Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fidelity Investments carves out space at Mesa del Sol - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The Fidelity campus will house an expansion ofthe company's humabn resources services. The facility shoulf be completed inlate 2008. "Fidelity's selectioh of this location for a major facility reflects its greart confidence inNew Mexico's work force and the quality of life providedx at Mesa del Sol," said Michael president of Mesa del Sol developefr . "The announcement by Fidelity has the potential to change the city of Albuquerque and the economy of NewMexicl forever," he added. "This means that there will be good-payiny jobs for New Mexico's college graduates.
It's goingb to have a positive and far-reachinh effect on Mesa del Sol, the surroundinv community andthe state." A Mesa del Sol officialk said the annual salary range for most jobs will run from abour $37,000 to $65,000. The Fidelit news comes just three days after an announcementby Gov. Bill Richardsom that another large company, German-based , woulde build a $100 million, 200,000-square-foot production facility at Mesadel Sol, housinhg an initial 350 workers. No homes have been builgt yet at Mesadel Sol, though its manufacturinh and commercial sector are growinvg fast with companies such as and employing hundreds there.
The news this week about the two addition to Mesadel Sol, however, has expedited residential Grading for the first homes is expectedf to begin in March.

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