Tuesday, September 25, 2012

E Ink to be bought for $215 million - Boston Business Journal:

“Combining E Ink and PVI creates a single public company that is dedicated to electronic saidRussell J. Wilcox, co-founder, President and CEO of E Ink “With a common ownership we can get closer to customerxs aroundthe world, streamline the supplgy chain, and speed up new producty development.” E Ink has raised more than $150 mostly from a group of strategicd investors that include newspaper publisher , MOT) and (Nasdaq: INTC). Sony (NYSE: SNE) and Amazon.com Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) turned to E-Inlk earlier this year to provide the displayx fortheir e-books — the Sony Reade and the Amazon Kindle 2.
E Ink’sx product is a thin and flexible film packed with The molecules can be manipulates to produce imagesand text. It looks much like a printe page. The 12-year-old company’s revenue has grown exponentially, placiny it in the top 10 of the BostonBusiness Journal'w 2008 list of the fastesr growing private companies in Massachusetts. E Ink posted revenue of approximatelhy $41 million in 2008, a more than 140 percentt increase overthe $17 million in revenues it saw in 2007. It’s seen revenue growth of 720 percent over the pastthree years. A big increase in businessa came in July 2007 and was drivemn by the marketing push of Sony around its Wilcox said.
By the end of that Sony released an updated version of the Reade and Amazon released the first version ofthe Kindle. The including the latest version, has enjoyed some populart press and endorsementsfrom celebrities, includinf Oprah Winfrey. In the process the e-book as gainedf marketshare. Today e-books have about a 3 percent market penetration. “E-bookx have moved from something everyone was skepticaklabout ... to now if you get on an you have pretty good chance ofseeinb e-books being used in the Wilcox said in a recent BBJ interview. The road map for 2009 includesx e-books with different size The big market at the momentis publishing, Wilcox said.
But that couled mean spreading into the realms of textbooks and Wilcox said the company will add some jobs to keep apacedwith demand, probably between 10 to 20 positiones this year.

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