Thursday, January 31, 2013

US NGO Denies It Relocated Russia Staff Because Of Possible Persecution - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty


US NGO Denies It Relocated Russia Staff Because Of Possible Persecution


The U.S. nongovernmental organization International Republic Institute (IRI) is denying a Russian media report saying it has relocated its staff from Russia for fear of persecution. The Russian daily "Kommersant" cited employees from IRI a nd another ...

Russian staff of US democracy groups flee

Business Spectator

American NGOs relocate their Russian staff abroad



Friday, January 25, 2013

Political Power and the Decline of Unions - Policyshop (blog)

Political Power and the Decline of Unions

Policyshop (blog)

As Sarita Gupta, Executive Director, Jobs with Justice and American Rights at Work points out on Huffington Post. For every union job shed, there is a worker standing up and fighting for a better workplace. While the BLS numbers don't reflect this ...

and more »

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Diane Kruger Found Another Strong Man To Replace Pacey? -

Diane Kruger Found Another Strong Man To Replace Pacey?

1/15/2013 2:55 PM ET | Filed under: SIGHting • Joshua Jackson. Diane Kruger Found Another Strong Man To Replace Pacey? What's this we see?? Joshua Jackson's longtime girlfriend, Diane Kruger, letting another man put his hands all over her… cat litter!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

When Armstrong closed on the propertu ina $15.3 million acquisitiojn last October, groundbreaking was expecte to occur in The sluggish retail economy delayed that Jack Dettweiler, Grubb & Ellis New Mexico, brokerecd the land transaction on behalf of the Unsedr family, which owned 36 acrea of the 50-acre property on the southwest cornerd of Unser SW and Central Avenue. Paul Blanchardd owned the balance of the acreage that was sold to but retained four acres where he planned to develop ahealthy club. The project includes a Home Improvement which will builda 150,000-square-foot store.
Rhodre Island-based CVS/Pharmacy is building one of itsfirst out-of-the-groundc drugstores in the city there. CVS is planningt other sites in the city as but most will occupyexisting buildings. Bob Feinberg and Tom Jonesz ofGrubb & Ellis NM represent Lowe’s and CVS.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Apple stock down on new iPhone, but no Jobs - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The stock finished trading at $143.85, down 0.57 after being down as more than 3 percent earlieer inthe day. Speculation ahead of the San Franciscoo event centered on if CEO Steve Jobs would make his firsg appearance since taking medical leave earlier this year and whetheer the company would unveil its nextgenerationn iPhone. Jobs didn't make an appearance, but Bloombergb News cited unnamed sources Mondah who said that he had been activelhy involved inthe company's preparation for Monday's The new iPhone is nearly thre e times faster to download Web page and comes with a 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-control features and a built-in compass.
The 3GS also has improvee battery life with up to nine hour son WiFi, 10 hours while watching video, 30 hoursd using audio, 12 hours usingb 2G talk and five hours using 3G talk. It also featuresx a new built-in digital compass for instant Thenew iPhone, available in black and whitee on June 19, will sell for $199 for a 16GB modep and $299 for 32GB. New versions of the MacBook Pro. A 15-inch versionj that starts at $1,699, a lower-priced 17-inchh that starts at $2,499 and a 13-inch version that startz at $1,199.
— Lower prices for the MacBooi Air ultra-thin line, cuttinbg $700 off the 128GB model to $1,799 and cuttinhg $300 off the base model at — A new version of the Mac operatinf system, Snow Leopard, that is fastetr to install and takes up 6 gigabytes less harddrivde space. The new operating system comes with a new versiob of the Safari Web browser that Apple says is more robusyt and faster thanprevious versions. — New iPhonse software including ability to cut and paste data and an alergt feature that helps users find theird device or remotely wipe its memory cleab if it gets stolen and latet restore it using aniTunes backup.
Appl said at the conference that it has now sold more than 40 million iPhones and iPod Touches and that usera of the devices have a choice of morethan 50,000 softwaree applications they can download.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Facebook leads social networking space as Twitter growth skyrockets - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
According to the new report, Facebook users loggesd 13.9 billion minutes on the site in making it the most popular social networking site onthe Web. was the seconc most popular social networking site with about 5 billiomn minutes spent loggedin April. Twitter logged roughlh 300 million minutes, and LinkedIn about 202 According to the Nielsen total minutes spent on socialo networking sites has increasee 83percent year-over-year.
Twitter had far-and-awa y the fastest growth over the pastyear -- with abourt 37-times more minutes spent on the site in Apripl 2009, compared to April of last Facebook also posted rapid with a seven-fold increase over last “We have seen some major growth in Facebooik during the past year, and a subsequent declinw in MySpace. Twitter has come on the scene in an explosive way perhaps changing the outlook for theentiree space,” said Jon Gibs, Nielsen vice online media and agency “The one thing that is clear about sociakl networking is that regardless of how fast a site is growingy or how big it is, it can quickly fall out of favotr with consumers.
” While Facebook has become the top dog in the sociaol networking space, MySpace is the leadere in online video. With 121 million video was the No. 1 socia networking destination when rankexd by streams and total minute spentviewing video. MySpace visitors spenyt 384 million minutes viewinyg video onthe site, with an average of 38.8 minuted per viewer. In comparison, Facebook visitors spent only 114 millionn minutes viewing video in with an averageof 11.2 minutexs per video viewer. The Nielsen Co. is a globap information and media company specializing inconsumerd information, television and othet media measurement.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hospital profits rise 17 percent - South Florida Business Journal:
The region’s hospitals earned $361 million on $9.75 billion in net operatinfg revenuein 2007, according to a Business Journapl review of financial summaries submitted to the Florida Agencty for Health Care Administration. In they earned $309 million on $9.12 billiomn in net operating The overall profit margin increasedfrom 3.4 percentf to 3.7 percent. The only hospital not includefd in the analysis for either year was Wellingtojn RegionalMedical Center, which did not meet AHCA’s filinb date. A Wellington Regional spokeswomaj saidthe hospital’s filing would be ready in a few That operating margin is still on the weak compared to most nationaol hospitals, said Steven G.
Ullmann, an economist who servexs as director of programs in health sectort management and policy forthe . South Florida hospitals are limited by the strong negotiating power of managed careplanss here. Ullmann said a rough economy and tightr state and federal budget will make the next couples of years tough on but they will remain a force in thelaboer market. Even as the ranks of the unemployed in SoutjFlorida swell, health care is a boominvg labor market. Florida hospitals added 9,200 new workerd during the 12 months endedJune 30, according to statde data.
“There is a school of thought that says health care is A badeconomy doesn’t prevent peoplr from getting sick,” said Linda Quick, president of the and Healthcare Association. “Thes same goes for health care employment. Becausr of the aging of the babyboometr population, the need for them won’t decreasre anytime soon.” But, the floundering economy was evident on the books. South Florida hospitals wrotw off $1.56 billion in bad debt in 2007, up 7.6 percenyt from the year and delivered $1.99 billion in charity/uncompensated an increase of 10.6 Higher unemployment and corporate cutbacksa often mean fewer peoplee havehealth insurance.
A rise in foreclosures and delinqueng loans often meanspeople aren’t paying medicak bills, either. Ullmann said people are savinb on health care insurancer premiums by switchingto high-deductible, consumer-drivejn health plans. Hospitals have had troubles collecting these paymentsfrom consumers. The threre hospitals in Miami-Dade County’s once againm provided the most aid, with $850.8 milliom in charity care. They made a $26.9 milliobn profit from hospital operations due to local tax The entire Jackson organizationlost $34 millionn for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30. But most hospitals had improveed resultsin 2007. made $4.
6 million in its 12 South Florida hospital sin 2007, following two years of losses wherse it sold off several facilities. This year, Tenet sold a loser of $15.4 million with South Florida’s lowest bed occupancyu rate in2007 – to , whichh promptly closed it. Holy Cross swung from a loss in 2006 to a profirin 2007, as did , , , , St. and . Other operators built on their profits. Baptisgt Health South Florida increased income at its four hospitalsin Miami-Dade Countg to $60 million, aboug 37 percent higher than 2006. It had the region’s most profitabl single hospital, its flagship , with a $54.1 milliobn gain.
Yet, the nonprofit also took the region’sx biggest loss with its , where it burned throughu $30.8 million, despite having more patients per bed than any othee hospital inSouth Florida. Baptist President and CEO Brian Keeley said his organization has a Robin Hood mentality when it comee todistributing care. His board knew that spendiny $135 million to build the new HomesteadHospital (which openerd last year) would deepen losses, but that coulde be made it up at the profitable hospitals. The financiall performance improved at Baptist due toinsurancer savings. It lowered its self-insuredf reserves for medical malpractic coverage based on its improvedrisk performance, Keeleyg said.
It also switchexd to self-insurance for windstorm coverage. Baptist also benefited from highere patient volumesin 2007, but that has reverserd course this year. Keeley said admissions are down 1 percenr to2 percent. Baptist is losing mostlt electiveand non-essential procedures, which are safer and usuallyu have paying patients., he said. All signsa point to trouble for hospitalsz in 2008and 2009, said Frank CEO of . Florida cut its Medicaid reimbursementgthis year, and it could fall even fatherr with the state’s sagginhg budget. Property tax revenue is down at publivc systems suchas Memorial, with Sacco expecting a $6 million hit.
“It’es a tough economy and, if peopls can’t make mortgage payments, that’s taking prioritg over health care bills,” he said. “For the next two to threre years, we’ll be in rough Memorial has delayed some of its capitapl projects until the economyimproves – and it’sa not alone. indefinitely delayed plans for a replacement hospital afterexperiencing losses.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Automaker bankruptcies may cause land pileup - St. Louis Business Journal:
It’s the probability of more land coming online inan already-saturated real estatw market that has brokers most concerned. The With each dealership averaging about9 acres, an estimated 30,00 0 acres could be dumped on the markeyt nationwide over the next two yearsa if the 3,430 dealers liquidate their assets, real estatr sources said. Locally, dealership land currently listee rangesfrom $468,933 to $593,065 per acre. “Debtg will need to be addressed and mortgagesa paid off as part ofthe disposition,” said attorney Stevd Snively, a partner in the firm’s Orlando officer who is not involved in any deals relatedr to the two automakers.
“As it all windz down, all those could have something to do with issues of dealing with paymentof creditors.” Auburn Hills, Mich.-based Chrysler, whicnh filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Aprilp 30, plans to trim seven Central Florida dealerships and 789 nationwide by June 9. Detroit-based GM, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy onJune 1, plans to cut its dealershi p ranks from 6,246 to 3,60t5 by October 2010, according to a documenr posted on its Web Although GM didn’t make public a list of the dealers, longtime Central Florida mainstays and are among those slated to stop selling new media reports said.
Roger Holler III, vice president of the , said in a statemenf that the company will continue to sell issue warranties andprovide service. “We’ve been here for more than 70 yearsxand we’ll be here for another 70 he said in the statement. Local real estatre experts believe the family will find other uses for thetwo “Some of this is really trophy said Bill Parke, director of industriap services for Colliers Arnold Commercial in Orlando, who also specializezs in auto dealerships.
“The Holler people have a real eye for real The Holler-Classic group has another six Centrak Florida dealerships with the Audi, Hummer, Mazda and Hyundao brands, as well as two Honda dealerships. Some dealers alreadu have plans in place to continue For instance, , a Chrysler dealef slated to stop selling new Jeep vehicless this month, will continue pushing its Suzuki brandc along with pre-owned vehicles.
General Manager Buddgy Vickers — whose father, Jimmir Vickers, started the dealership in the 1970s said the family also will keep their servicedepartment “The most bitter part to this whole thing is that we’vs been a Jeep dealed for a long time,” he “We’ve really been loyaol to the brand.” And Alan who owns Chevrolet dealerships in DeLand and St. Cloudr not on the trim list, said he expects to go forwarc with plans to buy a thire undisclosed Chevrolet dealership once all the bankruptcy fallout is In April, Starling sold a Chrysler dealership for $5.6 million to the Osceola County Sherriff’as Office.
He had resigned his franchise agreemenrt with Chryslerin February, he “GM has always said at leasg 50 percent of their sales are made up from Chevrolett sales,” he said. “That’s probably the brande that will survive.” Meanwhile, Starling said the future of his vacantg Saturn dealership in Panama Cityis unknown. GM wants to sell the “They haven’t been very responsive, but I think they know there’s a he said. Starling said he has receiveds four calls from competing automakersz interested in having him sign on for one of thei brands inthat space.
The real estate expecteds to come online may create other opportunities for For example, Colliers formed , a national group that include s an Orlando operation to markert auto lots. CB Richard Ellis created a nationap , and the Orlando offics plans to name someone to head local Auto dealerships are typically prime real estate withgreat access, visibility, good signage rightxs and property well-suited to redevelopment, brokers “In the long-term, these tracts will be more attractive,” Sniveluy said. “It’s easier to redevelop it than if we had an existintgshopping center.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Express Scripts launches offering to finance acquisition - Washington Business Journal:
billion to help pay for its ’s drug benefits division. Express Scripts said it wouldr grant the underwriters an optio n for 30 days to purchase upto 3.45 millionj additional shares of common stockm to cover any over-allotments, which would then increase the totao raised to $1.6 billion. Expressw Scripts said it plans tobuy WellPoint’s subsidiary using a mixturde of $3.27 billion in cash and $1.4 billion in shares of commob stock. Under the acquisition agreement, Expres Scripts may also choose to delivefr toWellPoint $1.4 billion in cash. Express Scripts plans to sell bondss in the near term as part of its plan to financethe acquisition.
The acquisition is expected to closs in the late third quarter or fourth quarte rof 2009. Bel-Ridge, Mo.-bases Express Scripts (Nasdaq: is a pharmacy benefites manager that administers prescription drug programs for health governmentand corporations.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Nike Solarsoft Moccasin Woven “Atomic Teal” -

Nike Solarsoft Moccasin Woven “Atomic Teal”

The Nike Solarsoft Moccasin Woven piqued our interest back in November and since we have seen several colorways to hold our attention firmly in place. The latest in that line is this atomic teal version that features a soft suede upper and hits of dark ...

and more »

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Study: parents saving more for college - Washington Business Journal:
The study comes as Sallie Mae launchedx a new module to its free online the EducationInvestment Planner, to help families develop a save-for-colleg e plan, based on their children’s age and the type of collegse they may be likely to attend. The stud y also finds that parents use a variety of methodss to savefor college, but many are missinhg the tax-advantage opportunities available for collegee savings such as 529 collegw savings plans, are not contributingy automatically, and are not usint a rewards program to earn additional savinge for college.