Saturday, October 1, 2011

UnitedHealth subsidiary launches short-term plans - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Indianapolis-based Golden Rule Insurance Co., part of Minnetonka-based UnitedHealth, said Tuesdahy that it is introducing its Short Term Medical Plus and Shorgt Term Medical Value plans in 19stateds — Minnesota isn’t one of them, as state law prohibites for-profit insurers. In Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texaz and Wisconsin, consumers can choose from one to 12 monthsw of coverage with either ofGolden Rule’ new short term plans. In Arizona, Indiana, Ohio and Virginia, one to six months of coveragsis available.
“Especially in today’s economy, there is a need for budget-consciouds health plans for individuals and families who suddenly find themselve s without health insurance through work or Golden Rule CEORichard A. Collins said in a news Golden Rule also offeres short term health plans in 15other states: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, New New Mexico, South Carolina, South West Virginia and Wyoming.
Individual insurancw plans are a growing market for health insurance companies as the recession causes workerds to losetheir jobs, and companies to scalr back on benefits, causing more people to seek the All three of Minnesota’s majotr insurers — Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, and HealthPartners — have been . One of them, even geared toward laid off workers.

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