Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Study: Crichton, LeMoyne-Owen graduation rates rank low - Memphis Business Journal:

Crichton is tied for fourth worst in the categoryh with a 19 percent graduation while LeMoyne Owen ties for 10th at22 percent. The nationwidr average graduation rate is54 percent. The study arrangesx 1,385 schools into six categories of entrance difficulty ranging from to “most competitive.” Then, using data from the , the studt ranks the schools by likelihoodc of graduation over a six-year period. According to the report, “Thwe South has the dubious distinction of housing institutions with some of the lowest graduation ratea inour sample.
” ’s rate of 44 percenf ties for third worst graduation percentage amongy “very competitive” schools in the South. Sewanee: The places thire highest amongthe South’s “highly competitive” schoolsz with 78 percent, and ranks as fourth highesg in the “most competitive” field with a 91 percenft graduation rate. The graduates 34 percent of its , 57 percent; and , 73 percent. The Tennessee stated average is 48.5 percent.

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