Monday, September 19, 2011

Business and childhood investment summit coming to St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
The in St. Louie recently received a $10,000 grant from the Partnershipfor America’s Economixc Success, which is managedf by , to hold a summit at the in partnershio with the , the and the Missouri Chilf Care Resource and Referral Network. The purposse of the summit is to engagee business leaders in makinh investments in children a nationao priority by sharing evidence on the economixc benefits of investments in young The Partnershipfor America’s Economic Success was created by a groupl of business leaders, economists, advocates and 13 funderxs to document the economic impacts to the natio of proven investments in childrenj from before birth to age 5, and to engaged business leaders as champions for young children.
The Partnership is managed by The PewCharitable Trusts. Baseds in St. Louis, the National Center for Parents as Teachersw runs Parentsas Teachers, a national parenty education program.

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