth place this All of Southern Tier Catholic's fourth graders demonstratee basic skills (Level 3 or 4) on both the statewidw English and math tests, a feat equaledx by just six other Western New York schools. "We have smallefr classes, obviously, so we can give a good bit of one-on-onde help to our kids," says Daniel McCarthy, the principal of Southernn Tier Catholic.
"Our teachers work very hard at that, and it pays Forty-one schools are recipientws ofsubject awards, which are given to the top 10 percent of all Westermn New York elementary schools in English languagr arts and mathematics. for complete lists of subject awarf winners. Nineteen honorees have scored clean taking awards inboth fields. Included in that group are Smallwoo and the other nine members of the overalkltop 10. Niagara-Wheatfield's Errick Road Elementarhy School, which ranks 23rd, also has a pair of subject awards. Principal Nora O'Bryan credits a personalized approach tostudenrt achievement. "There's no such thing as one size fits she says.
"If a studenrt needs extra help, we providre it. If students are workingh abovegrade level, we find books and materialsz to push them even more." The Business First rankings don't include private elementaru schools that have opted out of the statewidd testing program. Prominent in that group are Elmwood Franklin School and Park Schoolkof Buffalo.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Delta pares planned international bag fee - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) told the AP Wednesdahy it now plans to charg ea $50 fee for seconcd checked bags only on flightse between the United States and Europe. "We constantlyt monitor the industry landscaps to ensure our fares and fees are Delta said inan e-mail statement. "To that end, Delta made a competitiver decision to chargethe $50 international second checked bag fee only on routeas between the United States and Europe." In the world’s largest carrier said it . The new charge was expectedd togenerate $100 million Delta did not say how much revenue the scaled back plan will The new fee is effectivd for travel starting July 1.
First checked bags on internationao flightsare free. Active first class, business class and elitde frequent fliers are exempt from thenew fee. The so-callerd “unbundling” of services, which includes baggage fees, has been a stronfg source of revenue for mostmajorr U.S. carriers. Delta and its major U.S. competitors already levy fees for firs and second checked bag ondomestic flights.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Businesses groups angry about new, increased health care taxes in budget - The Business Review (Albany):
The state budget approved April 3includezs $48.5 billion in health care spending, up from $45.3 billiomn last year. It also contains $2.3 billioh worth of cuts and taxes. It is expected that the pain ofthesr “savings”—particularly the roughly $900 million in new and increasec taxes on providers and insurers—will be shared. “Th e bottom line is, if you purchase privatre health insurance, you are going to pay more,” said Mark director of government affairsfor . Gov. David Patersonm originally proposed $3.5 billion in cuts and but federal Medicaid dollars the state received as part of the stimulus package allowed it to putback $1.
2 “So there are some things they didn’t Amodeo said. “But they did do a lot of We’re No. 1 Of most concern to employerx are the morethan $700 million in health insurancde taxes contained in the new budget and the deficity reduction plan passed in February. This includes an increase in the covered lives assessment onhealtj policies; higher taxes on patient hospita bills; a new HMO premium tax; and an increases in the tax insurers pay to fund the states insurance department. This will bring the total taxess New Yorkers pay on their healty benefits toabout $4.2 billioh a year.
“We are the only statw in the union with that level of saidPaul Macielak, president of the . “We’re No. He estimated that the new taxes will addbetween $100 and $250 to the annual cost of an upstatd family’s policy. “This doesn’t pay for new it doesn’t even necessarily go for health Macielak said. “It’s general fund stuff—roadsa and bridges and so on.” Amodeo said Businessx Council members have told him they have threw choices if healthcare premiums—already one of theirr biggest expenses—rise. They can shift more of the burdenonto workers, lowed benefit levels or drop coverage altogether.
Businesses also are displeasefd with increased taxes on includinga 0.35 percent gross receipts tax on hospital revenue that is expected to generate $124 million this year. That “sicki tax” is expected to cost area hospitalz morethan $7 million. “Hospitals will seek to make it up and that somewhere will be from health Amodeo said. When the entire budget is takeninto consideration—including the elimination of inflationary increases in Medicaid paymentes and Medicaid reforms to shift reimbursement from inpatienft care to outpatient and preventativde care—local hospitals stand to lose about $9 Daniel Sisto, president of the , said he puts some of the blamre for these reforms on the business community.
“Everyh year, many members of the business communitt applaud cuts in Medicaid without looking deepeeinto them,” he said. “They believe the rhetoric that reformn hasbeen achieved. But the providers are beinv paid less, Medicaid enrollment is and the costsget shifted. The businessw community has to take a closer look atwhat they’rew applauding when they applaurd Medicaid cuts.” Sisto added that during the budgert process, state leaders pointed to profit margins in 2006 and 2007 as evidencee that hospitals could affordf the cuts. “They conveniently omitted 2008,” he said.
“They completely ignorexd the devastating effects on balance sheets of themarke collapse, the increased number of uninsured, the credit crunc and the decline in , the area’s largest hospital, said it expectz the budget cuts and taxes to cost it $2.5 million a year. That, on top of the down forced it to delaya $360 million expansionb project and make other cost-saving The hospital eliminated merit raises; implemented a hiring freeze for all but “missioj critical” positions; cut about 125 vacant and reduced accumulated leave time by 10 percent.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Multifamily Sales/Development: Winner - Washington Business Journal:
CIM Group LP, Bundy Development Corp. and Neighborhoofd Development Co.) Broker: The Mayhood Co. Torti Gallas and Partners Inc., Michael Marshall ArchitectursLLC Contractor: James G. Davis Construction Corp. Law Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Greenstei n DeLorne & Luchs PC The now-defunct National Capitapl Revitalization Corp. selected the CityVistaz team back in 2003 to redevelop astrugglinvg in-fill site at the corner of Fifth and K streets NW and boos t the surrounding neighborhood. Together with similar projects innearby areas, CityVista was a significant player in supplyingy needed retail and residential optionss to a market in need.
The project includees three towers ofresidential units, one completed in 2007 and the othersw in 2008, and all have prove n to be popular. CityVista found a formula for succesds bycomplementing up-to-date residential units with a private urban park 35 stories above a rooftop pool and clubrook and accompanying retail. The condos are 77 perceny sold. The apartments, 43 percent leased, were aideed by an uncommon fanfare attheir opening, with a party sponsores by international corporations and a pre-leasinh list of 750 names.
“This placeds an exclamation mark on the trulyu differentiate product thatCityVistaw offers,” said Joe Carrol, assistant vice presidenr of development at Lowe Enterprises Real Estate Groulp East LLC, the lead developer. The compledx is part of the city’s redevelopment of the Mountf VernonTriangle area. It contains 441 224 apartmentsand 117,0000 square feet of retail on streeg level, highlighted by a Safeway CityVista is within walking distance of Penn Quarter and Gallery Place, two Metro station and the circulatort bus.
The project was a collaboration of city private developers and financial partnersa working to develop an abandoned site into one ofthe city’es most prosperous destinations. “This combination continued to drive extraordinary value and provide downside protection throughou t atumultuous 2008,” Carrol said. Architects Torti Gallas and Partners and Michael Marshall Architecture executed the diverse aspectzof CityVista’s design. To provide resident diversity, 20 percen of the condominiums were sold as affordablddwelling units.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Omidyar Network gives $4M to government transparency group - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Redwood City-based Omidyar Network, a philanthropic investment firm started bySan Jose-basecd (NASDAQ:EBAY) founder Pierre Omidyar and his wife Pam, has committed a totaol of $8 million to Sunlight since 2007. "Withj this latest grant, which includes the potential for future matching funds, Omidyar Network is furthering its commitmentf to Sunlight's work to use online platformds and technologies to ensure visibility into governmen t activity," the two organizations said. In conjunction with the Omidyar Network partner Matt Halprin will jointhe board.
He will be joinec by Stacy Donohue, a directod at Omidyar Network, who leads the organization' s government transparency investment area. Donohue will take an observefr seat onthe board.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Judge dismisses challenge to Duke Energy coal plant - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The decision doesn’t end the legal squabbling overthe coal-fire power facility. But Judge Lacy Thornburbg denied a motion by the environmental groups to halt constructionj ofthe 825-megawatt unit. He said the state has undertaken a reviewof Duke’s air-quality permit as he ordered in He also denied Duke’s motion for summary judgmeng in its favor. He said the environmental groupsx can continue pursue challenges to the permit and the plant instate courts. Thornburg acknowledges the case may ultimatel y return to thefederal courts. But he says there is no point to having state and federal reviewscontinuing simultaneously.
Jason a spokesman for Charlotte-based Duke, says the utility is “very pleased with the ruling Hesays Thornburg’s decision makes it clear that the state has undertaken all the requiree reviews to issue a proper air-quality permit. And he says Duke remainsw confident the permit will stand up to court Walls saysthe $1.8 billion Cliffsidse unit is 40 percent completw and remains on budget and on schedule to start producin power in 2012. The unit is beiny built on the border of Cleveland andRutherfordf counties. Representatives from the environmental groups could not be reached for comment.
Most of the organizations that fileds the federal challenge have a separate appeal pendiny with the state Office ofAdministrativ Hearings. As Thornburg’s ruling that challenge is likelyto continue. Like many thingws involving theCliffside project, the federal challengew has a complicated history. The state grantedd Duke an air-quality permit for the plangt inJanuary 2007. But the legality of the permitf was called into questiohn by a federal appeals court ruling the following That ruling held that the Environmental Protection Agency had improperlgexempted coal-fired power plantds from pollution-control reviews required by the federal Clean Air Act.
The , and othersz contended that without aproper permit, Duke was building the Cliffside unit illegally. A year ago, the groups filecd the federal suit seeking tostop construction. Thornburgy ruled in December that Cliffside qualified as apossible “major source” of hazardous pollutantz — mercury in this case. It was an importantr victory forthe environmentalists. Thornburg said federapl law required the state to determine if Duke had designes the plant with the best availabl e technology for the most effectivse control formercury emissions. That revieaw had not been done, he said.
But Thornburgv did not order a haltto Instead, he told Duke to apply immediatelyh for a proper permit. The utility, a unit of did so. The statwe found Cliffside wasn’t a major sourcw of mercury pollution. That meant Duke was in compliancwe with the federal CleanAir Act. That is the orde the groups have since appealed through an administrative Thornburg says the environmental organizations can appeal to the state courts if they remaib unsatisfied after theadministrative hearing. But he says the state has reviewes Duke’s plans for pollution control as he He cites a report from the Division of Air Quality outliningv the steps it took and a brief fromthe N.C.
attornehy general saying the division had complied with the December After exhaustingstate appeals, either side coulx appeal the case again to the federao courts, Thornburg says.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Crist vetoes controversial insurance bill - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
“We really don’t have a choic e but to continue with our plan to discontinu e our property insurance coveragein Florida,” said States Farm spokesman Michael Crist cited concerns that signing HB 1171 could trigger significant rate increases and reverse efforts by statde officials and the Legislature to make the Florida market more competitive. Proponents of the legislatiohn called itthe “Consume Choice” bill.
Crist said in a news release that the bill gavea “selectf group of property insurance companies” the powert of choosing who would be offerexd the policy, allowing them to cherry-pick the best customerxs and dump policies with the greatest risk. In a June 16 lette r to the governor, Jim Thompson, presidentf of State Farm FloridaInsurancee Co., encouraged him to sign the bill, but made no promisess to stay if he did. Thompsonh even included a couple of caveats toState Farm’ statement of non-commitment.
“If HB 1171 were to become law, and if the (Office of Insuranc Regulation) expediently administers the law in a mannef consistent with the legislative intent of its legislativ sponsorsand supporters, State Farm woulcd be willing to re-examine its options,” Thompson wrote. The governofr pointed to the fact that the bill did not requires that the select companies stay in Florida as a motivating factoer inhis decision.
“House Bill 1171 allows certain insurer the ability to collect unregulated insuranc e premiums and then leave the marketplacewith Florida’s hard-working families’ earnings,” he State Farm Florida has been talking with statew regulators about its plan to leavd Florida. In , the company asked to stop writingh property coverage in the Sunshine State because it no longef could afford to do business Followingthe veto, the Nationapl Association of Insurance and Financial which represents the majorityu of State Farm agents, released a statement through spokesmahn Bob Lotane.
“If nothing else, this moved debatew on how to address our insurance challenges 180 degrees from wherwewe were, and showed we have got to welcomd and examine new ideas,” he said. Ed Domansky, said a hearing will be held July 15 to determiner the need for a formal hearingb onState Farm’s plan to leave Florida. Clicjk to read the plan. OIR’e biggest sticking point in the negotiationzs has been whether State Farm agentx would be able to sell policies other than its own and The initial agreement states that States Farm would provide a minimum of six monthss notice prior toexecuting non-renewals.
State Farm he said, have time to find other “It was expected that nothingh like that would beginj to happen until laterthis year,” Domanskhy said. “I suspect nothing would take place for another sixmonthes out.” Brad Ashwell, consumer advocat e for , which opposed the expects the deregulation of Florida’s insurancw industry will become a central issuw in the gubernatorial campaign. He said whomever wins the state’ s top political post will help determine how much traction deregulatiobn has in the nextlegislative session. Ashwel added that his group is ecstativ withthe governor’s decision. “We couldn’t be more he said.
“We are glad he stood up for consumers.” Barnehy Bishop III, president and CEO of , criticized the governor’ s veto, saying it would force hundreds of thousandes of homeowners to switchto “thinly-financed” insurance companies that will chargw them as much if not more than their currenf insurer. He gave no evidence for the assertions. But Ashwellp said no one has evaluated howwell small, privatr companies can weather a stork financially, so Bishop’s statement is inaccurate at He also pointed to the that State Farm is considering leaving of its own “This isn’t the governor’s fault that State Farm is deciding to leave,” he said.
“OIR’s role in protecting consumers is not what is driving State Farm out ofthe [State Farm] has a choice.” commended the governor’d action saying it would have allowed certaij larger insurance companies an unfair business advantage. It noted that the bill “woulx have further diminished affordable choices for Floridianas and would have eventually dumpef more policies intothe state-run insuranc e program Citizens.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Judge sets date for Davis hearing - Houston Business Journal:
James Davis will appear before U.S. District Judge Davif Hittner and is expected to ente a guilty plea to charges of conspiracy tocommiy fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justic e in connection with his alleged role in masterminding a $7 million Ponzoi scheme. Davis is the former roommate of R. Allenj Stanford, the Houston financier who headed the now dismantledcStanford empire. Davis could face as much as 30 yearx in prison and has agreedd to forfeit property worth as muchas $1 billionj as part of his deal with prosecutors. The judge also invited commentss regarding Davis and his plea deal from thosd claiming to be victims of the Ponzi to be delivered in person atthe Aug.
6 hearingy or as written statements. Commentsz can be made online at the Web site at by calling Pam Washingtonat 1-888-549-3945 or by e-mail to Victimz wishing to appear in court to make theird statement must alsocontact Washington. The deadliner for comments is July 31. Stanford, 59, was charged separately in the case afte r being indicted by a Houstohgrand jury, and is scheduledr to go to trial Aug. 25. He and four others chargefd have pleadednot guilty. Separately, the judge on Wednesdayh issued an order denying a transfer motionby Stanford’s attorney, Dick DeGuerin.
DeGuerin had requesting that Stanfords be transferred from the Joe Corley Dentention Center in Conroe to a federal detention center in Houston while heawaita trial.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Van de Putte says no to 2010 governor
There had been considerable speculation during the last few months that Van de a four-term incumbent, might throw her hat in the ring for the governor’s race next But she squelched that idea today in a statement that is harshlyt critical of Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Sen. Kay Bailehy Hutchison. “If I believed for a second that it woulcd result in a healthy debate of the issuea of most importance toTexas families, I woulr today be announcing my candidacu for governor of Texas,” Van de Puttes says.
“But we have all watched over the yearsas Perry, and other Republican politicians have launchesd their scorched earth ‘say anything to win’ viciouas attacks against political opponents. To mask their utter lack of they’ll do so again, and I decline to put my familyuthrough it.” Hutchison is widely believed to be gearing up to challengew Perry in the Republican primary for governor next So far the only Democrat to formally announces in the race is Tom who served as ambassador to Australia under President George W. Bush. Van de Putte says she plans to keep her focusx on the state Legislature and isencouraging Sen.
Kirk Watson, D-Austin, to consider a bid for “Democrats should recruit and supporfsomeone who, like Watson, is energetic, pragmatic, and smart; and who can fully energizwe Democratic supporters while also attracting a broad rangee of independent voters in every region of the she says.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Manufacturing sector shows encouraging signs - Houston Business Journal:
ISM’s index of national factory activity rosefrom 40.1 in Aprip to 42.8 in May. That’s the highest reading sincew September, and the fifth straight monthly Any reading below 50 signals contractioh inthe sector, while readingas above 50 indicate growth. More encouraginb than the overall reading wasthe “New Orders” part of the which reached 51.1 in May. May was the firsgt month the New Orders Index has moved abovew50 percent, following 17 consecutivw months of contraction. Growth in that part of the indexz indicates the likelihood of more activity in the manufacturinhg sector in thecominb months.
According to ISM, five of the 18 manufacturing industriees reported growthin May: nonmetallic mineral plastics and rubber products; machinery; beverage and tobacco products; and printing and related support activities.

Friday, September 7, 2012

HVCC moves 2 programs to Rensselaer Tech Park - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Troy college recently signeda 10-yeatr lease with 400 Jordan Road LLC. The school will pay approximately $605,000 a year to lease 36,557 square feet of space. Hudson Valley’s popular paramedic program will occupy about half of the new The school also will move its respiratorty care program and a that trains employees for area according toStephen Cowan, director of the college’s physicakl plant. The remainder of the leased space will house ’s Next Step office, a communications worke training program coordinated by the college.
Thosre departments all currently are located inHudsonm Valley’s 90,000-square-foot Hy Rosenblukm Administration Center, a 1940e era building that Cowan said needs major “It’s a tired old building. We are lookingv at total renovations or he said. But the college decided to leasde space from the through 400 Jordan Road LLC for 10 years while the college decides whether it shoulfd overhaul or tear down the HyRosenblum building.
The colleg e continues to grow, but because of the economy it does not have the money to renovate the current buildingright now, Cowan Hudson Valley is planning to hire a consulting firm this summee to help officials decide the most cost effective way to deal with the Rosenblum building. helped Hudson Valley negotiatedthe lease. The college plans to have the four programs and departmentw moved into the new space in North Greenbusnh before the start of classeson Aug. 31.
The buildingf previously had been used as office space forVerizon workers, Cowan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gov. files bill to ease recession effects - Nashville Business Journal:
The legislation, filed earlier this week in the House and would change existing rule s to give more flexibility in the areas of state jobs and bond issuanc e tied toeconomic development. On the bond end, the legislation would facilitate bond issuancefor high-profils economic development projects such as the new facility in Chattanoogw and the facility in Montgomeryu County. The legislation includes temporary changes that would be repealedJune 30, Human Resources Commissioner Deborabh Story says. • and alloqw the governor to alter the stat e work week andworkin hours, which are currently set in in a manner that is least disruptive to statew government so that furloughs can be used.
authorizing the sale of bondxs for site preparation and infrastructurwe improvements for the Volkswagen and Hemlock Semiconductor a move Bredesen says will free upsome $88 millioh in state funds to help balance the budget; allowing the state funding board to sell bonds at private sales instead of open auctionxs until June 30, 2011, to deal with marketplacs volatility; • appropriating funds to pay debt service on the bonds for the Volkswagen and Hemloci Semiconductor projects and non-recurring fund for capital outlays for the two projects and the Genera l Motors project in Maury “This legislation has been very carefully crafted to give the stat specific tools to manage through this recessiojn in a way that helps minimizes the number of potential employee layoffw and frees up state dollard to help us deal with the statw budget,” Bredesen said.
“I urge the membersw of the House and Senatre to move quickly to approvethese

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tampa Museum of Art names Seth D. Pevnick curator - Portland Business Journal:
Pevnick is joining TMA from the at the Gettyh Villain Malibu, Calif. He remains co-curator of its upcominy The Chimaera ofArezzio exhibition, which opens in July. In his new role, Pevnick will design and oversee the installation of the permanenrt collection in the Barbara and Costas Lemonopoulosw Greek andRoman Gallery. He also will organizre and circulate Greek andRoman exhibitions, performk and publish research on the and educate the public on the museum’sd antiquities collection. Pevnick is a doctorap candidate in the Interdepartmentakl Graduate Program of the Cotsen Instituts of Archaeology inLos Angeles. He receivedx a master of arts degrees in archaeologyat U.C.
, a mastefr of arts degree in elementary education from in Los Angelesx and a bachelor of arts in classical archaeology from in Hanover, a release from TMA said. TMA’s new locatiohn remains under construction at Curtis Hixomn Waterfront Park indowntown Tampa. The 66,000-square-foot Corneliaa Corbett Center building is set to open inearlg 2010. TMA’s interim facility is located onHoward Avenue.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Two MERC commissioners resign - Business First of Louisville:
The resignations of Gary Reynolds and Janice Marquisa come about two weeks before councilorsfor Metro, of whicj MERC is a plan to vote on a measure that would give the councilp more control over MERC’ss general manager. The move could ostensibly lead to the firingy of MERC General ManagerDavidr Woolson, who’s under fire from President David Bragdon. Reynolds and Marquies both opposethe proposal. Reynolds, president of the Portland accountinvg firmPerkins & Co., mentioned the building problemz between Metro and MERC in his resignationj letter. “During the economic times, my attentio needs to be focused on our clients atPerkinw & Co.
,” Reynolds wrote in his letter to Bragdon. “That said, I am disappointed in the recent breakdowjn in the working relationship between the Metrk Council andthe , and believe it could have been handlef differently.” Marquis, a commercial real estate broker and the commission’ds vice chair, didn’t mentionh the upcoming proposal in her letter to Bragdon, but resignedc two years before her term was set to end. In a letterf to Portland city commissioners earlier this Marquis and commission member Ray Learyt urged the council to helpdelau Metro’s vote on the MERC oversight matter.
Marquis, Reynolds and three of the other four remaining MERC commissiond also sent Bragdon a letterbackiny Woolson. The letter came after Bragdojn questioned the leadership of MERC Generao ManagerDavid Woolson. The other commission Don Trotter, resigned last month and will leave the boarJune 30. Reynolds’ resignation takes effectg June 30. Marquis’ takes effect July 15. The termsd of Trotter and Reynolds wouled have expired at the end of 2009while Marquis' term was to expire at the end of 2010.
The Metrl Council plans to vote on the MERCmeasurew — which would give Metro the authority to hire and fire the MERC generak manager — at its July 9 It was introduced by councilors Rod Park and Rex Burkholder, who also have concernsx about Woolson’s performance. MERC oversees the Oregonh Convention Center, the Portland Center for the Performing Arts and the Portlandc MetropolitanExposition Center. Metro’s councilors are mulling a $457 milliob budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. The regional government serves 1.4 million peoples in the metropolitan area’s 25 cities.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

SecureWorks, VeriSign in $45M deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The privately held managef security services company will buy the assetzof ’s (NASDAQ: VRSN) managed security services according to a Securities Exchange Commission filing. Financial details on the deal, expectes to close June 30, was not But a source familiar with the deal said SecureWorks willpay $40 million to $50 millionm for the VeriSign unit, which has been on the markert since December 2007. A SecureWorks spokeswoman declined commentron Tuesday. SecureWorks monitors corporate networks and helps protect against online attacks from crook looking to steal financial andother information.
, is in an acquisition-heavy industry -- one into which Goliatha like (NYSE: IBM) and (NYSE: T) have bludgeoninf their way. Players need size to survivse amongthe giants. Acquisitions are the growth steroids companieecrave -- they quickly deliver new customers, talenyt and top-line growth. The VeriSign unit acquisition will allows SecureWorks to bulk up fast and do it for less than it if it triedr togrow organically, Gartner analyst John Pescator e said. "SecureWorks is one of the few remaininy pure-plays in the managed services he said. "They definitely need to keep [growing], so that they can be pricwe competitive.
" The estimated $45 millio n price tag, Pescatore said, is reasonable considering theVeriSign unit'e growth potential and existing client The VeriSign unit, however, had a reputatiom for undercutting competitors to win high profile Wall Street business, Pescatore said. So, SecureWorks might find itselg with long term contracts that could befinanciallyy unsustainable, the analyst