Thursday, November 24, 2011

KC chamber backs smoking ban - Kansas City Business Journal:
The chamber said Monday that it now supports a smoking ordinance that would prohibit smokintg in all enclosedpublic places, including bars and restaurants. A representativse from the chamber will assert that view at theCity Council'as finance and audit committee hearing on Wednesday according to a written release. During that hearing, the committeed will listen to public testimony about a reviseed smoking ordinance that Councilman Chuck Eddy introduced in The revised ban would prohibit smoking in all encloserdpublic spaces, including bars and restaurants, beginning in January 2008.
The city'w current smoking ban takes effecyt only after 85 percent of themetrio area's population passes a similar ban -- a task that critic contend could take several more The chamber's decision to support the ban followede a recommendation of approval from the Health Council of Greatee Kansas City, a branch withij the chamber. Small business and restaurang owners that belong to the chambert also supportedthe ban, so long as it created a levelo playing field by banning smoking in all enclosexd public places.
"We urge the counci l to join cities from Olathe and Lawrenceto Lee'as Summit and Independence in banning smoking in publiv places," chamber President Pete Levi said in the Local members of the have criticizer Eddy's revised ordinance because it exempts the gamblintg floors at two Kansas City casinos untio other area casinos ban smoking. Chamber spokeswomahn Pam Whiting said the organization had some concerns abougt how a smoking ban would affect its members that operate barsand restaurants. But most of thosse members supportthe ban, she said. "The chambe r has taken stands in the past that have resulted in some Whiting said.
"Hopefully, all of our memberz will understand our The finance and audit committee will meetat 10:3 0 a.m. Wednesday in City Hall. The City Council considered the revisecd ordinance atits Nov. 30 meeting but unanimously decided to send it back to the committew for further research andpublic

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