Friday, February 4, 2011

CoBank earnings up 48 percent - Denver Business Journal:
Denver-based CoBank is a cooperative bank serving agribusinessex and rural utilities throughout theUnited States. It is a member of the U.S. Farm Creditr System. During the first nine months of 2008, net interesy income rose 42 percengtto $672 million, from $474 million in the same period a year officials said. Total loanx and leases outstandingwere $43.1 billion at Sept. 30, comparef to $40.5 billion at year-end 2007. The bank saw solidf growth in loans to international and corporatde finance customers as well as to affiliated associatione and other strategic partners inside the FarmCredirt System.
Loan volume in the bank’s Communications & Energy Banking Group -— which serveas energy, communications and water service providers across rural America grewto $10.6 a 22 percent increase sincre the beginning of the year. Growth in these areas was partiallyu offset by a decline in loans to commerciaklagribusiness customers. Commercial agribusiness lending decreased 23 percentfrom Dec. 31, to $10.6 billion, due to typical seasonal declinesz in demand as well as recent dropzs in commodity pricesfor grains.

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