Tuesday, November 2, 2010

AccuStrata wins $150,000 in federal stimulus funds - Washington Business Journal:

, which is housed in the Universityof Maryland’s Technology Advancement Program incubator, is receivingv the Department of Energy funds for a one-yeafr time frame to test out a singler concept federal leaders think coulds shine more light on the solar photovoltaic After developing a system that wringa even more power out of solar cells, the companhy is tasked by DOE to refine its optical monitoring system for solar photovoltaics to improvee their processes and cut their costs.
The idea is to fashionj new technology that could be rolled out on the solad photovoltaic market in the next two to six Company researchers have been focused onimproving thin-film solar cell manufacturin g to potentially double the amoungt of solar power that can be converted into energy 20 percent of a sun’s rays, rather than today’z norm of 10 percent — in the procesa ringing up more revenue for solar panel manufacturers and bringingv down costs for consumers.
AccuStrata, which must supply matching funds through thisstimulusa grant, is one of roughly two-dozenn technology companies nationwide accepting Recovergy Act checks totaling $22 million to researc h or demonstrate projects that can help speed the use of solart photovoltaics to generate electricity. The federal agency’s goal is for the solae technology to contribute equally to the power gridby 2015.

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