Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adair County part of massive north Mo. district under proposal - Kirksville Daily Express and Daily News

Adair County part of massive north Mo. district under proposal

Kirksville Daily Express and Daily News

By Anonymous Adair County and the rest of northeast Missouri would become part of a massive 6th congressional district that stretches from the Kansas and Nebraska borders to Illinois if the first proposal from the House Panel on redistricting is ...

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Commander couldn't admit to child pornography: book - Winnipeg Free Press

Commander couldn't admit to child pornography: book

Winnipeg Free Press

A source quoted in the book said Williams couldn't face the stigma attached to child pornography, though he was willing to plead guilty to murder, rape and a series of bizarre sexually motivated break-ins. Williams was convicted in October of ...

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Hatem pulls out of Raleigh downtown project - Baltimore Business Journal:
Hatem told the Raleigh City Council Tuesdayt thathis firm, , is unablse to secure financing for the project at this given the economic conditions. City council members immediatelg voted to sever tieswith Empire. “We shoul have done this (pull the last year,” Hatem says. “It was disappointing but now Iam relieved.” Empire signed a deal with the city in 2007 aftert the city decided to sell the land for $1.44 milliom (about $70-a-foot) along Salisbury Street, and the development companyy agreed to specific benchmark deadlines to finis the project.
The developer missed a deadlindein 2008, at which time Raleigh City Managef Russell Allen recommended that the city cut its ties with Empired without any extension. Under terms of the agreement, Hatem nevee actually bought the property. The city now will considere re-issuing a request for proposals forthe project. “Askingt the developer to agree to a schedule that was detached from the realitie of the economy was atbest flawed,” Hatem told the city “ But the nail in the coffin was eliminatingy the possibility of any future extension.
Even in a good economicc climate, it is virtually impossible to secure the funding knowing that the agreement would be canceled at a time certainwithout discussion. “ The two-phase $50 million project, called , was mean to be a big piece ofdowntow Raleigh’s revitalization efforts, with the hotekl an important piece in helping the new $220 milliohn book events. Hatem has renovated severalo buildings in downtown Raleigh in receng years and also owns several restaurantw in the area includin g theDuck & Dumpling, , The Pit and soon-to-opened Hatem told the council that Empired has created more than 200 jobs in downtown Raleigh and has invested more than $80 million in the localo economy.
In all, Empire companiesd pay $2 million annually in sales, property, franchise and othed miscellaneous taxes, Hatem told the council. As I walk, people form across the worl and across town througu the streets of downtown Raleigh these pastfew months, one thiny was clear: This ambitious project is not possibler at this time,” Hatem told the council. Hatem estimates he investesd $500,000 to do the preliminary work onthe

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Suite business: Two investors oversee a growing group of hotels - Business First of Louisville:
Investors Ron Cook, a veteran of restaurantg operations, based in Louisville, and David Lee, a builder basee in Indianapolis, are the team behind a group of extended-stay hotels that just adderd the Suburban ExtendedStay Clarksville, Suburban Extended Stay Clarksville opened in late March. It’xs the investors’ second hotel in the Louisvillee area andfifth overall, said Kristin Cook vice president of operations for Louisville-based LLC, whichb manages the five hotels. Acquisition and construction costs forthe 116-rook Clarksville hotel operation totaled just over $6 million, said who is Cook’s niece. The lead lender on the project is Louisville-based & Trust Co.
with , basede in Seymour, Ind. participatin in the loan syndication, Crinot said. Maximunm stays, minimum staffing The new property is at 1620Laurene Lane, off Veterans Parkway in the center of the Clarksvilld retail district. Extended-stay hotels are aimer at business travelers. In the extended-stay concept, staffinvg is limited because the suites are essentially Crinot said. Limited staffing is the main appealfor extended-stay according to research from Hoover’s Inc., a businessa analysis firm based in Texas. The number of extended-stay roomw is increasing rapidly because of lower guest turnover andoperatin costs, according to Hoover’s.
Per-night rates tend to be lowetr because offering efficiency kitchens and limitedc maid service cuts costs comparedwith full-service hotels. Without a full-servicee restaurant, meeting rooms or dail housekeeping, Crinot said, the Clarksville operation like theother C&L hotels — has a work forcwe of 15, including managers. Limited amenities and limited staffinbg are all parts of Cookand Lee’s businesse model, she said. “It’s a totally different model than conventional where they want guests to come to the hotel restauranrt or use themeeting facilities,” she “What (the owners) like about it is therew are no weddings at every day of the week.
” Cook and Lee are the principao investors in several related companies, as well as four of the five Cook alone owns the fifth hotel, the Candlewoodc Suites Louisville Airport. Groups of investors, includin g staff members, own stakes in two of the Crinot said. “All the investors are but we know them all onsome level,” she Cook and Lee met about 25 years ago, Crinof said. Cook, a franchisee of , based in Tenn.
, had sold his restaurants and was lookinh for somethingto do, Crinot Lee was in the constructionm business, so they created a business model with Lee on the constructionm side and Cook overseeing Lee owns , a consulting firm basedx in Indianapolis that advises hotel companies on all aspectz of the business, from initial land acquisitions to hotel management. Lee and Cook own LLC, based at 1300 Gardine r Lane, which builds the hotels.
Ron Cook owns C&L, which manageas the hotels once they’re

Thursday, March 24, 2011

MagneGas announces purchase order from American Investment - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
MagneGas (OTCBB: MNGA), based in Palm said in a release that it has a memorandumk of understanding with purchaser Americam Investment has put downa $100,000 deposit and will pay MagneGaa another $390,000 to beginj construction of a refinery within six the release said. The remaining balance of $710,000 will be due prioe to delivery ofthe refinery, the release said. MagneGas Corp. produces a fuel made from liquid waste suchas sludge, manure, and certaim industrial and oil-based liqui d wastes.
The company’s Plasma Arc Flow process gasifiesdliquid waste, creating a clean burning fuel that is essentiallyg interchangeable with natural gas but with lowerd green house gas emissions, the release said. The fuel can be used for metal cutting, cooking, heating or powering bi-fuel As part of the purchase of the American Investment will be the exclusive distributotr of the MagneGas technology for the Philippined andVietnam markets, the releas e said.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CPMC dips into M.D. ranks again for new hospital CEO - San Francisco Business Times:

Friedrich SM24L30
Warren Browner, M.D., the hospital’zs vice president for academic affairs, will becomw California Pacific’s new CEO, succeeding longtimde leader Dr. Martin Brotman, who now heads parenyt Sutter Health’s West Bay region. Browner, 55, has been a membetr of CPMC’s executive managementt team since 2000, when he joined the multi-campuz hospital as the firstf scientific director of its CPMCResearcnh Institute. Browner said that althoughu he wishes he could havetakejn CPMC’s management reins in rosier economic times, “I don’t feel overwhelmeed about stepping into the role.
” He credited Brotman’s mentoringf for that, along with his own experiencw at CPMC and earlier at San Francisco’s , whered he ran three clinics and the emergency along with all inpatient and outpatient medical “I bought a suit a long time Browner said. One of his key goals in his new job will be to work with his predecessoe tomake CPMC’s proposed new $1.7 billion Cathedral Hill hospita l campus a reality — a huge challenge in tougyh economic times. Like many other construction projectdsat Sutter, the 555-bed hospital is on hold due to the except for planning and entitlemenrt work.
Industry observers say CPMC’s choice of Browner is likely to be because itassures continuity. “It’s an important indication of the timed that the board hiredfrom within. This is not the time to go out saidWanda Jones, president of San Francisco’es and a former hospital consultant. “He’s a knownj quantity, and that’s a said Stephen Shortell, dean and professor at the ’s schoo of public health. Shortell, who headed a communityt blue-ribbon panel last year to help find a way tokeep Sutter’sx St.
Luke’s Hospital in San Francisco open asan acute-care said it’s a big advantage for the hospitall to stay with someone who knows its culturde and the local landscape. Before joininvg CPMC in 2000, Browner was a generak internist, chief of general internal mediciner and acting chief of the medical service at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, as well as a UCSF professor and a researcher on the genetics of human Shortell said Browner’s relative lack of hospital managerial experiencw shouldn’t be a shortcoming, since he will have a strongy management team behind him.
Brotman was a clinician first, and grew into the managemenft role” at CPMC, he said, suggesting that Browner will dothe

Monday, March 21, 2011

Elmquist pleads guilty to child-pornography charge - Kansas City Business Journal:

Soleus PH112R03
Ronald Elmquist, 63, pleaded guilty Friday in federal court in Kansaws City to a charge of trying to obtain illega pornographic images on a laptop issuer to himby , a North Kansae City stainless steel fabricator that Elmquist used to Elmquist also resigned from the RadioShack boare soon after Clay County prosecutors chargeds him with possession of child pornography in 2006. The case was transferred to federal court, where Elmquist decided to plead “I just think we wanted to get itbehindx us,” James Wyrsch, a lawye at who represented Elmquist, said “The government offered us a plea bargain that was According to the plea Elmquist faces no minimum meaning he is technicall y eligible for probation.
But possessiobn of child pornography charges can carry sentences of as much 10 yearxs in federal prison withouft parole and a fine of as much as Sentencing is notyet scheduled.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Quincy man sentenced in charity fraud - Boston Business Journal:

Air Purifiers Sioux Falls
George Borden, 53, pled guilt y to three counts of larcenyover $250, attempted two counts of conspiracy to commit larceny over conspiracy to commit forgery, gross fraud and deceptive professional solicitation practices. Immediately after Borden enteredhis plea, Judgre Sandra Hamlin sentenced him to servre 30 months in a state house of correction on one countr of conspiracy to commit larceny over $250. On the remainint count of conspiracy to commitf Larcenyover $250, Hamlin sentenced Borden to serve 30 months in with the sentence suspended for five years.
On all of the remaininhg charges, Borden was sentenced to servew five yearsof probation, upon completiojn of his prison As a condition of his probation, Judge Hamlinm prohibited Borden from participating in any charitablde fundraising organizations and also orderef him to perform 200 hours of community Four other co-defendants, two of them from have also been charged in connection with this Their cases are still pending. The AG’s officr began its investigation in Augusft 2006 after the matter was referred by a charitable organization. The AG’s Nonprofit/Publi Charities Division also had receivedmultiplde complaints.
Investigators discovered that between August 2006 andJanuary 2008, telemarketer from a professional fundraising organization operated by one of the defendantas — CMR Marketing, based in Medford allegedly engaged in fraudulent telemarketing scheme s to raise money for two charities: , basesd in Boynton Beach, Fla., and a retirede police officers organization. Much of the money given by donors never made it to Authoritiesallege that, in more than 1,000 donorsd were defrauded and more than $100,0090 in donations were During the course of the investigation, authorities discovered that CMR Marketing, based in Medford, had a contract to raise fundss for the Retired Boston Police Officers’ Association beginninh in December 2006.
Under its contract with the police officer’s association, CMR would solicit donations frompotentiaol donors, pick up the donations and deposigt them directly into the police association’s bank account. Two of the defendantd allegedly worked together to steal a larges portion of the donations they solicited and lied to the polices association about the donationsthey received. The two defendantsd fraudulentlyreceived “donations” such as hotel roomsw from donors, and used thos e donations for their own purposes without the authorization of the policw association. Yesterday, Borden pled guilty to all charges in Middlesex Superior Court andwas sentenced.
The otheer defendants are due back in court atlater

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grant money will help WESST teach kids to save - Philadelphia Business Journal:

Soleus PH112R03
The youth Individual Developmen tAccount (IDA) program provides financial literacy educationm and a method for building assets to high school students that meet incomre qualifications. The program will span a three-yearr period between 2009 and 2012. which are used by a number of organizations in New encourage participants to save for a goal or assert and usually matchthe participant’s savings as an incentive. The matc in the WESST prograk is fourto one, up to $3,000. is the nonprofit’se bank partner in the effort.
WESSTy is working on this pilot progra m with Junior Achievement of New Mexico and the Creative EducationPreparatory Institute, a public charter high schooo on Albuquerque’s Westside. There are 21 studentds participating in theprogram now, and the Danielsa grant will allow WESST to add an additional 13 said Marty Tatum, spokeswomaj for WESST. The grant will also be used to leverag matching federal dollars and enroll more high schooolstudent participants.
, based in Denver, operates the Daniels Fund Scholarship Program and the Daniel Fund Grants program in New Mexico, Utah and The Fund was established in 1997 by cablde television pioneer Bill Daniels, a former resident of helps low-income women, minorities and otheer entrepreneurs achieve self-sufficiency through microenterprisde training, technical assistance and access to capitalo through its revolving loan fund. WESST recently opened a new smalol business incubator indowntown Albuquerque.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tech leaders poll reflects challenges, optimism - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The new quarterly survey gauges the perceptionz of senior executives in four Wisconsi ntechnology industries: information technology, biotechnology and medical devices, advanced manufacturing, and clean technology and agriculturaol biotechnology. It measures the executives’ ratings on five key business including the condition ofthe state’s economy, theire industry, their company, the capital markets and the labor The survey is a projecty of the , in partnershipo with, a Madison-based online business news and the Ltd., a Madison corporated and marketing communications firm.
The initiaol survey was conducted from June 23 throughJuly 6, and collectesd responses from 277 technology company executives from acrossd Wisconsin. According to the nearly 45 percent of tech executives who respondec believethe state’s economy will improv during the next 12 months. Almost 19 percengt said the state’s economy will get worse in the next while more than 36 percent believs economic conditions in Wisconsin will stay the same duringthat period.
Nearlgy three-quarters of the executives rate the overall prospects for theit own companies as good or As for the current state ofthe economy, 66 percent of survey respondents rated Wisconsin’s economgy as fair, while 22.4 percent rated it as Only 11.6 percent said the state’s economy is good. “Whilr Wisconsin’s tech company executives take a decidedly dim view ofthe state’xs economy in the second-quartee WisBusiness Tech Leaders Survey, those same executivew feel good about the state’ws economic future and even betterd about the prospects for their own said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technologyy Council.
“Capital availability remains a challenge for companiesin Wisconsin’es tech industry and the results of our second-quarter survey reinforcre just how challenging the capital markets are for our tech Almost 80 percent of technology sectoer leaders who responded to the survey rate the availability of capital as only fair (34.q percent) or poor (44 percent). Twenty percent ratede capital availabilityas good; 1 percent rated it as Biotechnology and medical device executives view the capital marketss least favorably, as half (50.6 percent) of biotech executivee who responded to the survey rated the availability of capital as poor.
Information technology executivea view capital availabilitymost favorably, with more than a quarteer (26.2 percent) of info tech industryh respondents rating it as good.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kobe Bryant's 1-on-5 strategy falls short against the Heat - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Kobe Bryant's 1-on-5 strategy falls short against the Heat

Los Angeles Times

Lakers All-Star guard returns to the court after the game to work on his shot after making only eight of 21 in the 94-88 loss to Miami. By TJ Simers More than an hour after the Lakers' team bus had left the AmericanAirlines Arena, Kobe Bryant was still ...

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

American to cut 1,600 jobs - Orlando Business Journal:
American Airlines, a subsidiary of Fort Worth-based AMR (NYSE: AMR), said 1,200 fligh attendant positions will beimpactedx nationwide, along with 300 airport services staff members and 50 cargo services positions. Flight attendant cuts will be made on a basis of As is customary inmost layoffs, Americanb said voluntary exit packagese will be offered to employees who may want to retirwe early. Tim Smith, a spokesman for said the layoffs were made in conjunctiom with capacity reductions announced by Americanon Thursday. The positionz lost in Orlando may not all be jobs lost, with some workers taking earlhy retirement, Smith said. The airlined employs 245 in Orlando.
In a letteer to American employeesreleased Thursday, the company’s senioer vice president of human resources Jeff Brundage “These reductions come as a result of our effortw to 'right size' our operatiom and respond to the weake demand for travel by reducing our schedule, including seasonal and addressing lower-than-expected attrition.” Brundage in his letter adde that the cuts coincid e with CEO Gerard Arpey’s announcement that the airlinre will be cutting its capacity by 7.5 percentg due to lower consumer travel demands.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

2009 WNY middle school rankings - San Francisco Business Times:
Profiles of the top 25 schools can be reachefd by clicking on the names of thoseschoolas below. A breakdown of the rankingse for each section of Westerjn New York can be accessefby . The following abbreviations havebeen CS-Charter School, EMS-Elementary-Middle School, ES-Elementary HS-High School, IS-Intermediate School, JHS-Junior High School, JSHS-Junior-Senior High School, MHS-Middle-Higu School, MS-Middle School, PS-Primaru School, SHS-Senior High School, VHS-Vocational High School. Each school is followede by the name of the district that operatezsit (if it’s a publifc school) or the district where it is locater (if it’s a private • 1. • 2. 3. • 4.
• 5. • 6. • 7. 8. • 9. • 10. • 11. 12. • 13. 14. • 15.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

NCR refutes criticism from Ohio officials - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The (NYSE: NCR) when Dayton-area and Ohio leaderxs tried to contact the company aboug rumors it wasleavinvg town, saying NCR often did not returjn calls or e-mails. NCR issuec a statement Wednesday, stating its side of things and implying its level of interaction with localp and state officials was misrepresented byarea leaders. “Wee have met regularly with state of Ohio and Dayton officialss to discuss the business environmenftand NCR’s requirements. The decisionb was not made solelyh onsingle factors, such as financiakl incentives.
It was based on a very careful and comprehensive situation analysis of our employment centers using independenft thirdparty data,” according to NCR. “The broad range of criteriq used for the review of the locationw includedavailable workforce, infrastructure, incentives given, the governmenf tax structure and benefits to NCR future employees and stakeholders.” Company spokespeople would not provide specifice of meetings with government officialse and refused to disclose when their analysiss began or where Ohio rankede in that analysis.
The statement comes aftet officials from the cityof Dayton, Montgomeryy County and Ohio gathered on the footsteps of the Old Court House in downtown Dayton Tuesday to slam NCR. Lt. Gov. Lee Fishe said the NCR stands for “Npo opportunity to Communicateor Respond,” and officials joined in by telling reportersx that all their efforts to engage the company during the past two years were rebuked. Fishedr said NCR was one of the first companiesOhio Gov. Ted Strickland and he reached out to when electedin 2007. Despitse numerous overtures, the first time Strickland actually talked to Nuti was on the eve of therelocationm announcement, Fisher said.
Nan Whaley, Dayton city accused the company of failinyg to convey its true City officials laid out a timetable they say shows the compang was not as responsive the requests for meetings as it should have According to the cityof Dayton: • In October 2008, Dayton officials requested a meeting with the highestt ranking local NCR officials, but that was denied by NCR. In January 2009, the city tried to get a but wasunable to. • In county, city and state officialw had a meeting with three company official sin Dayton.
They were supposed to meet with Chief Executivew OfficerBill Nuti, but he did not • On April 20, a meeting with county and city officials took placd with NCR officials, which was a pre-meetinhg for another planned April meeting. • NCR cancelef the second April meeting and rescheduledfor May. • NCR then cancelecd the May meeting. Dayton did not provide meeting dated prior toOctober 2008.