Friday, March 18, 2011

Quincy man sentenced in charity fraud - Boston Business Journal:

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George Borden, 53, pled guilt y to three counts of larcenyover $250, attempted two counts of conspiracy to commit larceny over conspiracy to commit forgery, gross fraud and deceptive professional solicitation practices. Immediately after Borden enteredhis plea, Judgre Sandra Hamlin sentenced him to servre 30 months in a state house of correction on one countr of conspiracy to commit larceny over $250. On the remainint count of conspiracy to commitf Larcenyover $250, Hamlin sentenced Borden to serve 30 months in with the sentence suspended for five years.
On all of the remaininhg charges, Borden was sentenced to servew five yearsof probation, upon completiojn of his prison As a condition of his probation, Judge Hamlinm prohibited Borden from participating in any charitablde fundraising organizations and also orderef him to perform 200 hours of community Four other co-defendants, two of them from have also been charged in connection with this Their cases are still pending. The AG’s officr began its investigation in Augusft 2006 after the matter was referred by a charitable organization. The AG’s Nonprofit/Publi Charities Division also had receivedmultiplde complaints.
Investigators discovered that between August 2006 andJanuary 2008, telemarketer from a professional fundraising organization operated by one of the defendantas — CMR Marketing, based in Medford allegedly engaged in fraudulent telemarketing scheme s to raise money for two charities: , basesd in Boynton Beach, Fla., and a retirede police officers organization. Much of the money given by donors never made it to Authoritiesallege that, in more than 1,000 donorsd were defrauded and more than $100,0090 in donations were During the course of the investigation, authorities discovered that CMR Marketing, based in Medford, had a contract to raise fundss for the Retired Boston Police Officers’ Association beginninh in December 2006.
Under its contract with the police officer’s association, CMR would solicit donations frompotentiaol donors, pick up the donations and deposigt them directly into the police association’s bank account. Two of the defendantd allegedly worked together to steal a larges portion of the donations they solicited and lied to the polices association about the donationsthey received. The two defendantsd fraudulentlyreceived “donations” such as hotel roomsw from donors, and used thos e donations for their own purposes without the authorization of the policw association. Yesterday, Borden pled guilty to all charges in Middlesex Superior Court andwas sentenced.
The otheer defendants are due back in court atlater

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