Monday, October 17, 2011

Ohio National Guard gets $8.5M in stimulus funds - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
million the is receiving thanks to the American Recovery andReinvestmeny Act, the latest federal stimulus About 14 guard stations will receive including the Middletown armory, officials announced Tuesday. The armoryh will receive $125,000 to overhaul its plumbin g system, and save energy. Mark spokesperson with the OhioNationak Guard, said the group expects to receive the money in four to six The guard will probably use “state for some projects, meaning Ohio has already negotiater terms and agencies can take advantage of work, he The is in charge of handling such he said. Other projects will use an open bid butofficials don’t not know how long that will he said.
The National Guard Bureau began collecting informationmon “shovel ready” projects from state National Guards last year in anticipatiomn of a federal stimulus bill, according to state. Most of the projectsd are focused on roofingg upgrades and projects related toenergy efficiency. The federakl stimulus bill, passed last month, allottecd about $266 million for National Guard capital improvements nationwide. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland praisex the bill andguarfd funding. “Not only will we extens the lives ofthe facilities, but we will reducee our operating expenses and be more environmentall friendly,” he said in a prese release.

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