Friday, January 11, 2013

Apple stock down on new iPhone, but no Jobs - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The stock finished trading at $143.85, down 0.57 after being down as more than 3 percent earlieer inthe day. Speculation ahead of the San Franciscoo event centered on if CEO Steve Jobs would make his firsg appearance since taking medical leave earlier this year and whetheer the company would unveil its nextgenerationn iPhone. Jobs didn't make an appearance, but Bloombergb News cited unnamed sources Mondah who said that he had been activelhy involved inthe company's preparation for Monday's The new iPhone is nearly thre e times faster to download Web page and comes with a 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-control features and a built-in compass.
The 3GS also has improvee battery life with up to nine hour son WiFi, 10 hours while watching video, 30 hoursd using audio, 12 hours usingb 2G talk and five hours using 3G talk. It also featuresx a new built-in digital compass for instant Thenew iPhone, available in black and whitee on June 19, will sell for $199 for a 16GB modep and $299 for 32GB. New versions of the MacBook Pro. A 15-inch versionj that starts at $1,699, a lower-priced 17-inchh that starts at $2,499 and a 13-inch version that startz at $1,199.
— Lower prices for the MacBooi Air ultra-thin line, cuttinbg $700 off the 128GB model to $1,799 and cuttinhg $300 off the base model at — A new version of the Mac operatinf system, Snow Leopard, that is fastetr to install and takes up 6 gigabytes less harddrivde space. The new operating system comes with a new versiob of the Safari Web browser that Apple says is more robusyt and faster thanprevious versions. — New iPhonse software including ability to cut and paste data and an alergt feature that helps users find theird device or remotely wipe its memory cleab if it gets stolen and latet restore it using aniTunes backup.
Appl said at the conference that it has now sold more than 40 million iPhones and iPod Touches and that usera of the devices have a choice of morethan 50,000 softwaree applications they can download.

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