Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Survey: Charlotte lags Raleigh in fitness - Charlotte Business Journal:
The survey ranked the Raleigh-Cary area as 20th in fitnesds among the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in the United The Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord region came in 34th. The annualp ranking surveys health factors, including the percentages of thoses whoare obese, smoked and have chronic illnesses such as asthmqa or diabetes. It also factorws in how frequently people exercise and the percentage of the populationn withhealth insurance. Community and environmentall indicators are considered as including the number of parks and playgroundszper capita, farmers markets and percentage of peoplwe who bicycle to work.
According to the survey, the Charlottde area’s strengths included a lower percentagwe of individualswith disabilities, diabetes and Challenges included higher unemployment and fewer swimming pools, parks, golf coursex and tennis courts per capita. The top five metrol areas in the reportwere D.C.; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Denver; and San Francisco. The bottoj five were Houston; Las Birmingham, Ala.; Detroit; and Oklahoma Okla.

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