Thursday, September 8, 2011

Human Capital: People on the move, June 22 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
promoted Mark Whalen to executive vice based in its main officein Needham. who has nearly 28 years of banking industry is the former presidengt and CEOof . He joined Needha m Bank in March of 2007 when the twoinstitutionxs merged. The law firm of LLP in Bostohn added Robert Brady as senior of counselo in the banking and financiaolservices practice. Brady was most recently a vice presidenty inthe supervision, regulation and credit department of the . G.T. Reilly & Co. , a Milton-based accounting firm, promoted Jayme Fitzgeralsd to accounting andauditing supervisor. She joine d the firm in 2003. hire d Lynnette Best as prograjm andevent coordinator.
She previousluy worked for TD Banknorth Gardemn as a communityrelations coordinator.

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