Monday, April 23, 2012

Baltimore traffic 18th-worst in the nation, Texas Transportation Institute study finds - Baltimore Business Journal:
That number is unchanged from 2006, according to he “Urba Mobility Report” a study conductec by the , a unit of the The year 2007 is the most recentf for which dataare available. Each Baltimore drivedr spent an average of 44 houras in trafficin 2007, according to the Baltimore drivers also used up 41.8 millionb more gallons of fuel in 2007 than they wouldr have if it were not for traffic delays, the reportt estimates. That’s also the 16th-worst rate in the Overall, traffic congestion in Baltimore cost anestimatec $1.3 billion in the 16th-most in the nation, according to the study The traffic-jam champion is car-happy Los Angeles-Lonf Beach-Santa Ana, Calif.
, where motorists speny 485 million hours idling in 2007, the TTI studyh says. L.A. is followed by New Chicago, Atlanta and Miami. The average for 90 large urba areas studied by TTIis 39.9 million hours of travel The report did find that travelere nationwide spent 1.3 fewer hours in traffif in 2007 compared with 2005. That’d the first decline since researchers began conducting the reporftin 1982.

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