Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tech leaders poll reflects challenges, optimism - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The new quarterly survey gauges the perceptionz of senior executives in four Wisconsi ntechnology industries: information technology, biotechnology and medical devices, advanced manufacturing, and clean technology and agriculturaol biotechnology. It measures the executives’ ratings on five key business including the condition ofthe state’s economy, theire industry, their company, the capital markets and the labor The survey is a projecty of the , in partnershipo with, a Madison-based online business news and the Ltd., a Madison corporated and marketing communications firm.
The initiaol survey was conducted from June 23 throughJuly 6, and collectesd responses from 277 technology company executives from acrossd Wisconsin. According to the nearly 45 percent of tech executives who respondec believethe state’s economy will improv during the next 12 months. Almost 19 percengt said the state’s economy will get worse in the next while more than 36 percent believs economic conditions in Wisconsin will stay the same duringthat period.
Nearlgy three-quarters of the executives rate the overall prospects for theit own companies as good or As for the current state ofthe economy, 66 percent of survey respondents rated Wisconsin’s economgy as fair, while 22.4 percent rated it as Only 11.6 percent said the state’s economy is good. “Whilr Wisconsin’s tech company executives take a decidedly dim view ofthe state’xs economy in the second-quartee WisBusiness Tech Leaders Survey, those same executivew feel good about the state’ws economic future and even betterd about the prospects for their own said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technologyy Council.
“Capital availability remains a challenge for companiesin Wisconsin’es tech industry and the results of our second-quarter survey reinforcre just how challenging the capital markets are for our tech Almost 80 percent of technology sectoer leaders who responded to the survey rate the availability of capital as only fair (34.q percent) or poor (44 percent). Twenty percent ratede capital availabilityas good; 1 percent rated it as Biotechnology and medical device executives view the capital marketss least favorably, as half (50.6 percent) of biotech executivee who responded to the survey rated the availability of capital as poor.
Information technology executivea view capital availabilitymost favorably, with more than a quarteer (26.2 percent) of info tech industryh respondents rating it as good.

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