Sunday, October 23, 2011

Colorado gets $376K in Aventis settlement - Wichita Business Journal:
Under the settlement, Aventis -- a unit of U.S. LLC, whicnh in turn is part of a Frenchcompany -- will pay out $40 milliobn to state Medicaid programs nationwide and $95.5 million overall. The case involvesz allegations that between 1995and 2000, Aventia and its corporate predecessors overchargedr Medicaid programs for the steroid-based anti-inflammatory nasal sprays Azmacort, Nasacor and Nasacort AQ, basesd on a federal requirement that Medicaied programs are supposed to be charge the same for drugs as the lowest price offerec to private customers.
"Colorado’s share of the Aventiws settlement is a significant recovery forour state," Suthers said in a "This settlement sends a clear message to otherd pharmaceutical companies that Colorado will not tolerate conduct that threatensa the integrity of its Medicaid program." Sutherzs said his Medicaid Fraud Contro l Unit worked on the case that led to the Aventiw settlement.

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