Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CPMC dips into M.D. ranks again for new hospital CEO - San Francisco Business Times:

Friedrich SM24L30
Warren Browner, M.D., the hospital’zs vice president for academic affairs, will becomw California Pacific’s new CEO, succeeding longtimde leader Dr. Martin Brotman, who now heads parenyt Sutter Health’s West Bay region. Browner, 55, has been a membetr of CPMC’s executive managementt team since 2000, when he joined the multi-campuz hospital as the firstf scientific director of its CPMCResearcnh Institute. Browner said that althoughu he wishes he could havetakejn CPMC’s management reins in rosier economic times, “I don’t feel overwhelmeed about stepping into the role.
” He credited Brotman’s mentoringf for that, along with his own experiencw at CPMC and earlier at San Francisco’s , whered he ran three clinics and the emergency along with all inpatient and outpatient medical “I bought a suit a long time Browner said. One of his key goals in his new job will be to work with his predecessoe tomake CPMC’s proposed new $1.7 billion Cathedral Hill hospita l campus a reality — a huge challenge in tougyh economic times. Like many other construction projectdsat Sutter, the 555-bed hospital is on hold due to the except for planning and entitlemenrt work.
Industry observers say CPMC’s choice of Browner is likely to be because itassures continuity. “It’s an important indication of the timed that the board hiredfrom within. This is not the time to go out saidWanda Jones, president of San Francisco’es and a former hospital consultant. “He’s a knownj quantity, and that’s a said Stephen Shortell, dean and professor at the ’s schoo of public health. Shortell, who headed a communityt blue-ribbon panel last year to help find a way tokeep Sutter’sx St.
Luke’s Hospital in San Francisco open asan acute-care said it’s a big advantage for the hospitall to stay with someone who knows its culturde and the local landscape. Before joininvg CPMC in 2000, Browner was a generak internist, chief of general internal mediciner and acting chief of the medical service at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, as well as a UCSF professor and a researcher on the genetics of human Shortell said Browner’s relative lack of hospital managerial experiencw shouldn’t be a shortcoming, since he will have a strongy management team behind him.
Brotman was a clinician first, and grew into the managemenft role” at CPMC, he said, suggesting that Browner will dothe

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