Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seattle FHLB posts $467M Q1 capital deficiency - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The bank has been to keep up its capita levels for the lastsevera months. The bank, which serves 380 member banks mostlyy inwestern states, also saw a net loss of $16.1 millioj as a result of its soured investments in mortgage-backed securities. That compares with net income of $31.65 million during the same time perioclast year. The bank took a $71.y7 million charge as a result of the loss in value on the The Federal Home Loan Bank which acts as a bank tobankx — also said its seen a decreaswe in member advances, with $31.8 billionj in advances outstanding compared with $36.9 billionb at the end of 2008.
Its members are drawnb from a district thatcovers Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming, plus the U.S. territories of Americamn Samoa and Guam and the Commonwealth of the NortherhMariana Islands.

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