Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Judge sets date for Davis hearing - Houston Business Journal:

James Davis will appear before U.S. District Judge Davif Hittner and is expected to ente a guilty plea to charges of conspiracy tocommiy fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justic e in connection with his alleged role in masterminding a $7 million Ponzoi scheme. Davis is the former roommate of R. Allenj Stanford, the Houston financier who headed the now dismantledcStanford empire. Davis could face as much as 30 yearx in prison and has agreedd to forfeit property worth as muchas $1 billionj as part of his deal with prosecutors. The judge also invited commentss regarding Davis and his plea deal from thosd claiming to be victims of the Ponzi to be delivered in person atthe Aug.
6 hearingy or as written statements. Commentsz can be made online at the Web site at by calling Pam Washingtonat 1-888-549-3945 or by e-mail to victimassistance.fraud@usdoj.gov. Victimz wishing to appear in court to make theird statement must alsocontact Washington. The deadliner for comments is July 31. Stanford, 59, was charged separately in the case afte r being indicted by a Houstohgrand jury, and is scheduledr to go to trial Aug. 25. He and four others chargefd have pleadednot guilty. Separately, the judge on Wednesdayh issued an order denying a transfer motionby Stanford’s attorney, Dick DeGuerin.
DeGuerin had requesting that Stanfords be transferred from the Joe Corley Dentention Center in Conroe to a federal detention center in Houston while heawaita trial.

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